487 research outputs found

    A weakly convergent fully inexact Douglas-Rachford method with relative error tolerance

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    Douglas-Rachford method is a splitting algorithm for finding a zero of the sum of two maximal monotone operators. Each of its iterations requires the sequential solution of two proximal subproblems. The aim of this work is to present a fully inexact version of Douglas-Rachford method wherein both proximal subproblems are solved approximately within a relative error tolerance. We also present a semi-inexact variant in which the first subproblem is solved exactly and the second one inexactly. We prove that both methods generate sequences weakly convergent to the solution of the underlying inclusion problem, if any

    Solving Multiple-Block Separable Convex Minimization Problems Using Two-Block Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers

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    In this paper, we consider solving multiple-block separable convex minimization problems using alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM). Motivated by the fact that the existing convergence theory for ADMM is mostly limited to the two-block case, we analyze in this paper, both theoretically and numerically, a new strategy that first transforms a multi-block problem into an equivalent two-block problem (either in the primal domain or in the dual domain) and then solves it using the standard two-block ADMM. In particular, we derive convergence results for this two-block ADMM approach to solve multi-block separable convex minimization problems, including an improved O(1/\epsilon) iteration complexity result. Moreover, we compare the numerical efficiency of this approach with the standard multi-block ADMM on several separable convex minimization problems which include basis pursuit, robust principal component analysis and latent variable Gaussian graphical model selection. The numerical results show that the multiple-block ADMM, although lacks theoretical convergence guarantees, typically outperforms two-block ADMMs

    Parallel Selective Algorithms for Big Data Optimization

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    We propose a decomposition framework for the parallel optimization of the sum of a differentiable (possibly nonconvex) function and a (block) separable nonsmooth, convex one. The latter term is usually employed to enforce structure in the solution, typically sparsity. Our framework is very flexible and includes both fully parallel Jacobi schemes and Gauss- Seidel (i.e., sequential) ones, as well as virtually all possibilities "in between" with only a subset of variables updated at each iteration. Our theoretical convergence results improve on existing ones, and numerical results on LASSO, logistic regression, and some nonconvex quadratic problems show that the new method consistently outperforms existing algorithms.Comment: This work is an extended version of the conference paper that has been presented at IEEE ICASSP'14. The first and the second author contributed equally to the paper. This revised version contains new numerical results on non convex quadratic problem
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