7 research outputs found


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    The main purpose of this study is to early detection of symptoms of epilepsy symptoms on the introduction of normal EEG signaling patterns with epilepsy (abnormal) EEG signals. There are 5 characteristics of statistics used are mean, variant, kurtosis, entropy, skweness. Electrodes used in EEGs usually have 19 channels: FP1, FP2, F7, F3, F2, F4, F8, C3, CZ, C4, P3, P4, PZ, O1 and OZ. While in this research only use FP1 electrode with 2 second signal cutting. Extraction of normal wave characteristics and epilepsy using PCA (principle componen analysis). PCA method is very appropriate to use if the existing datahas a large number of variables and has a correlation between variables such as EEG signals.  The calculation of the principal component analysis is based on the calculation of eigenvalues and eigenvectorsexpressing the dissemination of data from a dataset and capable of reducing the high dimension to a low dimension, without losing the information contained in the original data.Keywords-epilepsy, EEG, FP

    Automated epileptic seizure detection by analyzing wearable EEG signals using extended correlation-based feature selection

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    Electroencephalogram (EEG) that measures the electrical activity of the brain has been widely employed for diagnosing epilepsy which is one kind of brain abnormalities. With the advancement of low-cost wearable brain-computer interface devices, it is possible to monitor EEG for epileptic seizure detection in daily use. However, it is still challenging to develop seizure classification algorithms with a considerable higher accuracy and lower complexity. In this study, we propose a lightweight method which can reduce the number of features for a multiclass classification to identify three different seizure statuses (i.e., Healthy, Interictal and Epileptic seizure) through EEG signals with a wearable EEG sensors using Extended Correlation-Based Feature Selection (ECFS). More specifically, there are three steps in our proposed approach. Firstly, the EEG signals were segmented into five frequency bands and secondly, we extract the features while the unnecessary feature space was eliminated by developing the ECFS method. Finally, the features were fed into five different classification algorithms, including Random Forest, Support Vector Machine, Logistic Model Trees, RBF Network and Multilayer Perceptron. Experimental results have shown that Logistic Model Trees provides the highest accuracy of 97.6% comparing to other classifiers

    Cognitive Load Measurement Based on EEG Signals

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    Measurement of cognitive load should be advantageous in designing an intelligent navigation system for the visually impaired people (VIPs) when navigating unfamiliar indoor environments. Electroencephalogram (EEG) can offer neurophysiological indicators of perceptive process indicated by changes in brain rhythmic activity. To support the cognitive load measurement by means of EEG signals, the complexity of the tasks of the VIPs during navigating unfamiliar indoor environments is quantified considering diverse factors of well-established signal processing and machine learning methods. This chapter describes the measurement of cognitive load based on EEG signals analysis with its existing literatures, background, scopes, features, and machine learning techniques

    時間周波数領域でのてんかん脳波識別に関する研究 ‐平均二乗根に基づく特徴抽出に着目して‐

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    Epilepsy affects over 50 million people on an average yearly world wide. Epileptic Seizure is a generalised term which has broad classification depending on the reasons behind its occurrence. Parvez et al. when applied feature instantaneous bandwidth B2AM and time averaged bandwidth B2FM for classification of interictal and ictal on Freiburg data base, the result dipped low to 77.90% for frontal lobe whereas it was 80.20% for temporal lobe compare to the 98.50% of classification accuracy achieved on Bonn dataset with same feature for classification of ictal against interictal. We found reasons behind such low results are, first Parvez et al. has used first IMF of EMD for feature computation which mostly noised induce. Secondly, they used same kernel parameters of SVM as Bajaj et al. which they must have optimised with different dataset. But the most important reason we found is that two signals s1 and s2 can have same instantaneous bandwidth. Therefore, the motivation of the dissertation is to address the drawback of feature instantaneous bandwidth by new feature with objective of achieving comparable classification accuracy. In this work, we have classified ictal from healthy nonseizure interictal successfully first by using RMS frequency and another feature from Hilbert marginal spectrum then with its parameters ratio. RMS frequency is the square root of sum of square bandwidth and square of center frequency. Its contributing parameters ratio is ratio of center frequency square to square bandwidth. We have also used dominant frequency and its parameters ratio for the same purpose. Dominant frequency have same physical relevance as RMS frequency but different by definition, i.e. square root of sum of square of instantaneous band- width and square of instantaneous frequency. Third feature that we have used is by exploiting the equivalence of RMS frequency and dominant frequency (DF) to define root mean instantaneous frequency square (RMIFS) as square root of sum of time averaged bandwidth square and center frequency square. These features are average measures which shows good discrimination power in classifying ictal from interictal using SVM. These features, fr and fd also have an advantage of overcoming the draw back of square bandwidth and instantaneous bandwidth. RMS frequency that we have used in this work is different from generic root mean square analysis. We have used an adaptive thresholding algorithm to address the issue of false positive. It was able to increase the specificity by average of 5.9% on average consequently increasing the accuracy. Then we have applied morphological component analysis (MCA) with the fractional contribution of dominant frequency and other rest of the features like band- width parameter’s contribution and RMIFS frequency and its parameters and their ratio. With the results from proposed features, we validated our claim to overcome the drawback of instantaneous bandwidth and square bandwidth.九州工業大学博士学位論文 学位記番号:生工博甲第323号 学位授与年月日:平成30年6月28日1 Introduction|2 Empirical Mode Decomposition|3 Root Mean Square Frequency|4 Root Mean Instantaneous Frequency Square|5 Morphological Component Analysis|6 Conclusion九州工業大学平成30年

    Patient-Specific Epileptic Seizure Onset Detection via Fused Eeg and Ecg Signals

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    Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that is associated with sudden and recurrent seizures. Epilepsy affects 65 million people world-wide and is the third most common neurological disorder, after stroke and Alzheimer disease. During an epileptic seizure, the brain endures a transient period of abnormally excessive synchronous activity, leading to a state of havoc for many epileptic patients. Seizures can range from being mild and unnoticeable to extremely violent and life threating. Many epileptic individuals are not able to control their seizures with any form of treatment or therapy. These individuals often experience serious risk of injury, limited independence and mobility, and social isolation. In an attempt to increase the quality of life of epileptic individuals, much research has been dedicated to developing seizure onset detection systems that are capable of accurately and rapidly detecting signs of seizures. This thesis presents a novel seizure onset detection system that is based on the fusion of independent electroencephalogram (EEG) and electrocardiogram (ECG) based decisions. The EEG-based detector relies on a on a common spatial pattern (CSP)-based feature enhancement stage that enables better discrimination between seizure and non-seizure features. The EEG-based detector also introduces a novel classification system that uses logical operators to pool support vector machine (SVM) seizure onset detections made independently across different relevant EEG spectral bands. In the ECG-based detector, heart rate variability (HRV) is extracted and analyzed using a Matching-Pursuit and Wigner-Ville Distribution algorithm in order to effectively extract meaningful HRV features representative of seizure and non-seizure states. Two fusion systems are adopted to fuse the EEG- and ECG-based decisions. In the first system, EEG- and ECG-based decisions are directly fused to obtain a final decision. The second fusion system adopts an over-ride option that allows for the EEG-based decision to over-ride the fusion-based decision in an event that the detector observes a string of EEG-based seizure decisions. The proposed detectors exhibit an improved performance, with respect to sensitivity and detection latency, compared with the state-of-the-art detectors. Experimental results demonstrate that the second detector achieves a sensitivity of 100%, detection latency of 2.6 seconds, and a specificity of 99.91% for the MAJORITY fusion case. In addition, a novel method to calculate the amount of neural synchrony that exists between the channels of an EEG matrix is carried out. This method is based on extracting the condition number from multi-channel EEG at a particular time instant to indicate the level of neural synchrony at that particular time instant. The proposed method of neural synchrony calculation is implemented in two detection systems. The first system uses only neural synchrony as the feature for seizure classification whereas the second system fuses energy and synchrony based decision to make a final classification decision. Both systems show promising results when tested on a set of clinical patients

    Meta Heuristics based Machine Learning and Neural Mass Modelling Allied to Brain Machine Interface

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    New understanding of the brain function and increasing availability of low-cost-non-invasive electroencephalograms (EEGs) recording devices have made brain-computer-interface (BCI) as an alternative option to augmentation of human capabilities by providing a new non-muscular channel for sending commands, which could be used to activate electronic or mechanical devices based on modulation of thoughts. In this project, our emphasis will be on how to develop such a BCI using fuzzy rule-based systems (FRBSs), metaheuristics and Neural Mass Models (NMMs). In particular, we treat the BCI system as an integrated problem consisting of mathematical modelling, machine learning and classification. Four main steps are involved in designing a BCI system: 1) data acquisition, 2) feature extraction, 3) classification and 4) transferring the classification outcome into control commands for extended peripheral capability. Our focus has been placed on the first three steps. This research project aims to investigate and develop a novel BCI framework encompassing classification based on machine learning, optimisation and neural mass modelling. The primary aim in this project is to bridge the gap of these three different areas in a bid to design a more reliable and accurate communication path between the brain and external world. To achieve this goal, the following objectives have been investigated: 1) Steady-State Visual Evoked Potential (SSVEP) EEG data are collected from human subjects and pre-processed; 2) Feature extraction procedure is implemented to detect and quantify the characteristics of brain activities which indicates the intention of the subject.; 3) a classification mechanism called an Immune Inspired Multi-Objective Fuzzy Modelling Classification algorithm (IMOFM-C), is adapted as a binary classification approach for classifying binary EEG data. Then, the DDAG-Distance aggregation approach is proposed to aggregate the outcomes of IMOFM-C based binary classifiers for multi-class classification; 4) building on IMOFM-C, a preference-based ensemble classification framework known as IMOFM-CP is proposed to enhance the convergence performance and diversity of each individual component classifier, leading to an improved overall classification accuracy of multi-class EEG data; and 5) finally a robust parameterising approach which combines a single-objective GA and a clustering algorithm with a set of newly devised objective and penalty functions is proposed to obtain robust sets of synaptic connectivity parameters of a thalamic neural mass model (NMM). The parametrisation approach aims to cope with nonlinearity nature normally involved in describing multifarious features of brain signals