3 research outputs found

    Patterns of Acehnese Reduplication in Early Literary Works

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    Reduplication is a morphological operation in many Austronesian languages, including Acehnese. This process is very productive in Acehnese, and it occurs with many patterns. This study aims to find out the reduplication patterns in Acehnese based on nine literary works written in the 19th century or earlier. The study also focuses on reduplicated patterns and how affixation is treated in reduplication. The study was qualitative, and thus the data were analyzed qualitatively. The data collection and analysis included data extraction, data classification, data display, and data interpretation. The conclusion was verified by comparing the interpretation and tokens from the data. The results showed that reduplication in Acehnese appeared in total reduplication and partial reduplication. Each pattern involved rhythmic reduplications where vowel and some consonant alterations appeared in the reduplicants. In addition, some of those patterns were lexicalized reduplication, where the reduplication did not have any stem or non-reduplicated form. More than half of the lexicalized reduplicated words were onomatopoeia, words imitating sounds. Finally, only prefixes meu-, peu-, and teu- are found in Acehnese reduplication. These findings have provided comprehensive information regarding the patterns of Acehnese reduplication, which revealed that reduplication is a significant process of word formation in the language

    Enhanced Affixation Word Stemmer with Stemming Error Reducer to Solve Affxation Stemming Errors

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    Word stemming algorithm (or word stemmer) is an important preprocessing component in the information retrieval and text categorization that aims to reduce derived words to their respective root words. Most of the existing Malay word stemmers adopt rule-based affixes removal method and dictionary lookup to stem affixation words. Despite of many stemming approaches have been proposed in the past research, the existing Malay word stemmers still suffer from affixation stemming errors due to the complexity of Malay morphology. These stemming errors can be classified into over stemming, under stemming, unstem, and special variations and exceptions. Hence this paper presents the enhanced affixation word stemmer that aims to solve these stemming errors. This paper also examined the root causes of these stemming errors in the existing Malay stemmers. The experimental results indicate that the enhanced word stemmerable to stem prefixation, suffixation, confixation and infixation wordswith better stemming accuracy by using enhanced Rule Application Order and Stemming Errors Reducer

    Enhanced rules application order approach to stem reduplication words in Malay texts

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    Word stemming algorithm is a natural language morphogical process of reducing derived words to their respective root words. Due to the importance of word stemming algorithm, many Malay word stemming algorithms have been developed in the past years. However, previous researchers only focused on improving affixation word stemming with various stemming approaches. There is no reduplication word stemming has been developed for Malay language thus far. In Malay language, affixation and reduplication are derived words in which have their own morphological rules. Therefore, the use of affixation word stemming to stem reduplication words is considered inappropriate. Hence this paper presents the proposed reduplication word stemming algorithm to stem full, rhythmic and partial reduplication words to their respective root words. This proposed stemming algorithm uses Rules Application Order with Stemming Errors Reducer to stem these reduplication words. Malay online newspaper articles have been used to evaluate this proposed stemming algorithm. The experimental results showed that the proposed stemming algorithm able to stem full, rhythmic, affixed and partial reduplication with better stemming accuracy. Hence, the future improvement of Malay word stemming algorithm should include affixation and reduplication word stemming