2,078 research outputs found

    Error Rates of the Maximum-Likelihood Detector for Arbitrary Constellations: Convex/Concave Behavior and Applications

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    Motivated by a recent surge of interest in convex optimization techniques, convexity/concavity properties of error rates of the maximum likelihood detector operating in the AWGN channel are studied and extended to frequency-flat slow-fading channels. Generic conditions are identified under which the symbol error rate (SER) is convex/concave for arbitrary multi-dimensional constellations. In particular, the SER is convex in SNR for any one- and two-dimensional constellation, and also in higher dimensions at high SNR. Pairwise error probability and bit error rate are shown to be convex at high SNR, for arbitrary constellations and bit mapping. Universal bounds for the SER 1st and 2nd derivatives are obtained, which hold for arbitrary constellations and are tight for some of them. Applications of the results are discussed, which include optimum power allocation in spatial multiplexing systems, optimum power/time sharing to decrease or increase (jamming problem) error rate, an implication for fading channels ("fading is never good in low dimensions") and optimization of a unitary-precoded OFDM system. For example, the error rate bounds of a unitary-precoded OFDM system with QPSK modulation, which reveal the best and worst precoding, are extended to arbitrary constellations, which may also include coding. The reported results also apply to the interference channel under Gaussian approximation, to the bit error rate when it can be expressed or approximated as a non-negative linear combination of individual symbol error rates, and to coded systems.Comment: accepted by IEEE IT Transaction

    MGF Approach to the Analysis of Generalized Two-Ray Fading Models

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    We analyze a class of Generalized Two-Ray (GTR) fading channels that consist of two line of sight (LOS) components with random phase plus a diffuse component. We derive a closed form expression for the moment generating function (MGF) of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for this model, which greatly simplifies its analysis. This expression arises from the observation that the GTR fading model can be expressed in terms of a conditional underlying Rician distribution. We illustrate the approach to derive simple expressions for statistics and performance metrics of interest such as the amount of fading, the level crossing rate, the symbol error rate, and the ergodic capacity in GTR fading channels. We also show that the effect of considering a more general distribution for the phase difference between the LOS components has an impact on the average SNR.Comment: 14 pages, 8 Figures and 2 Tables. This work has been accepted for publication at IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. Copyright (c) 2014 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to use this material for any other purposes must be obtained from the IEEE by sending a request to [email protected]

    Digital communications over fading channels

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    In this report, the probabilities of bit error for the most commonly used digital modulation techniques are analyzed. Analytic solutions are developed for the probability of bit error when the signal is affected by the most commonly encountered impairment to system performance for a wireless channel, the transmission of the signal over a fading channel. In this report, the effect of a slow, flat Ricean fading channel on communications systems performance is examined. Since channel fading significantly degrades the performance of a communication system, the performance of digital communication systems that also use forward error correction channel coding is analyzed for hard decision decoding and, where appropriate, for soft decision decoding. Diversity, another technique to mitigate the effect of fading channels on digital communication systems performance, is also discussed. Also included is a discussion of the effect of narrowband noise interference, both continuous and pulsed, on digital communication systems. We then discuss the analysis of the probability of bit error for the combination of error correction coding and diversity. Following this, we briefly discuss spread spectrum systems. Next, we examine the link budget analysis and various models for channel loss. Finally, we examine in detail the second generation digital wireless standard Global System for Mobile (GSM).Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Performance Analysis of Coherent and Noncoherent Modulation under I/Q Imbalance

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    In-phase/quadrature-phase Imbalance (IQI) is considered a major performance-limiting impairment in direct-conversion transceivers. Its effects become even more pronounced at higher carrier frequencies such as the millimeter-wave frequency bands being considered for 5G systems. In this paper, we quantify the effects of IQI on the performance of different modulation schemes under multipath fading channels. This is realized by developing a general framework for the symbol error rate (SER) analysis of coherent phase shift keying, noncoherent differential phase shift keying and noncoherent frequency shift keying under IQI effects. In this context, the moment generating function of the signal-to-interference-plus-noise-ratio is first derived for both single-carrier and multi-carrier systems suffering from transmitter (TX) IQI only, receiver (RX) IQI only and joint TX/RX IQI. Capitalizing on this, we derive analytic expressions for the SER of the different modulation schemes. These expressions are corroborated by comparisons with corresponding results from computer simulations and they provide insights into the dependence of IQI on the system parameters. We demonstrate that the effects of IQI differ considerably depending on the considered system as some cases of single-carrier transmission appear robust to IQI, whereas multi-carrier systems experiencing IQI at the RX require compensation in order to achieve a reliable communication link
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