386 research outputs found

    Real-time Model-based Image Color Correction for Underwater Robots

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    Recently, a new underwater imaging formation model presented that the coefficients related to the direct and backscatter transmission signals are dependent on the type of water, camera specifications, water depth, and imaging range. This paper proposes an underwater color correction method that integrates this new model on an underwater robot, using information from a pressure depth sensor for water depth and a visual odometry system for estimating scene distance. Experiments were performed with and without a color chart over coral reefs and a shipwreck in the Caribbean. We demonstrate the performance of our proposed method by comparing it with other statistic-, physic-, and learning-based color correction methods. Applications for our proposed method include improved 3D reconstruction and more robust underwater robot navigation.Comment: Accepted at the 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS

    Full-Scale Continuous Synthetic Sonar Data Generation with Markov Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks

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    Deployment and operation of autonomous underwater vehicles is expensive and time-consuming. High-quality realistic sonar data simulation could be of benefit to multiple applications, including training of human operators for post-mission analysis, as well as tuning and validation of autonomous target recognition (ATR) systems for underwater vehicles. Producing realistic synthetic sonar imagery is a challenging problem as the model has to account for specific artefacts of real acoustic sensors, vehicle altitude, and a variety of environmental factors. We propose a novel method for generating realistic-looking sonar side-scans of full-length missions, called Markov Conditional pix2pix (MC-pix2pix). Quantitative assessment results confirm that the quality of the produced data is almost indistinguishable from real. Furthermore, we show that bootstrapping ATR systems with MC-pix2pix data can improve the performance. Synthetic data is generated 18 times faster than real acquisition speed, with full user control over the topography of the generated data.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures. Accepted to ICRA2020. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automatio

    Real-World Image Restoration Using Degradation Adaptive Transformer-Based Adversarial Network

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    Most existing learning-based image restoration methods heavily rely on paired degraded/non-degraded training datasets that are based on simplistic handcrafted degradation assumptions. These assumptions often involve a limited set of degradations, such as Gaussian blurs, noises, and bicubic downsampling. However, when these methods are applied to real-world images, there is a significant decrease in performance due to the discrepancy between synthetic and realistic degradation. Additionally, they lack the flexibility to adapt to unknown degradations in practical scenarios, which limits their generalizability to complex and unconstrained scenes. To address the absence of image pairs, recent studies have proposed Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)-based unpaired methods. Nevertheless, unpaired learning models based on convolution operations encounter challenges in capturing long-range pixel dependencies in real-world images. This limitation stems from their reliance on convolution operations, which offer local connectivity and translation equivariance but struggle to capture global dependencies due to their limited receptive field. To address these challenges, this dissertation proposed an innovative unpaired image restoration basic model along with an advanced model. The proposed basic model is the DA-CycleGAN model, which is based on the CycleGAN [1] neural network and specifically designed for blind real-world Single Image Super-Resolution (SISR). The DA-CycleGAN incorporates a degradation adaptive (DA) module to learn various real-world degradations (such as noise and blur patterns) in an unpaired manner, enabling strong flexible adaptation. Additionally, an advanced model called Trans-CycleGAN was designed, which integrated the Transformer architecture into CycleGAN to leverage its global connectivity. This combination allowed for image-to-image translation using CycleGAN [1] while enabling the Transformer to model global connectivity across long-range pixels. Extensive experiments conducted on realistic images demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed method in solving real-world image restoration problems, resulting in clearer and finer details. Overall, this dissertation presents a novel unpaired image restoration basic model and an advanced model that effectively address the limitations of existing approaches. The proposed approach achieves significant advancements in handling real-world degradations and modeling long-range pixel dependencies, thereby offering substantial improvements in image restoration tasks. Index Terms— Cross-domain translation, generative adversarial network, image restoration, super-resolution, transformer, unpaired training

    Underwater Image Super-Resolution using Deep Residual Multipliers

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    We present a deep residual network-based generative model for single image super-resolution (SISR) of underwater imagery for use by autonomous underwater robots. We also provide an adversarial training pipeline for learning SISR from paired data. In order to supervise the training, we formulate an objective function that evaluates the \textit{perceptual quality} of an image based on its global content, color, and local style information. Additionally, we present USR-248, a large-scale dataset of three sets of underwater images of 'high' (640x480) and 'low' (80x60, 160x120, and 320x240) spatial resolution. USR-248 contains paired instances for supervised training of 2x, 4x, or 8x SISR models. Furthermore, we validate the effectiveness of our proposed model through qualitative and quantitative experiments and compare the results with several state-of-the-art models' performances. We also analyze its practical feasibility for applications such as scene understanding and attention modeling in noisy visual conditions

    Underwater Image Super-Resolution using Generative Adversarial Network-based Model

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    Single image super-resolution (SISR) models are able to enhance the resolution and visual quality of underwater images and contribute to a better understanding of underwater environments. The integration of these models in Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) can improve their performance in vision-based tasks. Real-Enhanced Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Network (Real-ESRGAN) is an efficient model that has shown remarkable performance among SISR models. In this paper, we fine-tune the pre-trained Real-ESRGAN model for underwater image super-resolution. To fine-tune and evaluate the performance of the model, we use the USR-248 dataset. The fine-tuned model produces more realistic images with better visual quality compared to the Real-ESRGAN model
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