3 research outputs found

    An Exploration of Enterprise Architecture Research

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    Management of the enterprise architecture has become increasingly recognized as a crucial part of both business and IT management. Still, a common understanding and methodological consistency seems far from being developed. Acknowledging the significant role of research in moving the development process along, this article employs different bibliometric methods, complemented by an extensive qualitative interpretation of the research field, to provide a unique overview of the enterprise architecture literature. After answering our research questions about the collaboration via co-authorships, the intellectual structure of the research field and its most influential works, and the principal themes of research, we propose an agenda for future research based on the findings from the above analyses and their comparison to empirical insights from the literature. In particular, our study finds a considerable degree of co-authorship clustering and a positive impact of the extent of co-authorship on the diffusion of works on enterprise architecture. In addition, this article identifies three major research streams and shows that research to date has revolved around specific themes, while some of high practical relevance receive minor attention. Hence, the contribution of our study is manifold and offers support for researchers and practitioners alike

    Management von IT-Agilität: Entwicklung eines Kennzahlensystems zur Messung der Agilität von Anwendungslandschaften

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    Die Veränderungsfähigkeit eines Unternehmens hängt zunehmend von der Veränderungsfähigkeit seiner IT, der IT-Agilität, ab. Eine hohe IT-Agilität kann einen Beitrag zu erhöhter Unternehmens-Agilität leisten und stellt damit eine potenzielle Quelle für nachhaltige Wettbewerbsvorteile dar. Als Basis stellt insbesondere die Anwendungslandschaft eine wertvolle, seltene, nicht substituierbare und schwer imitierbare Ressource dar. Anhand von Prinzipien zur Gestaltung agiler Architekturen von Anwendungslandschaften und unter Nutzung geeigneter Metriken kann die Agilität der Architektur von Anwendungslandschaften bestimmt und optimiert werden. Hierfür werden anhand von Agilitätszielen (Geringe Abhängigkeiten, Hohe Homogenität, Hohe Modularität, Redundanzfreiheit und Skalierbarkeit) Kennzahlen zur Messung der Agilität der Architektur von Anwendungslandschaften entwickelt, zu einem Kennzahlensystem zusammengefasst und anhand von Experteninterviews und Fallstudien plausibilisiert und evaluiert. Das Kennzahlensystem kann für die aktive Steuerung der IT-Agilität in Unternehmen eingesetzt werden und stellt eine gute Ausgangsbasis für die Entwicklung ähnlicher Metriken in anderen Bereichen der IT-Agilität dar.A company‘s ability to change is increasingly depending on its IT’s the ability to change. We call this ability ‘IT Agility’. A high level of IT Agility can contribute to a higher level of enterprise agility and represents therefore a potential source for competitive advantages. Especially the application landscape is a valuable, rare and imperfectly imitable resource of the company. The agility of application landscape architectures can be measured and optimized by using suitable metrics and design principles for agile IT architectures.KPIs for the measurement of the agility of application landscape architectures are developed based on agility goals (low dependencies, high homogeneity, high modularity, no redundancy and scalability). The KPIs are aggregated to a system of indicators and are validated and evaluated through expert interviews and case studies. This system of indicators can be used for the active management of IT Agility within companies and is a start for the development of similar metrics in other areas of IT-Agility

    Fatores determinantes do valor das arquiteturas empresariais

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    Tese de doutoramento do Programa Doutoral em Tecnologias e Sistemas de Informação.Nos últimos anos, as Arquiteturas Empresariais têm vindo a ser alvo de uma considerável atenção quer no meio académico, quer no meio empresarial em virtude do reconhecimento da sua utilidade e importância para as organizações. Fruto deste reconhecimento, diversas organizações têm vindo a desenvolver esforços significativos na implementação de projetos ou programas que visam a conceção, implementação e manutenção/evolução de Arquiteturas Empresariais. Todavia, apesar de ser amplamente referido que as Arquiteturas Empresariais proporcionam inúmeros benefícios às organizações, ainda subsiste a ideia de que os investimentos em projetos desta natureza apresentam um fraco retorno. Dado o atual contexto económico e a crescente necessidade de justificar os investimentos realizados, os responsáveis por projetos de Arquiteturas Empresariais têm vindo a ser cada vez mais pressionados para analisar e determinar o seu valor. A investigação desta problemática permitiu constatar que a análise e determinação do valor das Arquiteturas Empresariais ainda está numa fase embrionária e que ainda se apresenta muito difícil para as organizações, em virtude das diversas questões que condicionam o processo de análise e determinação do valor. Duas dessas questões são a dificuldade das organizações em identificar os fatores determinantes para o valor, já que é praticamente impossível e extremamente complexo avaliar todos os benefícios das Arquiteturas Empresariais, e as características em termos de tangibilidade e de horizonte temporal que diversos fatores apresentam, que dificultam não só a sua quantificação como a sua determinação no curto prazo. Perante estes problemas, procurou-se neste trabalho proceder à identificação, validação e caracterização dos fatores determinantes para o valor das Arquiteturas Empresariais. Para o efeito procedeu-se à realização de um estudo Delphi com três rondas, que contou a participação de vários peritos internacionais com antecedentes quer em Gestão quer nas Tecnologias e Sistemas de Informação e com uma vasta experiência profissional em cargos relacionados com as Arquiteturas Empresariais. No final do estudo Delphi foi obtida uma lista com um conjunto de fatores determinantes do valor das Arquiteturas Empresariais, para os quais foi estabelecido um ranking em função da sua importância para as organizações e ainda identificadas as suas características de tangibilidade e de horizonte temporal. Após a análise e interpretação dos resultados foi possível destacar e propor uma lista reduzida com os 15 fatores determinantes do valor, considerados como os mais importantes para as organizações. Para além disso, a caracterização destes fatores em termos de tangibilidade e horizonte temporal combinada com a identificação dos potenciais relacionamentos entre eles permitiu a proposta de um modelo que permite contextualizar e explicitar o que é mais importante na análise do valor das Arquiteturas Empresariais.Over the last years, Enterprise Architecture has gained considerable attention both from academia and industry due to the recognitiori of its usefulness and importance for organizations. As a result of this recognition several organizations have been making signiflcant investments to implement Enterprise Architecture projects ar programs. However, despite being widely reported that Enterprise Architecture can provide numerous benefits to organizations, there stili remains the idea that investments in projects of this nature have a iow return. Given the current economic pressures and the growing need to justify ali the investments, Enterprise Architecture managers and senhor managers have been increasingly pressured to quickly determine its value. Our research revealed that Enterprise Architecture value analysis is stili in its infancy and due to several issues that affect the vaiue assessment process it still is a very difficult task for organizations. Two of these issues are the organization's difficuity to identify the key value drivers orEhterprise Architecture, since it is virtuaily impossibie and extremely compiex to assess ali the benefits, and the intangibie nature e timeframe characteristics of severai value drivers which make difficult not oniy to quantify de value but also to assess it in short term a period The aim of this work was to identify, validate and characterize the key value drivers of Enterprise Architecture for organizations. To this end, we carry aut a Delphi study with three rounds, in which participated 63 internationai experts with either management ar IT background and with an extensive professionai experience in Enterprise Architecture related positions. At the end of the Delphi study we obtained a iist of 29 value drivers of Enterprise Architectures, for which a ranking of its importance for organizations was estabiíshed and aiso it was identified its tangibiiity and timeframe characteristics. After the analysis and interpretation ofthe resuits it was possibie to highiight and propose a short iist with 15 vaiue drivers considered as the most important to organizations. Furthermore, the characterization of these factors in terms of tangibiiity and timeframe combined with the identification of the potentiai reiationships between them, ailowed the proposai of a framework that contextuaiizes and makes expiicit what is importarit in the analysis of the Enterprise Architectures vaiue.Ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto (ISCAP), ao Instituto Politécnico do Porto (IPP) e à Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) pelo apoio concedido, nomeadamente através através da redução so serviço docente e do apoio financeiro através dos Programas de Formação Avançada (ISCAP/IPP) e PROTEC (FCT-PROTEC SFRH/BD/49266/2008)