11 research outputs found

    Approximations of conditional probability density functions in Lebesgue spaces via mixture of experts models

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    Mixture of experts (MoE) models are widely applied for conditional probability density estimation problems. We demonstrate the richness of the class of MoE models by proving denseness results in Lebesgue spaces, when inputs and outputs variables are both compactly supported. We further prove an almost uniform convergence result when the input is univariate. Auxiliary lemmas are proved regarding the richness of the soft-max gating function class, and their relationships to the class of Gaussian gating functions.Comment: Corrected typos. Added new Section 6. Summary and conclusion

    Approximation of conditional densities by smooth mixtures of regressions

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    This paper shows that large nonparametric classes of conditional multivariate densities can be approximated in the Kullback--Leibler distance by different specifications of finite mixtures of normal regressions in which normal means and variances and mixing probabilities can depend on variables in the conditioning set (covariates). These models are a special case of models known as "mixtures of experts" in statistics and computer science literature. Flexible specifications include models in which only mixing probabilities, modeled by multinomial logit, depend on the covariates and, in the univariate case, models in which only means of the mixed normals depend flexibly on the covariates. Modeling the variance of the mixed normals by flexible functions of the covariates can weaken restrictions on the class of the approximable densities. Obtained results can be generalized to mixtures of general location scale densities. Rates of convergence and easy to interpret bounds are also obtained for different model specifications. These approximation results can be useful for proving consistency of Bayesian and maximum likelihood density estimators based on these models. The results also have interesting implications for applied researchers.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/09-AOS765 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Extending Mixture of Experts Model to Investigate Heterogeneity of Trajectories: When, Where and How to Add Which Covariates

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    Researchers are usually interested in examining the impact of covariates when separating heterogeneous samples into latent classes that are more homogeneous. The majority of theoretical and empirical studies with such aims have focused on identifying covariates as predictors of class membership in the structural equation modeling framework. In other words, the covariates only indirectly affect the sample heterogeneity. However, the covariates' influence on between-individual differences can also be direct. This article presents a mixture model that investigates covariates to explain within-cluster and between-cluster heterogeneity simultaneously, known as a mixture-of-experts (MoE) model. This study aims to extend the MoE framework to investigate heterogeneity in nonlinear trajectories: to identify latent classes, covariates as predictors to clusters, and covariates that explain within-cluster differences in change patterns over time. Our simulation studies demonstrate that the proposed model generally estimates the parameters unbiasedly, precisely and exhibits appropriate empirical coverage for a nominal 95% confidence interval. This study also proposes implementing structural equation model forests to shrink the covariate space of the proposed mixture model. We illustrate how to select covariates and construct the proposed model with longitudinal mathematics achievement data. Additionally, we demonstrate that the proposed mixture model can be further extended in the structural equation modeling framework by allowing the covariates that have direct effects to be time-varying.Comment: Draft version 1.7, 06/01/2021. This paper has not been peer reviewed. Please do not copy or cite without author's permissio

    Error bounds for functional approximation and estimation using mixtures of experts

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    We examine some mathematical aspects of learning unknown mappings with the Mixture of Experts Model (MEM). Specifically, we observe that the MEM is at least as powerful as a class of neural networks, in a sense that will be made precise. Upper bounds on the approximation error are established for a wide class of target functions. The general theorem states that inf kf; f nk p c=n r=d holds uniformly for f 2 W r(L) (a Sobolev class over [;1 � 1] p d), where fn belongs to an n-dimensional manifold of normalized ridge functions. The same bound holds for the MEM as a special case of the above. The stochastic error, in the context of learning from i.i.d. examples, is also examined. An asymptotic analysis establishes the limiting behavior of this error, in terms of certain pseudo-information matrices. These results substantiate the intuition behind the MEM, and motivate applications

    Error bounds for functional approximation and estimation using mixtures of experts

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    We examine some mathematical aspects of learning unknown mappings with the Mixture of Experts Model (MEM). Speci cally, we observe that the MEM is at least as powerful as a class of neural networks, in a sense that will be made precise. Upper bounds on the approximation error are established for a wide class of target functions. The general theorem states that kf; f nk p c=n r=d for f 2 W r p (L) (a Sobolev class over [;1 � 1] d), and f n belongstoann-dimensional manifold of normalized ridge functions. The same bound holds for the MEM as a special case of the above. The stochastic error, in the context of learning from i.i.d. examples, is also examined. An asymptotic analysis establishes the limiting behavior of this error, in terms of certain pseudo-information matrices. These results substantiate the intuition behind the MEM, and motivate applications