2 research outputs found

    Essential Simplices in Persistent Homology and Subtle Admixture Detection

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    We introduce a robust mathematical definition of the notion of essential elements in a basis of the homology space and prove that these elements are unique. Next we give a novel visualization of the essential elements of the basis of the homology space through a rainfall-like plot (RFL). This plot is data-centric, i.e., is associated with the individual samples of the data, as opposed to the structure-centric barcodes of persistent homology. The proof-of-concept was tested on data generated by SimRA that simulates different admixture scenarios. We show that the barcode analysis can be used not just to detect the presence of admixture but also estimate the number of admixed populations. We also demonstrate that data-centric RFL plots have the potential to further disentangle the common history into admixture events and relative timing of the events, even in very complex scenarios

    Harmonic Persistent Homology

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    We introduce harmonic persistent homology spaces for filtrations of finite simplicial complexes. As a result we can associate concrete subspaces of cycles to each bar of the barcode of the filtration. We prove stability of the harmonic persistent homology subspaces under small perturbations of functions defining them. We relate the notion of "essential simplices" introduced in an earlier work to identify simplices which play a significant role in the birth of a bar, with that of harmonic persistent homology. We prove that the harmonic representatives of simple bars maximizes the "relative essential content" amongst all representatives of the bar, where the relative essential content is the weight a particular cycle puts on the set of essential simplices.Comment: 35 pages, 5 figures. Comments welcom