1,291 research outputs found

    Enumeration and Decidable Properties of Automatic Sequences

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    We show that various aspects of k-automatic sequences -- such as having an unbordered factor of length n -- are both decidable and effectively enumerable. As a consequence it follows that many related sequences are either k-automatic or k-regular. These include many sequences previously studied in the literature, such as the recurrence function, the appearance function, and the repetitivity index. We also give some new characterizations of the class of k-regular sequences. Many results extend to other sequences defined in terms of Pisot numeration systems

    A new approach for diagnosability analysis of Petri nets using Verifier Nets

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    In this paper, we analyze the diagnosability properties of labeled Petri nets. We consider the standard notion of diagnosability of languages, requiring that every occurrence of an unobservable fault event be eventually detected, as well as the stronger notion of diagnosability in K steps, where the detection must occur within a fixed bound of K event occurrences after the fault. We give necessary and sufficient conditions for these two notions of diagnosability for both bounded and unbounded Petri nets and then present an algorithmic technique for testing the conditions based on linear programming. Our approach is novel and based on the analysis of the reachability/coverability graph of a special Petri net, called Verifier Net, that is built from the Petri net model of the given system. In the case of systems that are diagnosable in K steps, we give a procedure to compute the bound K. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that necessary and sufficient conditions for diagnosability and diagnosability in K steps of labeled unbounded Petri nets are presented

    Abelian-Square-Rich Words

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    An abelian square is the concatenation of two words that are anagrams of one another. A word of length nn can contain at most Θ(n2)\Theta(n^2) distinct factors, and there exist words of length nn containing Θ(n2)\Theta(n^2) distinct abelian-square factors, that is, distinct factors that are abelian squares. This motivates us to study infinite words such that the number of distinct abelian-square factors of length nn grows quadratically with nn. More precisely, we say that an infinite word ww is {\it abelian-square-rich} if, for every nn, every factor of ww of length nn contains, on average, a number of distinct abelian-square factors that is quadratic in nn; and {\it uniformly abelian-square-rich} if every factor of ww contains a number of distinct abelian-square factors that is proportional to the square of its length. Of course, if a word is uniformly abelian-square-rich, then it is abelian-square-rich, but we show that the converse is not true in general. We prove that the Thue-Morse word is uniformly abelian-square-rich and that the function counting the number of distinct abelian-square factors of length 2n2n of the Thue-Morse word is 22-regular. As for Sturmian words, we prove that a Sturmian word sαs_{\alpha} of angle α\alpha is uniformly abelian-square-rich if and only if the irrational α\alpha has bounded partial quotients, that is, if and only if sαs_{\alpha} has bounded exponent.Comment: To appear in Theoretical Computer Science. Corrected a flaw in the proof of Proposition

    Decisive Markov Chains

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    We consider qualitative and quantitative verification problems for infinite-state Markov chains. We call a Markov chain decisive w.r.t. a given set of target states F if it almost certainly eventually reaches either F or a state from which F can no longer be reached. While all finite Markov chains are trivially decisive (for every set F), this also holds for many classes of infinite Markov chains. Infinite Markov chains which contain a finite attractor are decisive w.r.t. every set F. In particular, this holds for probabilistic lossy channel systems (PLCS). Furthermore, all globally coarse Markov chains are decisive. This class includes probabilistic vector addition systems (PVASS) and probabilistic noisy Turing machines (PNTM). We consider both safety and liveness problems for decisive Markov chains, i.e., the probabilities that a given set of states F is eventually reached or reached infinitely often, respectively. 1. We express the qualitative problems in abstract terms for decisive Markov chains, and show an almost complete picture of its decidability for PLCS, PVASS and PNTM. 2. We also show that the path enumeration algorithm of Iyer and Narasimha terminates for decisive Markov chains and can thus be used to solve the approximate quantitative safety problem. A modified variant of this algorithm solves the approximate quantitative liveness problem. 3. Finally, we show that the exact probability of (repeatedly) reaching F cannot be effectively expressed (in a uniform way) in Tarski-algebra for either PLCS, PVASS or (P)NTM.Comment: 32 pages, 0 figure
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