379 research outputs found

    Log-Distributional Approach for Learning Covariate Shift Ratios

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    Distributional Reinforcement Learning theory suggests that distributional fixed points could play a fundamental role to learning non additive value functions. In particular, we propose a distributional approach for learning Covariate Shift Ratios, whose update rule is originally multiplicative

    Primal Wasserstein Imitation Learning

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    Imitation Learning (IL) methods seek to match the behavior of an agent with that of an expert. In the present work, we propose a new IL method based on a conceptually simple algorithm: Primal Wasserstein Imitation Learning (PWIL), which ties to the primal form of the Wasserstein distance between the expert and the agent state-action distributions. We present a reward function which is derived offline, as opposed to recent adversarial IL algorithms that learn a reward function through interactions with the environment, and which requires little fine-tuning. We show that we can recover expert behavior on a variety of continuous control tasks of the MuJoCo domain in a sample efficient manner in terms of agent interactions and of expert interactions with the environment. Finally, we show that the behavior of the agent we train matches the behavior of the expert with the Wasserstein distance, rather than the commonly used proxy of performance.Comment: Published in International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2021

    A Unified View on Solving Objective Mismatch in Model-Based Reinforcement Learning

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    Model-based Reinforcement Learning (MBRL) aims to make agents more sample-efficient, adaptive, and explainable by learning an explicit model of the environment. While the capabilities of MBRL agents have significantly improved in recent years, how to best learn the model is still an unresolved question. The majority of MBRL algorithms aim at training the model to make accurate predictions about the environment and subsequently using the model to determine the most rewarding actions. However, recent research has shown that model predictive accuracy is often not correlated with action quality, tracing the root cause to the \emph{objective mismatch} between accurate dynamics model learning and policy optimization of rewards. A number of interrelated solution categories to the objective mismatch problem have emerged as MBRL continues to mature as a research area. In this work, we provide an in-depth survey of these solution categories and propose a taxonomy to foster future research
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