6 research outputs found


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    This study employs binary logistic regression technique to explore the impact of household debt-servicing burden on expenditure patterns in South-West geo-political region of Nigeria, using Ekiti State as a case study. Questionnaires were randomly distributed to 2500 households, and the results unveil that households with high income, large family-size and heads within the age group (40 and above) were more susceptible to debtburden. In addition, the paper highlighted that indebtedness compromises the quality of nutrition and health status of household members. Based on the above findings, we conclude that high indebtedness and debt burden trajectories cause deleterious effects on household consumption patterns and overall economic well-being. Thus, household heads should inculcate fiscal discipline which promotes saving culture and averts future shocks that could emanate from precautionary demands. Second, debt providers should regulate loans in cognizance to household repayment capacity and other stipulated policies which break the vicious cycle arising from over-indebtedness, install stability and spur economic development

    Technological transformation in HRM through knowledge and training: Innovative business decision making

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    Human resource management (HRM) is a crucial aspect of the global economy, and there is a wealth of literature available on various aspects of managing human resources. There is a need to take these concepts and turn them into practical applications, and organizations and academic institutions have a vital role to play. By providing training and digital tools to enhance innovation and decision making, these entities can prepare the next generation of human resources and business leaders for the challenges they may face. This is especially relevant in light of the economic impact of pandemics and other unpredictable global events, which can have long-lasting effects on the economy. To address these challenges, a study was conducted to explore the potential use of business game simulators (BGS) as a solution. The results of the study are promising, showing that BGS can enhance pandemic preparedness, increase competitiveness, and provide a more comprehensive organizational viewpoint. To explore this hypothesis, the study used specific constructs, which were subjected to empirical processing and analysis. The results indicate that simulating past pandemics through BGS can help HRM and businesses be better prepared for future crises, and the BGS learning approach can offer a more realistic, global perspective for organization

    Diferencias en la actitud emprendedora a partir de las características sociodemográficas en población colombiana

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    49 páginasEl objetivo de la presente investigación fue el de realizar una comparación de la actitud de la actitud emprendedora en una muestra de personas de población colombiana, de acuerdo con algunas variables de comparación (rango de edad, actividad económica, gé nero, nivel educativo y estado civil). La muestra se seleccionó a través de muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia y fue de 230, participantes, con edades en promedio de 40.8, años, 150 mujeres (65%) y 80 varones (35%). El estudio fue de cará cter descriptivo con método comparativo. Se aplicó la escala de actitudes hacia el emprendimiento de Montufar (2020) y los datos se recolectaron por medio de la administración virtual (Google Forms). Para el análisis de los resultados se tuvieron en cuenta los cinco factores planteados por el autor: tendencia a las actividades emprendedoras, percepción de ineficacia, aversión al riesgo, propensión al riesgo y tendencia al cambio. Los resultados revelan algunas diferencias significativas , como que la actitud más emprendedora la muestra el perfil de personas independientes, masculinas cuya edad sobrepasa los 52 años, las mujeres, bachilleres, solteras son las que tienen mayor aversión al riesgo, y los jóvenes de 18 28 años, bachilleres y solteros son los que m ayor percepción de ineficacia muestran . Se puede evidenciar que los factores relacionados con la actitud emprendedora son de vital importancia para el desarrollo de planes de capacitación en diferentes poblaciones.The objective of this research was to describe and compare the attitude towards entrepreneurial behavior in a sample of people from the Colombian population, according to some comparison variables (age range, economic activity, gender, educational level, and marital status). The sample was selected through non-probabilistic sampling by convenience and consisted of 230 participants, with an average age of 40.8 years, 150 women (65%) and 80 men (35%). The study was descriptive with a comparative method. The Montufar (2020) scale of attitudes towards entrepreneurship was applied and the data were collected through virtual administration. For the analysis of the results, the five factors proposed by the author were considered: tendency to entrepreneurial activities, perception of inefficiency, risk aversion, risk propensity and tendency to change. The results reveal some significant differences, such as that the most entrepreneurial attitude is shown by the profile of independent, male people whose age exceeds 52 years, women, high school graduates, single people are those who have the greatest aversion to risk, and young people aged 18- 28 years old, high school graduates and singles are those who show the greatest perception of inefficiency. It can be shown that factors related to entrepreneurial attitudes are of vital importance for the development of training plans in different populations.Maestría en Gerencia y Desarrollo de PersonasMagíster en Gerencia y Desarrollo de Persona

    Creating a Modified Monopoly game for promoting students’ higher-order thinking skills and knowledge retention

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    While a deep understanding of basic accounting concepts is fundamental for students to fully comprehend the discipline, research has consistently found that students struggle with understanding accounting concepts and tend to achieve lower-order learning outcomes. New approaches are therefore needed to provide educational interventions that help students achieve learning outcomes that reflect a deep understanding of concepts and retention of them for a long period of time. Simulation games have been proven as an effective approach for promoting higher-order thinking and knowledge retention. To date, however, there has been no reliable evidence that the game approaches are effective at enhancing students’ higher-order thinking skills and knowledge retention in the accounting learning domain. The aim of this study is to modify a popular business simulation game, Monopoly™, to facilitate the acquisition of concept application skills and to investigate its effectiveness in the accounting domain. The ability to apply conceptual knowledge is classified as higher-order thinking in the revised Bloom’s taxonomy. This study uses situated learning theory, whereby a cognitive apprenticeship approach is utilised to develop a Modified Monopoly game that emphasizes 1) the use of accounting concepts in an authentic context, 2) the use of a variety of business contexts, and 3) the clarity of the game tasks. Additionally, the teacher’s role is to provide coaching, scaffolding, and fading support to students. These modifications and the active nature of the game’s activities are expected to facilitate the acquisition of concept application skills and the retention of the skills for a long period of time. To examine the effectiveness of the Modified Monopoly game developed by the author, this study involved a total of 200 accounting students from eight high schools in one of the largest cities in New Zealand. A quasi-experimental non-equivalent group design was employed, with a random assignment based on school/class and two control groups. These control groups, in which students learned the same accounting concepts, were defined as ‘the Extended Problem’ and ‘computer assisted instruction’ (CAI) groups. The Extended Problem group used a traditional paper-based approach in solving accounting scenarios, while the CAI group used computers for the given accounting scenarios. This study therefore employed three approaches: Modified Monopoly game, Extended Problem, and CAI. All the students were assessed for their cognitive ability to apply the accounting concepts at three stages. For the purposes of the assessment of conceptual knowledge, two assessment sets were developed. Each of the sets included 28 items with the same difficulty level. Prior to the application of the Modified Monopoly game, the Extended Problem, or the CAI, each student in each group was subjected to an assessment pre-test. Then a second set of assessment questions, a post-test, was given to the students in each group after they experienced learning through the three approaches. To capture the learning retention, all the students in each group were subjected to the second set of assessment questions again after a three- to six-month period (delayed post-test). The improvement scores (post-test – pre-test) and the deterioration scores (delayed post-test – post-test) were used to analyse the data of 144 students completing all the tests. The former assessed higher-order thinking skills, while the latter assessed knowledge retention. Additionally, a self-reported questionnaire asking students’ perception of the assigned approach was collected. Results showed that both the Modified Monopoly and the Extended Problem group, but not the CAI group, demonstrated significant improvement in higher-order thinking skills. The improvement scores of the Modified Monopoly group were significantly higher than the CAI group but lower than the Extended Problem group. However, students from the Modified Monopoly group did not demonstrate the level of knowledge deterioration compared with those from the Extended Problem group, suggesting that the game resulted in better knowledge retention than the Extended Problem approach. Additionally, the game groups demonstrated a significantly higher level of enjoyment and enthusiasm to continue the use of the Modified Monopoly approach than those using the Extended Problem. This study concludes that the Modified Monopoly approach is more effective for promoting higher-order thinking skills than the CAI approach and more effective than the Extended Problem for students’ knowledge retention

    Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI) 2016: Technische Universität Ilmenau, 09. - 11. März 2016; Band I

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    Übersicht der Teilkonferenzen Band I: • 11. Konferenz Mobilität und Digitalisierung (MMS 2016) • Automated Process und Service Management • Business Intelligence, Analytics und Big Data • Computational Mobility, Transportation and Logistics • CSCW & Social Computing • Cyber-Physische Systeme und digitale Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke • Digitalisierung und Privacy • e-Commerce und e-Business • E-Government – Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien im öffentlichen Sektor • E-Learning und Lern-Service-Engineering – Entwicklung, Einsatz und Evaluation technikgestützter Lehr-/Lernprozess