21 research outputs found

    Application of Distance Learning to Interactive Seminar Instruction in Orthodontic Residency Programs

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    A series of experiments involving 3 orthodontic departments has shown that distance learning can be acceptable to residents and effective in teaching concepts that are fundamental to orthodontic practice. The improvement from pre- to post-test scores after observing a sequence of distance seminars was similar to direct instruction. Orthodontic residents rated the educational experiences very positively. Live participation in seminars via video conferencing was preferred to live observation or later observation of a recording, but observation provided similar improvement in test scores. The acceptability of the distance seminars appeared to be influenced by the instructor's personality and teaching style in facilitating interaction, the seminar subject, the residents' comfort level in dealing with this technology, and the sequence for interaction vs observation. Further development of recorded seminars with live follow-up discussions has the potential to supplement instruction in graduate orthodontic programs and help with the impending shortage of experienced fulltime orthodontic faculty

    Low Cost Video For Distance Education

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    A distance education system has been designed for Nova Southeastern University (NSU) . The design was based on emerging low cost video technology. The report presented the design and summarizes existing distance education efforts and technologies. The design supported multimedia electronic classrooms, and enabled students to participate in multimedia classes using standard telephone networks. Results were presented in three areas: management, courseware, and, systems. In the area of management, the report recommended that the University separately establish, fund, and staff the distance education project. Supporting rationale was included. In the area of courseware, the importance of quality courseware was highlighted. It was found that the development of distance education courseware was difficult; nevertheless, quality courseware was the key to a successful distance education program. In the area of systems, component level designs were presented for a student system, a university host, and a support system. Networks connecting the systems were addressed. The student system was based on widely available multimedia systems. The host system supported up to sixteen participants in a single class. The support system was designed for the development of courseware and the support of future projects in distance education. The report included supporting Proof of Principle demonstrations. These demonstrations showed that low cost video systems had utility at speeds as low as 7. 2 kbps. They also showed that high quality student images were not crucial to the system. The report included three alternate implementation strategies. The initial capability could be operational in 1997. A multi-session, 2000 user system was projected for early in the next century

    The application of computer technology in South African distance education.

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    Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, 1996.The advent of on-line Computer-Assisted Instruction and Computer Mediated Communication may improve instruction and communication in distance education in South African universities. On-line Computer-Assisted Instruction in distance education makes the reinforcement of knowledge both systematic and immediate. With instructional media such printed text, audio-cassettes, radio and television broadcasts the student at a distance is an isolated and passive recipient of knowledge. On-line Computer-Assisted Instruction supported by Computer Mediated Communication for interaction and feedback could close the gaps in time and distance between the teacher and the student in distance education. The current network capabilities of the computer makes it possible for such a student to interact with peers and lecturers before, during and after instructional episodes. Computer Mediated Communication can facilitate the use of electronic messaging such as Electronic Mail, Internet Relay Chat, List Servers, Multi-User Domains and Bulletin Board Services for interactions and feedback. This thesis investigates whether instruction and communication in South African universities with a distance education option can be improved using on-line Computer-Assisted Instruction and Computer Mediated Communication respectively. The thesis also makes proposals for their implementation in South Africa by analysing the applications of computer technology in degree awarding distance education institutions in some developed and developing countries that use on-line Computer-Assisted Instruction and Computer Mediated Communication

    Energy-efficient wireless communication

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    In this chapter we present an energy-efficient highly adaptive network interface architecture and a novel data link layer protocol for wireless networks that provides Quality of Service (QoS) support for diverse traffic types. Due to the dynamic nature of wireless networks, adaptations in bandwidth scheduling and error control are necessary to achieve energy efficiency and an acceptable quality of service. In our approach we apply adaptability through all layers of the protocol stack, and provide feedback to the applications. In this way the applications can adapt the data streams, and the network protocols can adapt the communication parameters

    Third international workshop on Authoring of adaptive and adaptable educational hypermedia (A3EH), Amsterdam, 18-22 July, 2005

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    The A3EH follows a successful series of workshops on Adaptive and Adaptable Educational Hypermedia. This workshop focuses on models, design and authoring of AEH, on assessment of AEH, conversion between AEH and evaluation of AEH. The workshop has paper presentations, poster session and panel discussions

    GeNeMe ÂŽ99 - Virtuelle Organisation und Neue Medien 1999: Workshop GeNeMe99 - Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien: TU Dresden, 28./29.10.1999

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    Aus dem Vorwort: 'Wir freuen uns, mit dem Band GeNeMe99 die BeitrĂ€ge des zweiten Workshops zu GeNeMe - Gemeinschaften in neuen Medien - prĂ€sentieren zu können. Damit erfĂŒllt sich zumindest im Ansatz die mit der GeNeMe98 verbundene Absicht, eine Arbeits und Veranstaltungslinie zu begrĂŒnden. Treffend aktuell reflektiert folgende dpa-Meldung zum diesjĂ€hrigen 'European IT Forum' in Paris vom 13. September des Jahres die Herausforderungen an Forschung und Praxis zur Verwirklichung des GeNeMe-Trends. Europa wird nach EinschĂ€tzung von Analysten in den nĂ€chsten Jahren im elektronischen Handel ĂŒber das Internet krĂ€ftig aufholen. Damit könne Europa zum grĂ¶ĂŸten zusammenhĂ€ngenden Markt im E-Commerce werden. Um im Wettbewerb bestehen zu können, mĂŒĂŸten die Unternehmen aber ihre gesamte Firmenstruktur auf die elektronische Zukunft ausrichten. Das gelte auch fĂŒr Unternehmen außerhalb der Technologie-Branche.:A. EINFÜHRUNG 1 Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien - Quality of Service aus der Sicht von Nutzer, Betreiber und Service Provider 1 Dr.-Ing. habil. W. Pretzsch, Dipl.-Inform. D. Neumann B. AUSGEWÄHLTE ANSÄTZE ZUR ENTWICKLUNG UND TECHNOLOGIE VON VIRTUELLEN GEMEINSCHAFTEN 25 B. 1. Gruppenorientiertes Requirement Engineering auf der Basis von Lotus Notes 25 Prof. Dr. R Liskowsky, Dipl.-Ing. R Pjater, Dipl.-Inf. H. Steher B.2. Die technische Infrastruktur zur Teilnahme von unternehmen an Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien 49 M. Ecks, M. Senft Prof. Dr. J. Raasch B. 3. Context modeling of agile software and a context-based approach to support virtual enterprises 73 Dipl.-Inform. Duy-TuanNguyen, Dr. V. Do B. 4. StabilitĂ€t und Sicherheit im Web - Der Test webbasierter Anwendungen 89 Dr. R Schröder C. REFERENZMODELLE UND ARCHITEKTUREN VON GEMEINSCHAFTEN IN NEUEN MEDIEN 109 C. l. Ein Referenzmodell fĂŒr virtuelle Unternehmen 109 Dipl.-Inform. (FH) J. Homann, Dipl.-Inform. D. Neumann C.2. Ein Referenzmodell fĂŒ r Gemeinschaften und Medien - Case Study Amazon.com 125 Dr. U. Lechner, Prof. Dr. B. Schmid, Dr. P. Schubert, Dipl. Inform. M. Klose, Stud. oec. O. Miler VIII C.3. Formalisierung und Architektur von Medien und ihren Gemeinschaften 151 Dr. U. Lechner, Prof. Dr. B. Schmid, Dipl. Inform. M. Klose CA. Analyse und Bewertung von wirtschaftsrelevanten Internet-Auftritten MittelstĂ€ndischer Unternehemen in den neuen BundeslĂ€ndern 181 Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Inf. E. Kosilek D. KOMMUNIKATION IN VIRTUELLEN GEMEINSCHAFTEN 197 D. 1. Das Potential von Virtual Communities auf Basis von Distributed Virtual Environments fĂŒr Kundengewinnung und -Bindung 197 J. Templin, Dipl.-Inform. R. Dachselt D.2. Der Einsatz von Desktop-VR fĂŒr E-Commerce-Anwendungen - Konzepte fĂŒr dreidimensionale ProduktprĂ€sentationen 213 Dipl.-Inform. R. Dachselt D. 3. Die 3D Community als ein Frontend fĂŒr internetbasierte Anlagenmanagementsysteme 233 Dr.-Ing. K. Richter E. LERNEN IN VIRTUELLEN GEMEINSCHAFTEN 255 E. 1. Ein Web-basierter Compuiergraphik-Kurs im Baukastensysten 255 F. Hanisch, Dr. R. Klein, Prof. Dr. W. Straßer E.2. Integration von Telelearning- und Teleworking-Applikationen 271 Dipl.-Inform. I. Braun, Dipl.-Inform. K. Franze, Dipl.-Inform. R. HEss, Dipl.-Inform. O. Neumann, Prof. Dr. A. Schill E.3. Ein Dokumentmodell fĂŒr Kursdokumente in Webbasierten Virtuellen Lernumgebungen 291 Prof. Dr. K. Meißner, Dipl.-Inform. F. Wehner E.4. Die Net Academy als Medium fĂŒr die Learning Community eines Masterprogramms an der UniversitĂ€t St. Gallen 307 S. Seufert, P. Schubert E.5. Das Project Net Academy 329 Dipl.-Kffr. D. Wittig E.6. „Distributed Learning“ unter Lotus Notes - ein Erfahrungsbericht 351 W. Schröter IX F. FACHÜBERGREIFENDE ASPEKTE 371 F. 1. Information Systems for Managing Second Order Dynamics of Organizations 371 Dr. F. Wierda F.2. E-commerce und seine MarktplĂ€tze 385 M. Skrzypek F.3. UnternehmensĂŒbergreifendes Workflow-Management als Instrument zur UnterstĂŒtzung von Lieferketten (SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT) 393 Dipl.-Inform. M. Halatchev, Dipl.-Phys., Dipl-SWTE. Közle G. ANSCHRIFTEN DER AUTOREN 409 H. HINWEIS AUF DIE SPONSOREN 41