4 research outputs found

    Subpath Queries on Compressed Graphs: A Survey

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    Text indexing is a classical algorithmic problem that has been studied for over four decades: given a text T, pre-process it off-line so that, later, we can quickly count and locate the occurrences of any string (the query pattern) in T in time proportional to the query’s length. The earliest optimal-time solution to the problem, the suffix tree, dates back to 1973 and requires up to two orders of magnitude more space than the plain text just to be stored. In the year 2000, two breakthrough works showed that efficient queries can be achieved without this space overhead: a fast index be stored in a space proportional to the text’s entropy. These contributions had an enormous impact in bioinformatics: today, virtually any DNA aligner employs compressed indexes. Recent trends considered more powerful compression schemes (dictionary compressors) and generalizations of the problem to labeled graphs: after all, texts can be viewed as labeled directed paths. In turn, since finite state automata can be considered as a particular case of labeled graphs, these findings created a bridge between the fields of compressed indexing and regular language theory, ultimately allowing to index regular languages and promising to shed new light on problems, such as regular expression matching. This survey is a gentle introduction to the main landmarks of the fascinating journey that took us from suffix trees to today’s compressed indexes for labeled graphs and regular languages

    On Locating Paths in Compressed Tries

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of compressing a trie while supporting the powerful \emph{locate} queries: to return the pre-order identifiers of all nodes reached by a path labeled with a given query pattern. Our result builds on top of the XBWT tree transform of Ferragina et al. [FOCS 2005] and generalizes the \emph{r-index} locate machinery of Gagie et al. [SODA 2018, JACM 2020] based on the run-length encoded Burrows-Wheeler transform (BWT). Our first contribution is to propose a suitable generalization of the run-length BWT to tries. We show that this natural generalization enjoys several of the useful properties of its counterpart on strings: in particular, the transform natively supports counting occurrences of a query pattern on the trie's paths and its size rr captures the trie's repetitiveness and lower-bounds a natural notion of trie entropy. Our main contribution is a much deeper insight into the combinatorial structure of this object. In detail, we show that a data structure of O(rlogn)+2n+o(n)O(r\log n) + 2n + o(n) bits, where nn is the number of nodes, allows locating the occocc occurrences of a pattern of length mm in nearly-optimal O(mlogσ+occ)O(m\log\sigma + occ) time, where σ\sigma is the alphabet's size. Our solution consists in sampling O(r)O(r) nodes that can be used as "anchor points" during the locate process. Once obtained the pre-order identifier of the first pattern occurrence (in co-lexicographic order), we show that a constant number of constant-time jumps between those anchor points lead to the identifier of the next pattern occurrence, thus enabling locating in optimal O(1)O(1) time per occurrence.Comment: Improved toehold lemma running time; added more detailed proofs that take care of all border cases in the locate strategy; postprint version to appear in SODA 202