134 research outputs found

    Context aware advertising

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    IP Television (IPTV) has created a new arena for digital advertising that has not been explored to its full potential yet. IPTV allows users to retrieve on demand content and recommended content; however, very limited research has been applied in the domain of advertising in IPTV systems. The diversity of the field led to a lot of mature efforts in the fields of content recommendation and mobile advertising. The introduction of IPTV and smart devices led to the ability to gather more context information that was not subject of study before. This research attempts at studying the different contextual parameters, how to enrich the advertising context to tailor better ads for users, devising a recommendation engine that utilizes the new context, building a prototype to prove the viability of the system and evaluating it on different quality of service and quality of experience measures. To tackle this problem, a review of the state of the art in the field of context-aware advertising as well as the related field of context-aware multimedia have been studied. The intent was to come up with the most relevant contextual parameters that can possibly yield a higher percentage precision for recommending advertisements to users. Subsequently, a prototype application was also developed to validate the feasibility and viability of the approach. The prototype gathers contextual information related to the number of viewers, their age, genders, viewing angles as well as their emotions. The gathered context is then dispatched to a web service which generates advertisement recommendations and sends them back to the user. A scheduler was also implemented to identify the most suitable time to push advertisements to users based on their attention span. To achieve our contributions, a corpus of 421 ads was gathered and processed for streaming. The advertisements were displayed in reality during the holy month of Ramadan, 2016. A data gathering application was developed where sample users were presented with 10 random ads and asked to rate and evaluate the advertisements according to a predetermined criteria. The gathered data was used for training the recommendation engine and computing the latent context-item preferences. This also served to identify the performance of a system that randomly sends advertisements to users. The resulting performance is used as a benchmark to compare our results against. When it comes to the recommendation engine itself, several implementation options were considered that pertain to the methodology to create a vector representation of an advertisement as well as the metric to use to measure the similarity between two advertisement vectors. The goal is to find a representation of advertisements that circumvents the cold start problem and the best similarity measure to use with the different vectorization techniques. A set of experiments have been designed and executed to identify the right vectorization methodology and similarity measure to apply in this problem domain. To evaluate the overall performance of the system, several experiments were designed and executed that cover different quality aspects of the system such as quality of service, quality of experience and quality of context. All three aspects have been measured and our results show that our recommendation engine exhibits a significant improvement over other mechanisms of pushing ads to users that are employed in currently existing systems. The other mechanisms placed in comparison are the random ad generation and targeted ad generation. Targeted ads mechanism relies on demographic information of the viewer with disregard to his/her historical consumption. Our system showed a precision percentage of 69.70% which means that roughly 7 out of 10 recommended ads are actually liked and viewed to the end by the viewer. The practice of randomly generating ads yields a result of 41.11% precision which means that only 4 out of 10 recommended ads are actually liked by viewers. The targeted ads system resulted in 51.39% precision. Our results show that a significant improvement can be introduced when employing context within a recommendation engine. When introducing emotion context, our results show a significant improvement in case the user’s emotion is happiness; however, it showed a degradation of performance when the user’s emotion is sadness. When considering all emotions, the overall results did not show a significant improvement. It is worth noting though that ads recommended based on detected emotions using our systems proved to always be relevant to the user\u27s current mood

    A survey of secure middleware for the Internet of Things

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    The rapid growth of small Internet connected devices, known as the Internet of Things (IoT), is creating a new set of challenges to create secure, private infrastructures. This paper reviews the current literature on the challenges and approaches to security and privacy in the Internet of Things, with a strong focus on how these aspects are handled in IoT middleware. We focus on IoT middleware because many systems are built from existing middleware and these inherit the underlying security properties of the middleware framework. The paper is composed of three main sections. Firstly, we propose a matrix of security and privacy threats for IoT. This matrix is used as the basis of a widespread literature review aimed at identifying requirements on IoT platforms and middleware. Secondly, we present a structured literature review of the available middleware and how security is handled in these middleware approaches. We utilise the requirements from the first phase to evaluate. Finally, we draw a set of conclusions and identify further work in this area

    Investigation of a hierarchical context-aware architecture for rule-based customisation of mobile computing service

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    The continuous technical progress in mobile device built-in modules and embedded sensing techniques creates opportunities for context-aware mobile applications. The context-aware computing paradigm exploits the relevant context as implicit input to characterise the user and physical environment and provide a computing service customised to the contextual situation. However, heterogeneity in techniques, complexity of contextual situation, and gap between raw sensor data and usable context keep the techniques from truly integration for extensive use. Studies in this area mainly focus on feasibility demonstration of the emerging techniques, and they lack general architecture support and appropriate service customisation strategy. This investigation aims to provide general system architecture and technical approaches to deal with the heterogeneity problem and efficiently utilise the dynamic context towards proactive computing service that is customised to the contextual situation. The main efforts of this investigation are the approaches to gathering, handling, and utilising the dynamic context information in an efficient way and the decision making and optimisation methods for computing service customisation. In brief, the highlights of this thesis cover the following aspects: (1) a hierarchical context-aware computing architecture supporting interoperable distribution and further use of context; (2) an in-depth analysis and classification of context and the corresponding context acquisition methods; (3) context modelling and context data representation for efficient and interoperable use of context; (4) a rule-based service customisation strategy with a rule generation mechanism to supervise the service customisation. In addition, feasibility demonstration of the proposed system and contribution justification of this investigation are conducted through case studies and prototype implementations. One case study uses mobile built-in sensing techniques to improve the usability and efficiency of mobile applications constrained by resource limitation, and the other employs the mobile terminal and embedded sensing techniques to predict users’ expectations for home facility automatic control. Results demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed context handling architecture and service customisation methods. It shows great potential for employing the context of the computing environment for context-aware adaptation in pervasive and mobile applications but also indicates some underlying problems for further study

    ICE-B 2010:proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business

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    The International Conference on e-Business, ICE-B 2010, aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners who are interested in e-Business technology and its current applications. The mentioned technology relates not only to more low-level technological issues, such as technology platforms and web services, but also to some higher-level issues, such as context awareness and enterprise models, and also the peculiarities of different possible applications of such technology. These are all areas of theoretical and practical importance within the broad scope of e-Business, whose growing importance can be seen from the increasing interest of the IT research community. The areas of the current conference are: (i) e-Business applications; (ii) Enterprise engineering; (iii) Mobility; (iv) Business collaboration and e-Services; (v) Technology platforms. Contributions vary from research-driven to being more practical oriented, reflecting innovative results in the mentioned areas. ICE-B 2010 received 66 submissions, of which 9% were accepted as full papers. Additionally, 27% were presented as short papers and 17% as posters. All papers presented at the conference venue were included in the SciTePress Digital Library. Revised best papers are published by Springer-Verlag in a CCIS Series book

    A survey of secure middleware for the Internet of Things

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    Privacidade em comunicações de dados para ambientes contextualizados

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    Doutoramento em InformáticaInternet users consume online targeted advertising based on information collected about them and voluntarily share personal information in social networks. Sensor information and data from smart-phones is collected and used by applications, sometimes in unclear ways. As it happens today with smartphones, in the near future sensors will be shipped in all types of connected devices, enabling ubiquitous information gathering from the physical environment, enabling the vision of Ambient Intelligence. The value of gathered data, if not obvious, can be harnessed through data mining techniques and put to use by enabling personalized and tailored services as well as business intelligence practices, fueling the digital economy. However, the ever-expanding information gathering and use undermines the privacy conceptions of the past. Natural social practices of managing privacy in daily relations are overridden by socially-awkward communication tools, service providers struggle with security issues resulting in harmful data leaks, governments use mass surveillance techniques, the incentives of the digital economy threaten consumer privacy, and the advancement of consumergrade data-gathering technology enables new inter-personal abuses. A wide range of fields attempts to address technology-related privacy problems, however they vary immensely in terms of assumptions, scope and approach. Privacy of future use cases is typically handled vertically, instead of building upon previous work that can be re-contextualized, while current privacy problems are typically addressed per type in a more focused way. Because significant effort was required to make sense of the relations and structure of privacy-related work, this thesis attempts to transmit a structured view of it. It is multi-disciplinary - from cryptography to economics, including distributed systems and information theory - and addresses privacy issues of different natures. As existing work is framed and discussed, the contributions to the state-of-theart done in the scope of this thesis are presented. The contributions add to five distinct areas: 1) identity in distributed systems; 2) future context-aware services; 3) event-based context management; 4) low-latency information flow control; 5) high-dimensional dataset anonymity. Finally, having laid out such landscape of the privacy-preserving work, the current and future privacy challenges are discussed, considering not only technical but also socio-economic perspectives.Quem usa a Internet vê publicidade direccionada com base nos seus hábitos de navegação, e provavelmente partilha voluntariamente informação pessoal em redes sociais. A informação disponível nos novos telemóveis é amplamente acedida e utilizada por aplicações móveis, por vezes sem razões claras para isso. Tal como acontece hoje com os telemóveis, no futuro muitos tipos de dispositivos elecónicos incluirão sensores que permitirão captar dados do ambiente, possibilitando o surgimento de ambientes inteligentes. O valor dos dados captados, se não for óbvio, pode ser derivado através de técnicas de análise de dados e usado para fornecer serviços personalizados e definir estratégias de negócio, fomentando a economia digital. No entanto estas práticas de recolha de informação criam novas questões de privacidade. As práticas naturais de relações inter-pessoais são dificultadas por novos meios de comunicação que não as contemplam, os problemas de segurança de informação sucedem-se, os estados vigiam os seus cidadãos, a economia digital leva á monitorização dos consumidores, e as capacidades de captação e gravação dos novos dispositivos eletrónicos podem ser usadas abusivamente pelos próprios utilizadores contra outras pessoas. Um grande número de áreas científicas focam problemas de privacidade relacionados com tecnologia, no entanto fazem-no de maneiras diferentes e assumindo pontos de partida distintos. A privacidade de novos cenários é tipicamente tratada verticalmente, em vez de re-contextualizar trabalho existente, enquanto os problemas actuais são tratados de uma forma mais focada. Devido a este fraccionamento no trabalho existente, um exercício muito relevante foi a sua estruturação no âmbito desta tese. O trabalho identificado é multi-disciplinar - da criptografia à economia, incluindo sistemas distribuídos e teoria da informação - e trata de problemas de privacidade de naturezas diferentes. À medida que o trabalho existente é apresentado, as contribuições feitas por esta tese são discutidas. Estas enquadram-se em cinco áreas distintas: 1) identidade em sistemas distribuídos; 2) serviços contextualizados; 3) gestão orientada a eventos de informação de contexto; 4) controlo de fluxo de informação com latência baixa; 5) bases de dados de recomendação anónimas. Tendo descrito o trabalho existente em privacidade, os desafios actuais e futuros da privacidade são discutidos considerando também perspectivas socio-económicas
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