15 research outputs found

    Arabic opinion mining using combined classification approach

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    In this paper, we present a combined approach that automatically extracts opinions from Arabic documents. Most research efforts in the area of opinion mining deal with English texts and little work with Arabic text. Unlike English, from our experiments, we found that using only one method on Arabic opinioned documents produce a poor performance. So, we used a combined approach that consists of three methods. At the beginning, lexicon based method is used to classify as much documents as possible. The resultant classified documents used as training set for maximum entropy method which subsequently classifies some other documents. Finally, k-nearest method used the classified documents from lexicon based method and maximum entropy as training set and classifies the rest of the documents. Our experiments showed that in average, the accuracy moved (almost) from 50% when using only lexicon based method to 60% when used lexicon based method and maximum entropy together, to 80% when using the three combined methods

    Product Name Classification for Product Instance Distinction

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    Entity recognition discovery and assignment from greek technological forums

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    Σημείωση: διατίθεται συμπληρωματικό υλικό σε ξεχωριστό αρχείο

    Integrating hedonic quality for user experience modelling

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    Research on user experience (UX) has attracted much attention from designers. Additionally, hedonic quality can help designers understand user interaction (such as attractive, original and innovative) when they experience a product. Realising the user's interaction state is a significant step for designers to optimise product design and service. Previous UX modelling lacks exploration in user interaction state. Also, the lack of user interaction state factor will reduce the accuracy of the UX modelling. In this paper, we explore the interaction value of online customer review and introduce a new approach to integrating hedonic quality for UX modelling. Firstly, extracting word list from online customer review; Secondly, hedonic quality words are extracted from the word list and added as a hedonic quality part to UX modelling; Thirdly, we compared the analysis result with our previous study for the conclusion. This research combines hedonic quality with UX modelling to enrich modelling in the field of UX for the first time. The proposed data collection method is superior to the traditional collection methods in hedonic quality studies. Extracting hedonic quality factors from online customer reviews can in-depth provide reflections for designers to improve their product design. Furthermore, it also explored the valuable relationship between UX and online customer reviews to provide proactive thinking in user strategy and design activitie

    Sentiment analysis and opinion mining from social media: A review

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    Ubiquitous presence of internet, advent of web 2.0 has made social media tools like blogs, Facebook, Twitter very popular and effective. People interact with each other, share their ideas, opinions, interests and personal information. These user comments are used for finding the sentiments and also add financial, commercial and social values. However, due to the enormous amount of user generated data, it is an expensive process to analyze the data manually. Increase in activity of opinion mining and sentiment analysis, challenges are getting added every day. There is a need for automated analysis techniques to extract sentiments and opinions conveyed in the user-comments. Sentiment analysis, also known as opinion mining is the computational study of sentiments and opinions conveyed in natural language for the purpose of decision making. Preprocessing data play a vital role in getting accurate sentiment analysis results. Extracting opinion target words provide fine-grained analysis on the customer reviews. The labeled data required for training a classifier is expensive and hence to over come, Domain Adaptation technique is used. In this technique, Single classifier is designed to classify homogeneous and heterogeneous input from di_erent domain. Sentiment Dictionary used to find the opinion about a word need to be consistent and a number of techniques are used to check the consistency of the dictionaries. This paper focuses on the survey of the existing methods of Sentiment analysis and Opinion mining techniques from social media

    A twin data-driven approach for user-experience based design innovation

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    Data-driven innovation has received increasing attention, which explores big data technologies to gain more insights and advantages for product design. In user experience (UX) based design innovation, user-generated data and archived design documents are two valuable resources for various design activities such as identifying opportunities and generating design ideas. However, these two resources are usually isolated in different systems. Additionally, design information typically represented based on functional aspects is limited for UX-oriented design. To facilitate experience-oriented design activities, we propose a twin data-driven approach to integrate UX data and archived design documents. In particular, we aim to extract UX concepts from product reviews and design concepts from patents respectively and to discover associations between the extracted concepts. First, a UX-integrated design information representation model is proposed to associate capabilities with key elements of UX at the concept, category, and aspect levels of information. Based on this model, a twin data-driven approach is developed to bridge experience information and design information. It contains three steps: experience aspect identification using an attention-based LSTM (Long short-term memory) network, design information categorization based on topic clustering using BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) and LAD (Latent Dirichlet allocation) model, and experience needs and design information integration by leveraging word embedding techniques to measure concept similarity. A case study using healthcare-related experience and design information has demonstrated the feasibility and effectiveness of this approach

    Exploiting user experience from online customer reviews for product design

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    Understanding user experience (UX) becomes more important in a market-driven design paradigm because it helps designers uncover significant factors, such as user’s preference, usage context, product features, as well as their interrelations. Conventional means, such as questionnaire, survey and self-report with predefined questions and prompts, are used to collect information about users’ experience during various UX studies. However, such data is often limited and restricted by initial setups, and they won’t easily allow designers to identify all critical elements such as user profile, context, related product features, etc. Meanwhile, with widely accessible social media, the volume and velocity of customer-generated data are fast-increasing. While it is generally acknowledged that such data contains important elements in understanding and analyzing UX, extracting them to assist product design remains a challenging issue. In this study, how UX data underlying product design can be isolated and restored from customer online reviews is examined. A faceted conceptual model is proposed to elucidate the crucial factors of UX, which serves as an operational mechanism connecting to product design. A methodology of establishing a UX knowledge base from customer online reviews is then proposed to support UX-centered design activities, which consists of three stages, i.e., UX discovery to extract UX data from a single review, UX data integration to group similar data and UX network formalization to build up the causal dependencies among UX groups. Using a case study on smart mobile phone reviews, examples of UX data discovered are demonstrated and both customers and designers concerned key product features and usage situations are exemplified. This study explores the feasibility to discover valuable UX data as well as their relations automatically for product design and business strategic plan by analyzing a large volume of customer online data

    Feature-based sentiment analysis with ontologies

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    Sentiment analysis is a topic that many researchers work on. In recent years, new research directions under sentiment analysis appeared. Feature-based sentiment analysis is one such topic that deals not only with finding sentiment in a sentence but providing a more detailed analysis on a given domain. In the beginning researchers focused on commercial products and manually generated list of features for a product. Then they tried to generate a feature-based approach to attach sentiments to these features. With the emergence of semantic analysis and ontologies, we now have different domain ontologies created for other purposes that can be used to find features in a domain. Also, Natural Language Processing matured in recent years and allow us to analyze a paragraph in more detail. This thesis aims to propose a framework for feature-based sentiment analysis that uses NLP techniques to analyze grammatical dependencies between words in a sentence, use ontology representation to model domains, polarity information and results separately, and producing easily readable and comparable summaries as output

    Extracting product development intelligence from web reviews

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    Product development managers are constantly challenged to learn what the consumer product experience really is, and to learn specifically how the product is performing in the field. Traditionally, they have utilized methods such as prototype testing, customer quality monitoring instruments, field testing methods with sample customers, and independent assessment companies. These methods are limited in that (i) the number of customer evaluations is small, and (ii) the methods are driven by a restrictive structured format. Today the web has created a new source of product intelligence; these are unsolicited reviews from actual product users that are posted across hundreds of websites. The basic hypothesis of this research is that web reviews contain significant amount of information that is of value to the product design community. This research developed the DFOC (Design - Feature - Opinion - Cause Relationship) method for integrating the evaluation of unstructured web reviews into the structured product design process. The key data element in this research is a Web review and its associated opinion polarity (positive, negative, or neutral). Hundreds of Web reviews are collected to form a review database representing a population of customers. The DFOC method (a) identifies a set of design features that are of interest to the product design community, (b) mines the Web review database to identify which features are of significance to customer evaluations, (c) extracts and estimates the sentiment or opinion of the set of significant features, and (d) identifies the likely cause of the customer opinion. To support the DFOC method we develop an association rule based opinion mining procedure for capturing and extracting noun-verb-adjective relationships in the Web review database. This procedure exploits existing opinion mining methods to deconstruct the Web reviews and capture feature-opinion pair polarity. A Design Level Information Quality (DLIQ) measure which evaluates three components (a) Content (b) Complexity and (c) Relevancy is introduced. DLIQ is indicative of the content, complexity and relevancy of the design contextual information that can be extracted from an analysis of Web reviews for a given product. Application of this measure confirms the hypothesis that significant levels of quality design information can be efficiently extracted from Web reviews for a wide variety of product types. Application of the DFOC method and the DLIQ measure to a wide variety of product classes (electronic, automobile, service domain) is demonstrated. Specifically Web review databases for ten products/services are created from real data. Validation occurs by analyzing and presenting the extracted product design information. Examples of extracted features and feature-cause associations for negative polarity opinions are shown along with the observed significance