7 research outputs found

    Wireless Video Transmission with Over-the-Air Packet Mixing

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    In this paper, we propose a system for wireless video transmission with a wireless physical layer (PHY) that supports cooperative forwarding of interfered/superimposed packets. Our system model considers multiple and independent unicast transmissions between network nodes while a number of them serve as relays of the interfered/superimposed signals. For this new PHY the average transmission rate that each node can achieve is estimated first. Next, we formulate a utility optimization framework for the video transmission problem and we show that it can be simplified due to the features of the new PHY. Simulation results reveal the system operating regions for which superimposing wireless packets is a better choice than a typical cooperative PHY.Comment: 2012 Packet Video Worksho

    Joint Source-Channel Coding of JPEG 2000 Image Transmission Over Two-Way Multi-Relay Networks

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    In this paper, we develop a two-way multi-relay scheme for JPEG 2000 image transmission. We adopt a modified time-division broadcast (TDBC) cooperative protocol, and derive its power allocation and relay selection under a fairness constraint. The symbol error probability of the optimal system configuration is then derived. After that, a joint source-channel coding (JSCC) problem is formulated to find the optimal number of JPEG 2000 quality layers for the image and the number of channel coding packets for each JPEG 2000 codeblock that can minimize the reconstructed image distortion for the two users, subject to a rate constraint. Two fast algorithms based on dynamic programming (DP) and branch and bound (BB) are then developed. Simulation demonstrates that the proposed JSCC scheme achieves better performance and lower complexity than other similar transmission systems

    Framework for Content Distribution over Wireless LANs

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    Wireless LAN (also called as Wi-Fi) is dominantly considered as the most pervasive technology for Intent access. Due to the low-cost of chipsets and support for high data rates, Wi-Fi has become a universal solution for ever-increasing application space which includes, video streaming, content delivery, emergency communication, vehicular communication and Internet-of-Things (IoT). Wireless LAN technology is defined by the IEEE 802.11 standard. The 802.11 standard has been amended several times over the last two decades, to incorporate the requirement of future applications. The 802.11 based Wi-Fi networks are infrastructure networks in which devices communicate through an access point. However, in 2010, Wi-Fi Alliance has released a specification to standardize direct communication in Wi-Fi networks. The technology is called Wi-Fi Direct. Wi-Fi Direct after 9 years of its release is still used for very basic services (connectivity, file transfer etc.), despite the potential to support a wide range of applications. The reason behind the limited inception of Wi-Fi Direct is some inherent shortcomings that limit its performance in dense networks. These include the issues related to topology design, such as non-optimal group formation, Group Owner selection problem, clustering in dense networks and coping with device mobility in dynamic networks. Furthermore, Wi-Fi networks also face challenges to meet the growing number of Wi Fi users. The next generation of Wi-Fi networks is characterized as ultra-dense networks where the topology changes frequently which directly affects the network performance. The dynamic nature of such networks challenges the operators to design and make optimum planifications. In this dissertation, we propose solutions to the aforementioned problems. We contributed to the existing Wi-Fi Direct technology by enhancing the group formation process. The proposed group formation scheme is backwards-compatible and incorporates role selection based on the device's capabilities to improve network performance. Optimum clustering scheme using mixed integer programming is proposed to design efficient topologies in fixed dense networks, which improves network throughput and reduces packet loss ratio. A novel architecture using Unmanned Aeriel Vehicles (UAVs) in Wi-Fi Direct networks is proposed for dynamic networks. In ultra-dense, highly dynamic topologies, we propose cognitive networks using machine-learning algorithms to predict the network changes ahead of time and self-configuring the network