1,387 research outputs found

    The role of F0 and phonation cues in Cantonese low tone perception

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    Apparatus And Quality Enhancement Algorithm For Mixed Excitation Linear Predictive (MELP) And Other Speech Coders

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    A system and method for enhancing the speech quality of the mixed excitation linear predictive (MELP) coder and other low bit-rate speech coders. The system and method employ a plosive analysis/synthesis method, which detects the frame containing a plosive signal, applies a simple model to synthesize the plosive signal, and adds the synthesized plosive to the coded speech. The system and method remains compatible with the existing MELP coder bit stream.Georgia-tech Research Corporatio

    Normal-to-Lombard Adaptation of Speech Synthesis Using Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Networks

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    In this article, three adaptation methods are compared based on how well they change the speaking style of a neural network based text-to-speech (TTS) voice. The speaking style conversion adopted here is from normal to Lombard speech. The selected adaptation methods are: auxiliary features (AF), learning hidden unit contribution (LHUC), and fine-tuning (FT). Furthermore, four state-of-the-art TTS vocoders are compared in the same context. The evaluated vocoders are: GlottHMM, GlottDNN, STRAIGHT, and pulse model in log-domain (PML). Objective and subjective evaluations were conducted to study the performance of both the adaptation methods and the vocoders. In the subjective evaluations, speaking style similarity and speech intelligibility were assessed. In addition to acoustic model adaptation, phoneme durations were also adapted from normal to Lombard with the FT adaptation method. In objective evaluations and speaking style similarity tests, we found that the FT method outperformed the other two adaptation methods. In speech intelligibility tests, we found that there were no significant differences between vocoders although the PML vocoder showed slightly better performance compared to the three other vocoders.Peer reviewe

    On Speech Pre-emphasis as a Simple and Inexpensive Method to Boost Speech Enhancement

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    Pre-emphasis filtering, compensating for the natural energy decay of speech at higher frequencies, has been considered as a common pre-processing step in a number of speech processing tasks over the years. In this work, we demonstrate, for the first time, that pre-emphasis filtering may also be used as a simple and computationally-inexpensive way to leverage deep neural network-based speech enhancement performance. Particularly, we look into pre-emphasizing the estimated and actual clean speech prior to loss calculation so that different speech frequency components better mirror their perceptual importance during the training phase. Experimental results on a noisy version of the TIMIT dataset show that integrating the pre-emphasis-based methodology at hand yields relative estimated speech quality improvements of up to 4.6% and 3.4% for noise types seen and unseen, respectively, during the training phase. Similar to the case of pre-emphasis being considered as a default pre-processing step in classical automatic speech recognition and speech coding systems, the pre-emphasis-based methodology analyzed in this article may potentially become a default add-on for modern speech enhancement

    Vector adaptive predictive coder for speech and audio

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    A real-time vector adaptive predictive coder which approximates each vector of K speech samples by using each of M fixed vectors in a first codebook to excite a time-varying synthesis filter and picking the vector that minimizes distortion. Predictive analysis for each frame determines parameters used for computing from vectors in the first codebook zero-state response vectors that are stored at the same address (index) in a second codebook. Encoding of input speech vectors s.sub.n is then carried out using the second codebook. When the vector that minimizes distortion is found, its index is transmitted to a decoder which has a codebook identical to the first codebook of the decoder. There the index is used to read out a vector that is used to synthesize an output speech vector s.sub.n. The parameters used in the encoder are quantized, for example by using a table, and the indices are transmitted to the decoder where they are decoded to specify transfer characteristics of filters used in producing the vector s.sub.n from the receiver codebook vector selected by the vector index transmitted