5 research outputs found

    Pacademics: Developing A Collaborative Service Learning Portal To Facilitate Experiential Learning

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    This tutorial discusses the benefits of integrating service learning into technology specific classes and Management Information System (MIS) capstone courses. The literature discusses the benefits of integrating service learning into the curriculum from both the students and the community partners perspective. Despite the numerous benefits, there are also a variety of hidden pitfalls and challenges for faculty. This session will discuss some of the problems associated with integrating service learning into the MIS curriculum. The session will also provide a demonstration of a web based portal www.pacademics.com that is being conceived to alleviate these problems by creating an efficient web2.0 workflow system for managing the service learning process. This tutorial will also discuss the opportunities for research that will be available from the data collected from the system

    Engaging Students in Open Source Software for Learning Professional Skills in Academia

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    The digital world makes human life more comfortable. This digital world has been created by the software. It seems to be that availability of this software in academia is not up to the mark. To enhance the role of software in academics there is a need to use open source software. The Open source software is popular as it provides the source code to the end user. Here the source code is available for user to change or modification for improvement from its original design. Most of the time, it is free of charge with the help of General Public License (GNU). This paper is a study of basic information of OSS, various development models for OSS, the use of OSS in the area of academics to improve the education system. This paper also discusses on previous work of the current scenario

    Qual a relevância da literatura open-source sob a perspectiva de profissionais e estudantes de graduação

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Ciência da Computação, 2019.Com um aumento significativo de trabalhos de pesquisa em Engenharia de Software nos últimos anos, especialmente daqueles focados no modelo Open-Source, devido à sua ascendência relativamente recente, uma questão que naturalmente surge diz respeito à sua relevância. Diante desse questionamento, esse trabalho busca investigar se a pesquisa em Engenharia de Software, focada particularmente no modelo Open-Source, produz resultados considerados relevantes na percepção dos usuários. Para investigar a relevância percebida da literatura disponível nós conduzimos dois Surveys: um na Universidade de Brasília (UnB), em que nós convidamos os estudantes a avaliar a relevância de ideias e resultados contidos em sumários construídos a partir de trabalhos de pesquisa publicados em um período de dez anos, e outro com profissionais e pesquisadores que contribuem de alguma forma com as comunidades Open-Source, onde a relevância de artigos publicados em um período de cinco anos foi avaliada com base na leitura do título e resumo originais dos trabalhos. Dessa forma, é possível apresentar um feedback dos estudantes, profissionais e pesquisadores, possibilitando o discernimento de questões de pesquisa que são consideradas relevantes e consequentemente passíveis de serem disseminadas dentro da comunidade Open-Source e acadêmica. Durante a investigação da relevância dos trabalhos selecionados, a abordagem proposta considerou duas questões: Uma sobre o escopo dos trabalhos identificados e outra sobre a relevância percebida desses trabalhos. Para a primeira questão, foram conduzidos dois mapeamentos sistemáticos da literatura em bases distintas, os quais revelaram um conjunto de trabalhos compostos por uma grande diversidade de resultados. Utilizando sumários elaborados a partir desses trabalhos para o primeiro Survey e os próprios resumos para o segundo, foram então aplicados os Surveys aos estudantes, profissionais e pesquisadores. Nossos achados representam um cenário muito favorável para a pesquisa voltada ao modelo open source, indicando que 77.01% dos estudantes consideram os trabalhos relevantes e que 80.56% dos pesquisadores e desenvolvedores também consideraram os trabalhos como relevantes.The number of Software Engineering research papers has grown significantly over the last few years, especially those related to the open source model. Naturally, this fact raises the question of whether the research on these areas are considered to be relevant or not. This paper aims at accessing the perspective of the open source community as well as the perspective of undergraduate students regarding the relevance of the open source research. To answer about the relevance of available work, two questions were addressed: one about the scope of the studies and another about the perceived quality of these works. For the first one, two Systematic Literature Mappings were performed, each for a different survey to be conducted, revealing two set of works composed by a great diversity of results. Using these identified works, two different surveys were conducted, one with developers and researchers from several open source communities around the world and another at University of Brasília (UnB) where undergraduate students of Computer Science and related courses were invited to rate the relevance of the selected research papers. Both surveys revealed a very positive outlook on the relevance of this research area, where 77.01% of the students and 80.56% of the the open source practitioners rated the works as relevant. With these results, in addition to providing an overview of the current open source research scenario, it is also possible to give feedback from the open source community and students, providing a way to produce useful and, consequently, more disseminated works among open source practitioners

    October 3, 2008, Ohio University Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

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    Meeting minutes document the activities of Ohio University\u27s Board of Trustees

    A Quadruple-Based Text Analysis System for History and Philosophy of Science

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    abstract: Computational tools in the digital humanities often either work on the macro-scale, enabling researchers to analyze huge amounts of data, or on the micro-scale, supporting scholars in the interpretation and analysis of individual documents. The proposed research system that was developed in the context of this dissertation ("Quadriga System") works to bridge these two extremes by offering tools to support close reading and interpretation of texts, while at the same time providing a means for collaboration and data collection that could lead to analyses based on big datasets. In the field of history of science, researchers usually use unstructured data such as texts or images. To computationally analyze such data, it first has to be transformed into a machine-understandable format. The Quadriga System is based on the idea to represent texts as graphs of contextualized triples (or quadruples). Those graphs (or networks) can then be mathematically analyzed and visualized. This dissertation describes two projects that use the Quadriga System for the analysis and exploration of texts and the creation of social networks. Furthermore, a model for digital humanities education is proposed that brings together students from the humanities and computer science in order to develop user-oriented, innovative tools, methods, and infrastructures.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Biology 201