6 research outputs found

    Forest Fire Detection Using New Routing Protocol

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    The Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET) has received significant interest from researchers for several applications. In spite of developing and proposing numerous routing protocols for MANET, there are still routing protocols that are too inefficient in terms of sending data and energy consumption, which limits the lifetime of the network for forest fire monitoring. Therefore, this paper presents the development of a Location Aided Routing (LAR) protocol in forest fire detection. The new routing protocol is named the LAR-Based Reliable Routing Protocol (LARRR), which is used to detect a forest fire based on three criteria: the route length between nodes, the temperature sensing, and the number of packets within node buffers (i.e., route busyness). The performance of the LARRR protocol is evaluated by using widely known evaluation measurements, which are the Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR), Energy Consumption (EC), End-to-End Delay (E2E Delay), and Routing Overhead (RO). The simulation results show that the proposed LARRR protocol achieves 70% PDR, 403 joules of EC, 2.733 s of E2E delay, and 43.04 RO. In addition, the performance of the proposed LARRR protocol outperforms its competitors and is able to detect forest fires efficiently

    Modeling and Implementation of Wireless Sensor Networks for Logistics Applications

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    Logistics has experienced a long time of developments and improvements based on the advanced vehicle technologies, transportation systems, traffic network extension and logistics processes. In the last decades, the complexity has increased significantly and this has created complex logistics networks over multiple continents. Because of the close cooperation, these logistics networks are highly dependent on each other in sharing and processing the logistics information. Every customer has many suppliers and vice versa. The conventional centralized control continues but reaches some limitations such as the different distribution of suppliers, the complexity and flexibility of processing orders or the dynamics of the logistic objects. In order to overcome these disadvantages, the paradigm of autonomous logistics is proposed and promises a better technical solution for current logistics systems. In autonomous logistics, the decision making is shifted toward the logistic objects which are defined as material items (e.g., vehicles, containers) or immaterial items (e.g., customer orders) of a networked logistics system. These objects have the ability to interact with each other and make decisions according to their own objectives. In the technical aspect, with the rapid development of innovative sensor technology, namely Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), each element in the network can self-organize and interact with other elements for information transmission. The attachment of an electronic sensor element into a logistic object will create an autonomous environment in both the communication and the logistic domain. With this idea, the requirements of logistics can be fulfilled; for example, the monitoring data can be precise, comprehensive and timely. In addition, the goods flow management can be transferred to the information logistic object management, which is easier by the help of information technologies. However, in order to transmit information between these logistic objects, one requirement is that a routing protocol is necessary. The Opportunistic relative Distance-Enabled Uni-cast Routing (ODEUR ) protocol which is proposed and investigated in this thesis shows that it can be used in autonomous environments like autonomous logistics. Moreover, the support of mobility, multiple sinks and auto-connection in this protocol enhances the dynamics of logistic objects. With a general model which covers a range from low-level issues to high-level protocols, many services such as real time monitoring of environmental conditions, context-aware applications and localization make the logistic objects (embedded with sensor equipment) more advanced in information communication and data processing. The distributed management service in each sensor node allows the flexible configuration of logistic items at any time during the transportation. All of these integrated features introduce a new technical solution for smart logistic items and intelligent transportation systems. In parallel, a management system, WSN data Collection and Management System (WiSeCoMaSys), is designed to interact with the deployed Wireless Sensor Networks. This tool allows the user to easily manipulate the sensor networks remotely. With its rich set of features such as real time data monitoring, data analysis and visualization, per-node management, and alerts, this tool helps both developers and users in the design and deployment of a sensor network. In addition, an analytical model is developed for comparison with the results from simulations and experiments. Focusing on the use of probability theory to model the network links, this model considers several important factors such as packet reception rate and network traffic which are used in the simulation and experiment parts. Moreover, the comparison between simulation, experiment and analytical results is also carried out to estimate the accuracy of the design and make several improvements of the simulation accuracy. Finally, all of the above parts are integrated in one unique system. This system is verified by both simulations in logistic scenarios (e.g., harbors, warehouses and containers) and experiments. The results show that the proposed model and protocol have a good packet delivery rate, little memory requirements and low delay. Accordingly, this system design is practical and applicable in logistics

    Methoden zum selbststeuernden Routing autonomer logistischer Objekte - Entwicklung und Evaluierung des Distributed Logistics Routing Protocol (DLRP)

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    Due to the growing dynamics and complexity of logistic systems, common concepts of planning and control are being pushed to their limits. In addition to that, structural changes in technology are driving new functionality into logistic systems. These circumstances require changes of processes, planning and control in this field. The new concept of autonomous control applies an object-oriented point of view. The core is the self-contained decision and routing of logistic objects within changing environments. The presented work gives a framework protocol, based on algorithms from data communication, as a general concept for autonomous routing adaptive to many fields. This framework protocol was named Distributed Logistics Routing Protocol (DLRP). The DLRP is adapted to transport and to production logistics where it is being compared to common algorithms (for VRP, PDP and FFP). This shows a comparable performance and a high potential of the DLRP to improve logistic processes

    Autonome Sensorsysteme in der Transport- und Lebensmittellogistik

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    A concise supervision of food products during transport is an essential precondition for the improvement of their quality and reduction of losses. However, existing remote or telemetric systems implement only parts of the entire supervision task. Standard systems measure temperature only at one or two points, and the evaluation of sensor data has to be done manually. This thesis presents a system which measures a spatial profile of temperature and other parameters. The idea of remote transport supervision is extended to a self-contained sensor system that locally processes measurement data and detects critical situations autonomously. The algorithms for sensor data evaluation are implemented inside the means of transport; they can either share a common embedded processor unit or run separately on wireless sensors nodes, which are attached to the loaded freight objects. The system automatically adapts the supervision process to different kinds of goods. This intelligent container combines technologies from different fields, such as RFID, wireless sensor networks, and telemetric system, which have so far been applied separately. A shelf life model, based on the dynamic temperature profile, estimates the amount of quality loss during transport. The quality supervision is implemented as a set of software agents. Each freight object is supervised by an individual sensory way bill . A demonstration system for the supervision of food transports shows the feasibility of this new approach

    Environmental Monitoring Aware Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks

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