83 research outputs found

    Enhancement of quantum correlations between two particles under decoherence in finite temperature environment

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    Enhancing the quantum correlations in realistic quantum systems interacting with the environment of finite temperature is an important subject in quantum information processing. In this paper, we use weak measurement and measurement reversal to enhance the quantum correlations in a quantum system consisting of two particles. The transitions of the quantum correlations measured by the local quantum uncertainty of qubit-qubit and qutrit-qutrit quantum systems under generalized amplitude damping channels are investigated. We show that, after the weak measurement and measurement reversal, the joint system shows more robustness against decoherence.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Tomograms for open quantum systems: in(finite) dimensional optical and spin systems

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    Tomograms are obtained as probability distributions and are used to reconstruct a quantum state from experimentally measured values. We study the evolution of tomograms for different quantum systems, both finite and infinite dimensional. In realistic experimental conditions, the quantum states are exposed to the ambient environment and hence subject to effects like decoherence and dissipation, which are dealt with here, consistently, using the formalism of open quantum systems. This is extremely relevant from the perspective of experimental implementation and issues related to state reconstruction in quantum computation and communication. These considerations are also expected to affect the quasiprobability distribution obtained from experimentally generated tomograms and nonclassicality observed from them.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figure

    Finite-time destruction of entanglement and non-locality by environmental influences

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    Entanglement and non-locality are non-classical global characteristics of quantum states important to the foundations of quantum mechanics. Recent investigations have shown that environmental noise, even when it is entirely local in influence, can destroy both of these properties in finite time despite giving rise to full quantum state decoherence only in the infinite time limit. These investigations, which have been carried out in a range of theoretical and experimental situations, are reviewed here.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figures, review article to appear in Foundations of Physic

    Coherent interaction-free detection of noise

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    Noise is an important concept and its measurement and characterization has been a flourishing area of research in contemporary mesoscopic physics. Here we propose interaction-free measurements as a noise-detection technique, exploring two conceptually different schemes: the coherent and the projective realizations. These detectors consist of a qutrit whose second transition is coupled to a resonant oscillatory field that may have noise in amplitude or phase. For comparison, we consider a more standard detector previously discussed in this context - a qubit coupled in a similar way to the noise source. We find that the qutrit scheme offers clear advantages, allowing precise detection and characterization of the noise, while the qubit does not. Finally, we study the signature of noise correlations in the detector's signal.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Quantum Information Scrambling in a Superconducting Qutrit Processor

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    The theory of quantum information provides a common language which links disciplines ranging from cosmology to condensed-matter physics. For example, the delocalization of quantum information in strongly-interacting many-body systems, known as quantum information scrambling, has recently begun to unite our understanding of black hole dynamics, transport in exotic non-Fermi liquids, and many-body analogs of quantum chaos. To date, verified experimental implementations of scrambling have dealt only with systems comprised of two-level qubits. Higher-dimensional quantum systems, however, may exhibit different scrambling modalities and are predicted to saturate conjectured speed limits on the rate of quantum information scrambling. We take the first steps toward accessing such phenomena, by realizing a quantum processor based on superconducting qutrits (three-level quantum systems). We implement two-qutrit scrambling operations and embed them in a five-qutrit teleportation algorithm to directly measure the associated out of-time-ordered correlation functions. Measured teleportation fidelities, Favg = 0.568 +- 0001, confirm the occurrence of scrambling even in the presence of experimental imperfections. Our teleportation algorithm, which connects to recent proposals for studying traversable wormholes in the laboratory, demonstrates how quantum information processing technology based on higher dimensional systems can exploit a larger and more connected state space to achieve the resource efficient encoding of complex quantum circuits

    Entanglement and other measures of non-classicality

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    Quantum information theory (QIT) is an emerging field of physics which aims to develop new methods of dealing with information by harnessing the power of quantum mechanics. Besides its potential to revolutionize the techniques of information processing and communication, it also provides novel approaches to better comprehend the foundations of quantum mechanics. Among many important problems in QIT, manipulation and dynamical characterization of correlations present in quantum systems stand out due to their relevance for the practical applications of the theory. This thesis intends to explore such correlations of quantum and classical nature from various perspectives. In particular, our discussions involve the investigation of local transformations among a class of entangled states and the examination of correlation measures in some physical models. We first examine the classification of the flip (0-1) and exchange symmetric (FES) states under local quantum operations. We study the optimal local one-shot conversions of FES states to determine the entanglement transformations that relate multiqubit FES states with the maximum possible probability of success. Next, we investigate the exchange symmetry properties of certain symmetric states when the qubits evolve according to a dephasing model which is also invariant under swap operation. We find that there exist states which do not preserve the exchange symmetry with unit probability during the time evolution, leading to the spontaneous breaking of exchange symmetry. Later, we turn our attention to the dynamics of quantum and classical correlations for qubit-qutrit systems in independent and global dephasing environments. In these cases, we demonstrate several interesting phenomena such as the transition from classical to quantum decoherence. Lastly, we investigate the thermal quantum and total correlations in the one-dimensional anisotropic XY model in transverse field. We discuss the ability of different measures to estimate the critical point of the quantum phase transition at finite temperature. We also consider the relation between correlations and the factorized ground state in this model. Furthermore, we study the effect of temperature on long-range correlations

    Qubit-environment entanglement in time-dependent pure dephasing

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    We show that the methods for quantification of system-environment entanglement that were recently developed for interactions that lead to pure decoherence of the system can be straightforwardly generalized to time-dependent Hamiltonians of the same type. This includes the if-and-only-if criteria of separability, as well as the entanglement measure applicable to qubit systems, and methods of detection of entanglement by operations and measurements performed solely on the system without accessing the environment. We use these methods to study the nature of the decoherence of a qubit-oscillator system. Qubit-oscillator entanglement is essential for developing bosonic quantum technology with quantum non-Gaussian states and its applications in quantum sensing and computing. The dominating bosonic platforms, trapped ions, electromechanics, and superconducting circuits, are based on the time-dependent gates that use such entanglement to achieve new quantum sensors and quantum error correction. The step-like time-dependence of the Hamiltonian that is taken into account allows us to capture complex interplay between the build-up of classical and quantum correlations, which could not be replicated in time-independent scenarios.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    The classical-quantum boundary for correlations: discord and related measures

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    One of the best signatures of nonclassicality in a quantum system is the existence of correlations that have no classical counterpart. Different methods for quantifying the quantum and classical parts of correlations are amongst the more actively-studied topics of quantum information theory over the past decade. Entanglement is the most prominent of these correlations, but in many cases unentangled states exhibit nonclassical behavior too. Thus distinguishing quantum correlations other than entanglement provides a better division between the quantum and classical worlds, especially when considering mixed states. Here we review different notions of classical and quantum correlations quantified by quantum discord and other related measures. In the first half, we review the mathematical properties of the measures of quantum correlations, relate them to each other, and discuss the classical-quantum division that is common among them. In the second half, we show that the measures identify and quantify the deviation from classicality in various quantum-information-processing tasks, quantum thermodynamics, open-system dynamics, and many-body physics. We show that in many cases quantum correlations indicate an advantage of quantum methods over classical ones.Comment: Close to the published versio