50 research outputs found

    RDF Knowledge Graph Visualization From a Knowledge Extraction System

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    In this paper, we present a system to visualize RDF knowledge graphs. These graphs are obtained from a knowledge extraction system designed by GEOLSemantics. This extraction is performed using natural language processing and trigger detection. The user can visualize subgraphs by selecting some ontology features like concepts or individuals. The system is also multilingual, with the use of the annotated ontology in English, French, Arabic and Chinese

    Learning Relatedness Measures for Entity Linking

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    Entity Linking is the task of detecting, in text documents, relevant mentions to entities of a given knowledge base. To this end, entity-linking algorithms use several signals and features extracted from the input text or from the knowl- edge base. The most important of such features is entity relatedness. Indeed, we argue that these algorithms benefit from maximizing the relatedness among the relevant enti- ties selected for annotation, since this minimizes errors in disambiguating entity-linking. The definition of an e↵ective relatedness function is thus a crucial point in any entity-linking algorithm. In this paper we address the problem of learning high-quality entity relatedness functions. First, we formalize the problem of learning entity relatedness as a learning-to-rank problem. We propose a methodology to create reference datasets on the basis of manually annotated data. Finally, we show that our machine-learned entity relatedness function performs better than other relatedness functions previously proposed, and, more importantly, improves the overall performance of dif- ferent state-of-the-art entity-linking algorithms

    Probabilistic Bag-Of-Hyperlinks Model for Entity Linking

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    Many fundamental problems in natural language processing rely on determining what entities appear in a given text. Commonly referenced as entity linking, this step is a fundamental component of many NLP tasks such as text understanding, automatic summarization, semantic search or machine translation. Name ambiguity, word polysemy, context dependencies and a heavy-tailed distribution of entities contribute to the complexity of this problem. We here propose a probabilistic approach that makes use of an effective graphical model to perform collective entity disambiguation. Input mentions (i.e.,~linkable token spans) are disambiguated jointly across an entire document by combining a document-level prior of entity co-occurrences with local information captured from mentions and their surrounding context. The model is based on simple sufficient statistics extracted from data, thus relying on few parameters to be learned. Our method does not require extensive feature engineering, nor an expensive training procedure. We use loopy belief propagation to perform approximate inference. The low complexity of our model makes this step sufficiently fast for real-time usage. We demonstrate the accuracy of our approach on a wide range of benchmark datasets, showing that it matches, and in many cases outperforms, existing state-of-the-art methods

    Entity-Centric Stream Filtering and Ranking: Filtering and Unfilterable Documents

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    Cumulative Citation Recommendation (CCR) is defined as: given a stream of documents on one hand and Knowledge Base (KB) entities on the other, filter, rank and recommend citation-worthy documents. The pipeline encountered in systems that approach this problem involves four stages: filtering, classification, ranking (or scoring), and evaluation. Filtering is only an initial step that reduces the web-scale corpus into a working set of documents more manageable for the subsequent stages. Nevertheless, this step has a large impact on the recall that can be attained maximally. This study analyzes in-depth the main factors that affect recall in the filtering stage. We investigate the impact of choices for corpus cleansing, entity profile construction, entity type, document type, and relevance grade. Because failing on recall in this first step of the pipeline cannot be repaired later on, we identify and characterize the citation-worthy documents that do not pass the filtering stage by examining their contents