1 research outputs found

    On the Benefits of a Cooperative Layer-2 based Routing Approach for Hybrid Wireless Mesh Networks

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    In a wireless mesh network, the convenience of a routing strategy strongly depends on the mobility of the intermediate nodes that compose the paths. Taking into account this behavior, this paper presents a routing scheme that works differently accordingly to the nodes mobility. In this sense, a proactive routing scheme is restricted to the backbone in order to promote the use of stable routes. On the other hand, the reactive protocol is used to search routes to or from a mobile destination. Both approaches are simultaneously implemented in the mesh nodes so that the routing protocols share routing information that optimize the network performance. Aiming at guaranteeing the IP compatibility, the combination of the two protocols in the core routers is carried out at the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer. Opposite to the operation at IP layer where two routing protocols are not able to concurrently work, the transfer of the routing tasks to the MAC layer enables the use of multiple independent forwarding tables. Simulation results show the goodness of the proposal in terms of packet losses and data delayTriviño, A.; Ariza, A.; Casilari, E.; Cano Escribá, JC. (2013). On the Benefits of a Cooperative Layer-2 based Routing Approach for Hybrid Wireless Mesh Networks. China Communications. 10(8):88-99. doi:10.1109/CC.2013.6633748S889910