8 research outputs found

    YouTube vaizdo įrašų populiarumo vertinimas naudojant viešai prieinamus metaduomenis

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    YouTube vaizdo įrašų duomenų augimo tempai kelia daug problemų sprendžiant vaizdo įrašų populiarumo vertinimo ir klasifikavimo uždavinius. Vis dar nėra nusistovėjusios metodologijos, kokiais kriterijais remiantis, turi būti apibrėžiamas įrašų populiarumas. Šiame darbe analizuojami YouTube duomenų programos programavimo sąsajos pagalba surinkti vaizdo įrašų metaduomenys ir išvestiniai jų parametrai. Įvertinus reikšmingus vidurkių skirtumus tarp populiarumo grupių statistiniais testais, atliktas vaizdo įrašų populiarumo grupių klasifikavimas naudojant tris mašininio mokymosi metodus: atraminių vektorių, atsitiktinio miško ir daugialypės logistinės regresijos klasifikatorius. Atlikta algoritmų lyginamoji analizė bei atrinkti populiarumo lygį tiksliausiai klasifikuojantys požymių rinkiniai

    Performing Toraja rice ritual, communicating biodiversity on YouTube: A study of conservation on rice landrace

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    The proliferating public interest in conservation can be explored by monitoring what people say and what people do on social media platforms. YouTube is one of the resources for digital conservation studies as the users are allowed to archive and share content. Meanwhile, networks visualization provided by computer software is powerful to preserve vernacular languages since text(s) tagging is one of the main processes in gaining data. The present study aims to answer research questions using a transdisciplinary approach to sociology, ethnobotany, and communication science. Thus, this research enquires; (a) how might conservation of Toraja rice landraces be practiced continuously? (b) what are the current forms of conservation that are developed and accepted as Toraja socio-cultural activities? (c) how do social media platforms, YouTube, for instance, contribute to the conservation efforts in rice landraces? (d) what are the social implications of conservation education through social media? In order to answer the above questions, six different research methods, namely, observations, in-depth interview, mapping distribution of rice landrace varieties in six fields of studies, calculating Index of Cultural Significance on rice accessions for practicing conservation rice landrace. Digital conservation and conservation culturomics were also measured using NodeXL and API for visualizing the graph of YouTube videos network and calculating the frequency of words occurrence according to search string Toraja rice ritual. The outcome from the study indicates the current forms of conservation by cultivating and consuming rice landrace varieties on everyday life and ritual, as well as preserving rice and agriculture images on wood carving motifs, folk song, and folk dance. The digital conservation efforts are demonstrated by archiving and broadcasting rice rituals on YouTube videos. With an increase of frequency on word occurrences by Toraja language on hashtags on YouTube videos, the users were contributing to participatory culture for preserving vernacular language and promoting agricultural innovations in digital conservation ecosystems and environmental communication

    Konferencijos „Lietuvos magistrantų informatikos ir IT tyrimai“ darbai

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    The conference "Lithuanian MSc Research in Informatics and ICT" is a venue to present research of Lithuanian MSc theses in informatics and ICT. The aim of the event is to raise skills of MSc and other students, familiarize themselves with the research of other students, encourage their interest in scientific activities. Students from Kaunas University of Technology, Vilnius University, and Vytautas Magnus University will give their presentations at the conference

    Que características nos vídeos e youtubers influenciam o espectador nos videojogos?

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    Dissertação de mestrado apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimédia.A evolução das tecnologias e das social media, nomeadamente, o YouTube, tem vindo a alterar a forma como os utilizadores comunicam, procuram informação e assistem a conteúdo. O YouTube cresceu e a sua popularidade também, é uma plataforma que fez de várias pessoas normais, estrelas, que produzem conteúdos de vídeo de uma forma que antes não seria possível fazer. Muitas destas novas figuras populares cresceram nesta social media através dos conteúdos de gaming, possibilitando assim, pela primeira vez, a oportunidade de fazerem o que mais gostam, jogar videojogos, e ganhar dinheiro com isso. A melhor forma de alcançar o sucesso no YouTube é dominar o engagement, que no fundo é medido pelo consumo e reação do utilizador aos vídeos, e está muito dependente das características do próprio youtuber e das características dos vídeos produzidos por eles. No entanto, atualmente há ainda poucos estudos e autores que se foquem nestas características, muito menos quando direcionadas ao mercado dos vídeojogos. A presente investigação tem como objetivo aferir quais são as características nos vídeos do YouTube e nos youtubers que influenciam o espectador nos videojogos, perceber quais dessas características pesam mais para o espectador e qual o impacto do vídeo online nos videojogos. Para o fazer, optou-se por uma metodologia mista, através de pesquisa qualitativa, em forma de entrevistas e pesquisa quantitativa, em forma de inquéritos por questionário. Foram realizadas entrevistas estruturadas a três youtubers com conteúdos de gaming, Wuant, Clevoo e Psylocke22, paralelamente, elaborou-se e disponibilizou-se um questionário a utilizadores do YouTube, conseguindo assim o ponto de vista do youtuber e utilizador. Concluiu-se que ambas as características, do youtuber e do vídeo, complementam-se e são importantes para influenciar o espectador nos videojogos, completando assim a experiência de jogo. Por um lado, as características do youtuber tornam-no único, são pessoais e dificilmente replicáveis (simpatia, honestidade, carisma) por outro é difícil assistir a um vídeo em más condições sonoras e visuais.ABSTRACT: The evolution of technologies and social media platforms, like YouTube, has been changing the way users communicate, search for information and watch content. YouTube has grown and so has its popularity, it is a platform that has made stars out of normal people, producing video content in a way that would not have been possible before. Many of these new popular figures grew up on this social media through gaming content, thus providing, for the first time, the opportunity to do what they love most, play video games, and earn money from it. The best way to achieve success on YouTube is to master engagement, which is ultimately measured by the user's consumption and reaction to videos, and is also very dependent on the characteristics of the youtuber and the characteristics of the videos they produce. However, currently there are still few studies and authors that focus on these characteristics, much less when aimed at the video game market. The present investigation aims to determine which characteristics in YouTube videos and youtubers influence the viewer in video games, to understand which of these characteristics weigh more on the viewer and what is the impact of online video on video games. To do this, a mixed methodology was chosen, through qualitative research, in the form of interviews, and quantitative research, in the form of questionnaire surveys. Structured interviews were carried out with three youtubers with gaming content, Wuant, Clevoo and Psylocke22, at the same time, a questionnaire was prepared and made available to YouTube users, thus obtaining the point of view of the youtuber and user. It was concluded that both characteristics, of the youtuber and the video, complement each other and are important to influence the viewer in video games, thus completing the gaming experience. On the one hand, the youtuber's characteristics make him unique, they are personal and difficult to replicate (friendliness, honesty, charisma) on the other hand, it is difficult to watch a video in poor sound and visual conditions.N/

    (Main)streaming Hate: Analyzing White Supremacist Content and Framing Devices on YouTube

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    The emboldening of white supremacist groups, as well as their increased mainstream presence in online circles, necessitates the creation of studies that dissect their tactics and rhetoric, while offering platform-specific insights. This study seeks to address these needs by analyzing white supremacist content and framing devices on the video hosting website, YouTube. Data were collected through a multi-stage sampling technique, designed to capture a \u27snapshot\u27 of white supremacist content on the platform during a 45-day period in 2019. After line-by-line coding and qualitative thematic analysis, results showed that sampled channels varied between different levels of color-blindness and overt racialization in their framing. Furthermore, channels containing more color-blind approaches yielded higher subscriber counts than their counterparts. What this indicates is that sampled channels use framing to both activate racial threat and minimize race, attempting to reproduce racism while avoiding coming off as racist in the color-blind, mainstream political climate. Secondary findings also show how sampled channels (a) rhetorically bridge the gap between fascism, nationalism, hegemonic gender roles, and mainstream conservative thought; (b) reconcile the idea of political action within a perilous and conspiratorial worldview; (c) leverage interactive, visual media to engage, manage, and collect funding from their audiences. This study is unique because it unpacks the discursive intricacies of white supremacist messaging, while showing the processes by which a racist society is reproduced in the cosmopolitan, digital hub that is YouTube. It sets precedent and opens doors for future inquiry into how social media platforms are used as tools to mainstream white supremacist ideas

    Detection, estimation and control in online social media

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    Due to large scale use of online social media there has been growing interest in modeling and analysis of data from online social media. The unifying theme of this thesis is to develop a set of mathematical tools for detection, estimation and control in online social media. The following are the main contributions of this thesis: Chapter 2 deals with nonparametric change detection for dynamic utility maximization agents. Using the revealed preference framework, necessary and sufficient conditions for detecting the change point are derived. In the presence of noisy measurements, we construct a decision test to check for dynamic utility maximization behaviour and the change point. Experiments on the Yahoo! Tech Buzz dataset show that the framework can be used to detect changes in ground truth using online search data. Chapter 3 studies engagement dynamics and sensitivity analysis of YouTube videos. Using machine learning and sensitivity analysis techniques it is shown that the video view count is sensitive to 5 meta-level features. In addition, changing the meta-level after the video has been posted increases the popularity of the video. In addition, we examine how the social dynamics of a YouTube channel affect it's popularity. The results are empirically validated on a real-world data consisting of about 6 million videos spread over 25 thousand channels. Chapter 4 considers the problem of scheduling advertisements in live personalized online social media. Broadcasters aim to opportunistically schedule advertisements (ads) so as to generate maximum revenue. The problem is formulated as a multiple stopping problem and is addressed in a partially observed Markov decision process (POMDP) framework. Structural results are provided on the optimal ad scheduling policy. By exploiting the structure of the optimal policy, optimum linear threshold policies are computed using a stochastic gradient algorithm. The proposed model and framework are validated on a Periscope dataset and it was found that the revenue can be improved by 25% in comparison to currently employed periodic scheduling.Applied Science, Faculty ofElectrical and Computer Engineering, Department ofGraduat