8,873 research outputs found

    Convergence and Optimality of Adaptive Mixed Finite Element Methods

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    The convergence and optimality of adaptive mixed finite element methods for the Poisson equation are established in this paper. The main difficulty for mixed finite element methods is the lack of minimization principle and thus the failure of orthogonality. A quasi-orthogonality property is proved using the fact that the error is orthogonal to the divergence free subspace, while the part of the error that is not divergence free can be bounded by the data oscillation using a discrete stability result. This discrete stability result is also used to get a localized discrete upper bound which is crucial for the proof of the optimality of the adaptive approximation

    Convergence of an adaptive mixed finite element method for general second order linear elliptic problems

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    The convergence of an adaptive mixed finite element method for general second order linear elliptic problems defined on simply connected bounded polygonal domains is analyzed in this paper. The main difficulties in the analysis are posed by the non-symmetric and indefinite form of the problem along with the lack of the orthogonality property in mixed finite element methods. The important tools in the analysis are a posteriori error estimators, quasi-orthogonality property and quasi-discrete reliability established using representation formula for the lowest-order Raviart-Thomas solution in terms of the Crouzeix-Raviart solution of the problem. An adaptive marking in each step for the local refinement is based on the edge residual and volume residual terms of the a posteriori estimator. Numerical experiments confirm the theoretical analysis.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure

    Convergence and optimality of the adaptive nonconforming linear element method for the Stokes problem

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    In this paper, we analyze the convergence and optimality of a standard adaptive nonconforming linear element method for the Stokes problem. After establishing a special quasi--orthogonality property for both the velocity and the pressure in this saddle point problem, we introduce a new prolongation operator to carry through the discrete reliability analysis for the error estimator. We then use a specially defined interpolation operator to prove that, up to oscillation, the error can be bounded by the approximation error within a properly defined nonlinear approximate class. Finally, by introducing a new parameter-dependent error estimator, we prove the convergence and optimality estimates

    Convergence and optimality of the adaptive Morley element method

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    This paper is devoted to the convergence and optimality analysis of the adaptive Morley element method for the fourth order elliptic problem. A new technique is developed to establish a quasi-orthogonality which is crucial for the convergence analysis of the adaptive nonconforming method. By introducing a new parameter-dependent error estimator and further establishing a discrete reliability property, sharp convergence and optimality estimates are then fully proved for the fourth order elliptic problem

    Convergence and Optimality of Adaptive Mixed Methods on Surfaces

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    In a 1988 article, Dziuk introduced a nodal finite element method for the Laplace-Beltrami equation on 2-surfaces approximated by a piecewise-linear triangulation, initiating a line of research into surface finite element methods (SFEM). Demlow and Dziuk built on the original results, introducing an adaptive method for problems on 2-surfaces, and Demlow later extended the a priori theory to 3-surfaces and higher order elements. In a separate line of research, the Finite Element Exterior Calculus (FEEC) framework has been developed over the last decade by Arnold, Falk and Winther and others as a way to exploit the observation that mixed variational problems can be posed on a Hilbert complex, and Galerkin-type mixed methods can be obtained by solving finite dimensional subproblems. In 2011, Holst and Stern merged these two lines of research by developing a framework for variational crimes in abstract Hilbert complexes, allowing for application of the FEEC framework to problems that violate the subcomplex assumption of Arnold, Falk and Winther. When applied to Euclidean hypersurfaces, this new framework recovers the original a priori results and extends the theory to problems posed on surfaces of arbitrary dimensions. In yet another seemingly distinct line of research, Holst, Mihalik and Szypowski developed a convergence theory for a specific class of adaptive problems in the FEEC framework. Here, we bring these ideas together, showing convergence and optimality of an adaptive finite element method for the mixed formulation of the Hodge Laplacian on hypersurfaces.Comment: 22 pages, no figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1306.188
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