338 research outputs found

    Tensor and Matrix Inversions with Applications

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    Higher order tensor inversion is possible for even order. We have shown that a tensor group endowed with the Einstein (contracted) product is isomorphic to the general linear group of degree nn. With the isomorphic group structures, we derived new tensor decompositions which we have shown to be related to the well-known canonical polyadic decomposition and multilinear SVD. Moreover, within this group structure framework, multilinear systems are derived, specifically, for solving high dimensional PDEs and large discrete quantum models. We also address multilinear systems which do not fit the framework in the least-squares sense, that is, when the tensor has an odd number of modes or when the tensor has distinct dimensions in each modes. With the notion of tensor inversion, multilinear systems are solvable. Numerically we solve multilinear systems using iterative techniques, namely biconjugate gradient and Jacobi methods in tensor format

    Tensor Decompositions for Signal Processing Applications From Two-way to Multiway Component Analysis

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    The widespread use of multi-sensor technology and the emergence of big datasets has highlighted the limitations of standard flat-view matrix models and the necessity to move towards more versatile data analysis tools. We show that higher-order tensors (i.e., multiway arrays) enable such a fundamental paradigm shift towards models that are essentially polynomial and whose uniqueness, unlike the matrix methods, is guaranteed under verymild and natural conditions. Benefiting fromthe power ofmultilinear algebra as theirmathematical backbone, data analysis techniques using tensor decompositions are shown to have great flexibility in the choice of constraints that match data properties, and to find more general latent components in the data than matrix-based methods. A comprehensive introduction to tensor decompositions is provided from a signal processing perspective, starting from the algebraic foundations, via basic Canonical Polyadic and Tucker models, through to advanced cause-effect and multi-view data analysis schemes. We show that tensor decompositions enable natural generalizations of some commonly used signal processing paradigms, such as canonical correlation and subspace techniques, signal separation, linear regression, feature extraction and classification. We also cover computational aspects, and point out how ideas from compressed sensing and scientific computing may be used for addressing the otherwise unmanageable storage and manipulation problems associated with big datasets. The concepts are supported by illustrative real world case studies illuminating the benefits of the tensor framework, as efficient and promising tools for modern signal processing, data analysis and machine learning applications; these benefits also extend to vector/matrix data through tensorization. Keywords: ICA, NMF, CPD, Tucker decomposition, HOSVD, tensor networks, Tensor Train

    Overview of Constrained PARAFAC Models

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    In this paper, we present an overview of constrained PARAFAC models where the constraints model linear dependencies among columns of the factor matrices of the tensor decomposition, or alternatively, the pattern of interactions between different modes of the tensor which are captured by the equivalent core tensor. Some tensor prerequisites with a particular emphasis on mode combination using Kronecker products of canonical vectors that makes easier matricization operations, are first introduced. This Kronecker product based approach is also formulated in terms of the index notation, which provides an original and concise formalism for both matricizing tensors and writing tensor models. Then, after a brief reminder of PARAFAC and Tucker models, two families of constrained tensor models, the co-called PARALIND/CONFAC and PARATUCK models, are described in a unified framework, for NthN^{th} order tensors. New tensor models, called nested Tucker models and block PARALIND/CONFAC models, are also introduced. A link between PARATUCK models and constrained PARAFAC models is then established. Finally, new uniqueness properties of PARATUCK models are deduced from sufficient conditions for essential uniqueness of their associated constrained PARAFAC models

    On Degeneration of Tensors and Algebras

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    An important building block in all current asymptotically fast algorithms for matrix multiplication are tensors with low border rank, that is, tensors whose border rank is equal or very close to their size. To find new asymptotically fast algorithms for matrix multiplication, it seems to be important to understand those tensors whose border rank is as small as possible, so called tensors of minimal border rank. We investigate the connection between degenerations of associative algebras and degenerations of their structure tensors in the sense of Strassen. It allows us to describe an open subset of n*n*n tensors of minimal border rank in terms of smoothability of commutative algebras. We describe the smoothable algebra associated to the Coppersmith-Winograd tensor and prove a lower bound for the border rank of the tensor used in the "easy construction" of Coppersmith and Winograd

    Tensor Computation: A New Framework for High-Dimensional Problems in EDA

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    Many critical EDA problems suffer from the curse of dimensionality, i.e. the very fast-scaling computational burden produced by large number of parameters and/or unknown variables. This phenomenon may be caused by multiple spatial or temporal factors (e.g. 3-D field solvers discretizations and multi-rate circuit simulation), nonlinearity of devices and circuits, large number of design or optimization parameters (e.g. full-chip routing/placement and circuit sizing), or extensive process variations (e.g. variability/reliability analysis and design for manufacturability). The computational challenges generated by such high dimensional problems are generally hard to handle efficiently with traditional EDA core algorithms that are based on matrix and vector computation. This paper presents "tensor computation" as an alternative general framework for the development of efficient EDA algorithms and tools. A tensor is a high-dimensional generalization of a matrix and a vector, and is a natural choice for both storing and solving efficiently high-dimensional EDA problems. This paper gives a basic tutorial on tensors, demonstrates some recent examples of EDA applications (e.g., nonlinear circuit modeling and high-dimensional uncertainty quantification), and suggests further open EDA problems where the use of tensor computation could be of advantage.Comment: 14 figures. Accepted by IEEE Trans. CAD of Integrated Circuits and System
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