10 research outputs found

    Identifying class name inconsistency in hierarchy: a first simple heuristic

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    International audienceGiving good class names is an important task. Good programmers often report that they take several attempts to find an adequate one. Often programmers do not name consistently classes within a package, project or hierarchy. This is a problem because it hampers understanding the systems. In this article we present a simple heuristic (a distribution) to characterise class naming. We combine such a heuristic with structural information to identify inconsistent class names. In addition, we use this simple heuristic to give packages a shape. We applied such heuristic to 285 packages in Pharo to identify misnamed classes. Some of these misnamed classes are reported and discussed here

    Developers' Perception of Co-Change Patterns: An Empirical Study

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    International audienceCo-change clusters are groups of classes that frequently change together. They are proposed as an alternative modular view, which can be used to assess the traditional decomposition of systems in packages. To investigate developer's perception of co-change clusters, we report in this paper a study with experts on six systems, implemented in two languages. We mine 102 co-change clusters from the version history of such systems, which are classified in three patterns regarding their projection to the package structure: Encapsulated, Crosscutting, and Octopus. We then collect the perception of expert developers on such clusters, aiming to ask two central questions: (a) what concerns and changes are captured by the extracted clusters? (b) do the extracted clusters reveal design anomalies? We conclude that Encapsulated Clusters are often viewed as healthy designs and that Crosscutting Clusters tend to be associated to design anomalies. Octopus Clusters are normally associated to expected class distributions, which are not easy to implement in an encapsulated way, according to the interviewed developers

    On the congruence of modularity and code coupling

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    ABSTRACT Software systems are modularized to make their inherent complexity manageable. While there exists a set of wellknown principles that may guide software engineers to design the modules of a software system, we do not know which principles are followed in practice. In a study based on 16 open source projects, we look at different kinds of coupling concepts between source code entities, including structural dependencies, fan-out similarity, evolutionary coupling, code ownership, code clones, and semantic similarity. The congruence between these coupling concepts and the modularization of the system hints at the modularity principles used in practice. Furthermore, the results provide insights on how to support developers to modularize software systems

    Software Engineering in the Age of App Stores: Feature-Based Analyses to Guide Mobile Software Engineers

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    Mobile app stores are becoming the dominating distribution platform of mobile applications. Due to their rapid growth, their impact on software engineering practices is not yet well understood. There has been no comprehensive study that explores the mobile app store ecosystem's effect on software engineering practices. Therefore, this thesis, as its first contribution, empirically studies the app store as a phenomenon from the developers' perspective to investigate the extent to which app stores affect software engineering tasks. The study highlights the importance of a mobile application's features as a deliverable unit from developers to users. The study uncovers the involvement of app stores in eliciting requirements, perfective maintenance and domain analysis in the form of discoverable features written in text form in descriptions and user reviews. Developers discover possible features to include by searching the app store. Developers, through interviews, revealed the cost of such tasks given a highly prolific user base, which major app stores exhibit. Therefore, the thesis, in its second contribution, uses techniques to extract features from unstructured natural language artefacts. This is motivated by the indication that developers monitor similar applications, in terms of provided features, to understand user expectations in a certain application domain. This thesis then devises a semantic-aware technique of mobile application representation using textual functionality descriptions. This representation is then shown to successfully cluster mobile applications to uncover a finer-grained and functionality-based grouping of mobile apps. The thesis, furthermore, provides a comparison of baseline techniques of feature extraction from textual artefacts based on three main criteria: silhouette width measure, human judgement and execution time. Finally, this thesis, in its final contribution shows that features do indeed migrate in the app store beyond category boundaries and discovers a set of migratory characteristics and their relationship to price, rating and popularity in the app stores studied

    An approach to source-code plagiarism detection investigation using latent semantic analysis

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    This thesis looks at three aspects of source-code plagiarism. The first aspect of the thesis is concerned with creating a definition of source-code plagiarism; the second aspect is concerned with describing the findings gathered from investigating the Latent Semantic Analysis information retrieval algorithm for source-code similarity detection; and the final aspect of the thesis is concerned with the proposal and evaluation of a new algorithm that combines Latent Semantic Analysis with plagiarism detection tools. A recent review of the literature revealed that there is no commonly agreed definition of what constitutes source-code plagiarism in the context of student assignments. This thesis first analyses the findings from a survey carried out to gather an insight into the perspectives of UK Higher Education academics who teach programming on computing courses. Based on the survey findings, a detailed definition of source-code plagiarism is proposed. Secondly, the thesis investigates the application of an information retrieval technique, Latent Semantic Analysis, to derive semantic information from source-code files. Various parameters drive the effectiveness of Latent Semantic Analysis. The performance of Latent Semantic Analysis using various parameter settings and its effectiveness in retrieving similar source-code files when optimising those parameters are evaluated. Finally, an algorithm for combining Latent Semantic Analysis with plagiarism detection tools is proposed and a tool is created and evaluated. The proposed tool, PlaGate, is a hybrid model that allows for the integration of Latent Semantic Analysis with plagiarism detection tools in order to enhance plagiarism detection. In addition, PlaGate has a facility for investigating the importance of source-code fragments with regards to their contribution towards proving plagiarism. PlaGate provides graphical output that indicates the clusters of suspicious files and source-code fragments

    An approach to source-code plagiarism detection investigation using latent semantic analysis

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    This thesis looks at three aspects of source-code plagiarism. The first aspect of the thesis is concerned with creating a definition of source-code plagiarism; the second aspect is concerned with describing the findings gathered from investigating the Latent Semantic Analysis information retrieval algorithm for source-code similarity detection; and the final aspect of the thesis is concerned with the proposal and evaluation of a new algorithm that combines Latent Semantic Analysis with plagiarism detection tools. A recent review of the literature revealed that there is no commonly agreed definition of what constitutes source-code plagiarism in the context of student assignments. This thesis first analyses the findings from a survey carried out to gather an insight into the perspectives of UK Higher Education academics who teach programming on computing courses. Based on the survey findings, a detailed definition of source-code plagiarism is proposed. Secondly, the thesis investigates the application of an information retrieval technique, Latent Semantic Analysis, to derive semantic information from source-code files. Various parameters drive the effectiveness of Latent Semantic Analysis. The performance of Latent Semantic Analysis using various parameter settings and its effectiveness in retrieving similar source-code files when optimising those parameters are evaluated. Finally, an algorithm for combining Latent Semantic Analysis with plagiarism detection tools is proposed and a tool is created and evaluated. The proposed tool, PlaGate, is a hybrid model that allows for the integration of Latent Semantic Analysis with plagiarism detection tools in order to enhance plagiarism detection. In addition, PlaGate has a facility for investigating the importance of source-code fragments with regards to their contribution towards proving plagiarism. PlaGate provides graphical output that indicates the clusters of suspicious files and source-code fragments.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Evidence-based Software Process Recovery

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    Developing a large software system involves many complicated, varied, and inter-dependent tasks, and these tasks are typically implemented using a combination of defined processes, semi-automated tools, and ad hoc practices. Stakeholders in the development process --- including software developers, managers, and customers --- often want to be able to track the actual practices being employed within a project. For example, a customer may wish to be sure that the process is ISO 9000 compliant, a manager may wish to track the amount of testing that has been done in the current iteration, and a developer may wish to determine who has recently been working on a subsystem that has had several major bugs appear in it. However, extracting the software development processes from an existing project is expensive if one must rely upon manual inspection of artifacts and interviews of developers and their managers. Previously, researchers have suggested the live observation and instrumentation of a project to allow for more measurement, but this is costly, invasive, and also requires a live running project. In this work, we propose an approach that we call software process recovery that is based on after-the-fact analysis of various kinds of software development artifacts. We use a variety of supervised and unsupervised techniques from machine learning, topic analysis, natural language processing, and statistics on software repositories such as version control systems, bug trackers, and mailing list archives. We show how we can combine all of these methods to recover process signals that we map back to software development processes such as the Unified Process. The Unified Process has been visualized using a time-line view that shows effort per parallel discipline occurring across time. This visualization is called the Unified Process diagram. We use this diagram as inspiration to produce Recovered Unified Process Views (RUPV) that are a concrete version of this theoretical Unified Process diagram. We then validate these methods using case studies of multiple open source software systems

    Enriching Reverse Engineering with Semantic Clustering

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    Understanding a software system by just analyzing the structure of the system reveals only half of the picture, since the structure tells us only how the code is working but not what the code is about. What the code is about can be found in the semantics of the source code: names of identifiers, comments etc. In this paper, we analyze how these terms are spread over the source artifacts using Latent Semantic Indexing, an information retrieval technique. We use the assumption that parts of the system that use similar terms are related. We cluster artifacts that use similar terms, and we reveal the most relevant terms for the computed clusters. Our approach works at the level of the source code which makes it language independent. Nevertheless, we correlated the semantics with structural information and we applied it at different levels of abstraction (e.g. classes, methods). We applied our approach on three large case studies and we report the results we obtained