4 research outputs found

    Equation-regular sets and the Fox–Kleitman conjecture

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    Given k ≥ 1, the Fox–Kleitman conjecture from 2006 states that there exists a nonzero integer b such that the 2k-variable linear Diophantine equation ∑k i=1 (xi − yi) = b is (2k − 1)-regular. This is best possible, since Fox and Kleitman showed that for all b ≥ 1, this equation is not 2k-regular. While the conjecture has recently been settled for all k ≥ 2, here we focus on the case k = 3 and determine the degree of regularity of the corresponding equation for all b ≥ 1. In particular, this independently confirms the conjecture for k = 3. We also briefly discuss the case k = 4

    On the degree of regularity of a certain quadratic Diophantine equation

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    We show that, for every positive integer r, there exists an integer b = b(r) such that the 4-variable quadratic Diophantine equation (x1 − y1)(x2 − y2) = b is r-regular. Our proof uses Szemerédi’s theorem on arithmetic progressions