296 research outputs found

    Using the Sharp Operator for edge detection and nonlinear diffusion

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    In this paper we investigate the use of the sharp function known from functional analysis in image processing. The sharp function gives a measure of the variations of a function and can be used as an edge detector. We extend the classical notion of the sharp function for measuring anisotropic behaviour and give a fast anisotropic edge detection variant inspired by the sharp function. We show that these edge detection results are useful to steer isotropic and anisotropic nonlinear diffusion filters for image enhancement

    Multigrid solvers for multipoint flux approximations of the Darcy problem on rough quadrilateral grids

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    In this work, an efficient blackbox-type multigrid method is proposed for solving multipoint flux approximations of the Darcy problem on logically rectangular grids. The approach is based on a cell-centered multigrid algorithm, which combines a piecewise constant interpolation and the restriction operator by Wesseling/Khalil with a line-wise relaxation procedure. A local Fourier analysis is performed for the case of a Cartesian uniform grid. The method shows a robust convergence for different full tensor coefficient problems and several rough quadrilateral grids.Francisco J. Gaspar has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie Skłodowska–Curie grant agreement no. 705402, POROSOS. The work of Laura Portero is supported by the Spanish project MTM2016-75139-R (AEI/FEDER, UE) and the Young Researchers Programme 2018 from the Public University of Navarre. Andrés Arrarás acknowledges support from the Spanish project PGC2018-099536-A-I00 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE) and the Young Researchers Programme 2018 from the Public University of Navarre. The work of Carmen Rodrigo is supported by the Spanish project PGC2018-099536-A-I00 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE) and the DGA (Grupo de referencia APEDIF, ref. E24_17R)

    A proof of convergence of a finite volume scheme for modified steady Richards’ equation describing transport processes in the pressing section of a paper machine

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    A number of water flow problems in porous media are modelled by Richards’ equation [1]. There exist a lot of different applications of this model. We are concerned with the simulation of the pressing section of a paper machine. This part of the industrial process provides the dewatering of the paper layer by the use of clothings, i.e. press felts, which absorb the water during pressing [2]. A system of nips are formed in the simplest case by rolls, which increase sheet dryness by pressing against each other (see Figure 1). A lot of theoretical studies were done for Richards’ equation (see [3], [4] and references therein). Most articles consider the case of x-independent coefficients. This simplifies the system considerably since, after Kirchhoff’s transformation of the problem, the elliptic operator becomes linear. In our case this condition is not satisfied and we have to consider nonlinear operator of second order. Moreover, all these articles are concerned with the nonstationary problem, while we are interested in the stationary case. Due to complexity of the physical process our problem has a specific feature. An additional convective term appears in our model because the porous media moves with the constant velocity through the pressing rolls. This term is zero in immobile porous media. We are not aware of papers, which deal with such kind of modified steady Richards’ problem. The goal of this paper is to obtain the stability results, to show the existence of a solution to the discrete problem, to prove the convergence of the approximate solution to the weak solution of the modified steady Richards’ equation, which describes the transport processes in the pressing section. In Section 2 we present the model which we consider. In Section 3 a numerical scheme obtained by the finite volume method is given. The main part of this paper is theoretical studies, which are given in Section 4. Section 5 presents a numerical experiment. The conclusion of this work is given in Section 6

    Multiscale mortar mixed finite element methods for the Biot system of poroelasticity

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    We develop a mixed finite element domain decomposition method on non-matching grids for the Biot system of poroelasticity. A displacement-pressure vector mortar function is introduced on the interfaces and utilized as a Lagrange multiplier to impose weakly continuity of normal stress and normal velocity. The mortar space can be on a coarse scale, resulting in a multiscale approximation. We establish existence, uniqueness, stability, and error estimates for the semidiscrete continuous-in-time formulation under a suitable condition on the richness of the mortar space. We further consider a fully-discrete method based on the backward Euler time discretization and show that the solution of the algebraic system at each time step can be reduced to solving a positive definite interface problem for the composite mortar variable. A multiscale stress-flux basis is constructed, which makes the number of subdomain solves independent of the number of iterations required for the interface problem, as well as the number of time steps. We present numerical experiments verifying the theoretical results and illustrating the multiscale capabilities of the method for a heterogeneous benchmark problem

    Modified Douglas Splitting Methods for Reaction-Diffusion Equations

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    We present modifications of the second-order Douglas stabilizing corrections method, which is a splitting method based on the implicit trapezoidal rule. Inclusion of an explicit term in a forward Euler way is straightforward, but this will lower the order of convergence. In the modifications considered here, explicit terms are included in a second-order fashion. For these modified methods, results on linear stability and convergence are derived. Stability holds for important classes of reaction-diffusion equations, and for such problems the modified Douglas methods are seen to be often more efficient than related methods from the literature

    Modified Douglas splitting methods for reaction–diffusion equations

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    We present modifications of the second-order Douglas stabilizing corrections method, which is a splitting method based on the implicit trapezoidal rule. Inclusion of an explicit term in a forward Euler way is straightforward, but this will lower the order of convergence. In the modifications considered here, explicit terms are included in a second-order fashion. For these modified methods, results on linear stability and convergence are derived. Stability holds for important classes of reaction–diffusion equations, and for such problems the modified Douglas methods are seen to be often more efficient than related methods from the literature

    Enabling Automated, Reliable and Efficient Aerodynamic Shape Optimization With Output-Based Adapted Meshes

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    Simulation-based aerodynamic shape optimization has been greatly pushed forward during the past several decades, largely due to the developments of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), geometry parameterization methods, mesh deformation techniques, sensitivity computation, and numerical optimization algorithms. Effective integration of these components has made aerodynamic shape optimization a highly automated process, requiring less and less human interference. Mesh generation, on the other hand, has become the main overhead of setting up the optimization problem. Obtaining a good computational mesh is essential in CFD simulations for accurate output predictions, which as a result significantly affects the reliability of optimization results. However, this is in general a nontrivial task, heavily relying on the user’s experience, and it can be worse with the emerging high-fidelity requirements or in the design of novel configurations. On the other hand, mesh quality and the associated numerical errors are typically only studied before and after the optimization, leaving the design search path unveiled to numerical errors. This work tackles these issues by integrating an additional component, output-based mesh adaptation, within traditional aerodynamic shape optimizations. First, we develop a more suitable error estimator for optimization problems by taking into account errors in both the objective and constraint outputs. The localized output errors are then used to drive mesh adaptation to achieve the desired accuracy on both the objective and constraint outputs. With the variable fidelity offered by the adaptive meshes, multi-fidelity optimization frameworks are developed to tightly couple mesh adaptation and shape optimization. The objective functional and its sensitivity are first evaluated on an initial coarse mesh, which is then subsequently adapted as the shape optimization proceeds. The effort to set up the optimization is minimal since the initial mesh can be fairly coarse and easy to generate. Meanwhile, the proposed framework saves computational costs by reducing the mesh size at the early stages of the optimization, when the design is far from optimal, and avoiding exhaustive search on low-fidelity meshes when the outputs are inaccurate. To further improve the computational efficiency, we also introduce new methods to accelerate the error estimation and mesh adaptation using machine learning techniques. Surrogate models are developed to predict the localized output error and optimal mesh anisotropy to guide the adaptation. The proposed machine learning approaches demonstrate good performance in two-dimensional test problems, encouraging more study and developments to incorporate them within aerodynamic optimization techniques. Although CFD has been extensively used in aircraft design and optimization, the design automation, reliability, and efficiency are largely limited by the mesh generation process and the fixed-mesh optimization paradigm. With the emerging high-fidelity requirements and the further developments of unconventional configurations, CFD-based optimization has to be made more accurate and more efficient to achieve higher design reliability and lower computational cost. Furthermore, future aerodynamic optimization needs to avoid unnecessary overhead in mesh generation and optimization setup to further automate the design process. The author expects the methods developed in this work to be the keys to enable more automated, reliable, and efficient aerodynamic shape optimization, making CFD-based optimization a more powerful tool in aircraft design.PHDAerospace EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/163034/1/cgderic_1.pd
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