17 research outputs found

    Tensorized Self-Attention: Efficiently Modeling Pairwise and Global Dependencies Together

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    Neural networks equipped with self-attention have parallelizable computation, light-weight structure, and the ability to capture both long-range and local dependencies. Further, their expressive power and performance can be boosted by using a vector to measure pairwise dependency, but this requires to expand the alignment matrix to a tensor, which results in memory and computation bottlenecks. In this paper, we propose a novel attention mechanism called "Multi-mask Tensorized Self-Attention" (MTSA), which is as fast and as memory-efficient as a CNN, but significantly outperforms previous CNN-/RNN-/attention-based models. MTSA 1) captures both pairwise (token2token) and global (source2token) dependencies by a novel compatibility function composed of dot-product and additive attentions, 2) uses a tensor to represent the feature-wise alignment scores for better expressive power but only requires parallelizable matrix multiplications, and 3) combines multi-head with multi-dimensional attentions, and applies a distinct positional mask to each head (subspace), so the memory and computation can be distributed to multiple heads, each with sequential information encoded independently. The experiments show that a CNN/RNN-free model based on MTSA achieves state-of-the-art or competitive performance on nine NLP benchmarks with compelling memory- and time-efficiency

    Improving BERT with Self-Supervised Attention

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    One of the most popular paradigms of applying large pre-trained NLP models such as BERT is to fine-tune it on a smaller dataset. However, one challenge remains as the fine-tuned model often overfits on smaller datasets. A symptom of this phenomenon is that irrelevant or misleading words in the sentence, which are easy to understand for human beings, can substantially degrade the performance of these finetuned BERT models. In this paper, we propose a novel technique, called Self-Supervised Attention (SSA) to help facilitate this generalization challenge. Specifically, SSA automatically generates weak, token-level attention labels iteratively by probing the fine-tuned model from the previous iteration. We investigate two different ways of integrating SSA into BERT and propose a hybrid approach to combine their benefits. Empirically, through a variety of public datasets, we illustrate significant performance improvement using our SSA-enhanced BERT model

    What If We Simply Swap the Two Text Fragments? A Straightforward yet Effective Way to Test the Robustness of Methods to Confounding Signals in Nature Language Inference Tasks

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    Nature language inference (NLI) task is a predictive task of determining the inference relationship of a pair of natural language sentences. With the increasing popularity of NLI, many state-of-the-art predictive models have been proposed with impressive performances. However, several works have noticed the statistical irregularities in the collected NLI data set that may result in an over-estimated performance of these models and proposed remedies. In this paper, we further investigate the statistical irregularities, what we refer as confounding factors, of the NLI data sets. With the belief that some NLI labels should preserve under swapping operations, we propose a simple yet effective way (swapping the two text fragments) of evaluating the NLI predictive models that naturally mitigate the observed problems. Further, we continue to train the predictive models with our swapping manner and propose to use the deviation of the model's evaluation performances under different percentages of training text fragments to be swapped to describe the robustness of a predictive model. Our evaluation metrics leads to some interesting understandings of recent published NLI methods. Finally, we also apply the swapping operation on NLI models to see the effectiveness of this straightforward method in mitigating the confounding factor problems in training generic sentence embeddings for other NLP transfer tasks.Comment: 8 pages, to appear at AAAI 1