4 research outputs found

    DeepTMH: Multimodal Semi-supervised framework leveraging Affective and Cognitive engagement for Telemental Health

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    To aid existing telemental health services, we propose DeepTMH, a novel framework that models telemental health session videos by extracting latent vectors corresponding to Affective and Cognitive features frequently used in psychology literature. Our approach leverages advances in semi-supervised learning to tackle the data scarcity in the telemental health session video domain and consists of a multimodal semi-supervised GAN to detect important mental health indicators during telemental health sessions. We demonstrate the usefulness of our framework and contrast against existing works in two tasks: Engagement regression and Valence-Arousal regression, both of which are important to psychologists during a telemental health session. Our framework reports 40% improvement in RMSE over SOTA method in Engagement Regression and 50% improvement in RMSE over SOTA method in Valence-Arousal Regression. To tackle the scarcity of publicly available datasets in telemental health space, we release a new dataset, MEDICA, for mental health patient engagement detection. Our dataset, MEDICA consists of 1299 videos, each 3 seconds long. To the best of our knowledge, our approach is the first method to model telemental health session data based on psychology-driven Affective and Cognitive features, which also accounts for data sparsity by leveraging a semi-supervised setup

    Affect-driven Engagement Measurement from Videos

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    In education and intervention programs, person's engagement has been identified as a major factor in successful program completion. Automatic measurement of person's engagement provides useful information for instructors to meet program objectives and individualize program delivery. In this paper, we present a novel approach for video-based engagement measurement in virtual learning programs. We propose to use affect states, continuous values of valence and arousal extracted from consecutive video frames, along with a new latent affective feature vector and behavioral features for engagement measurement. Deep learning-based temporal, and traditional machine-learning-based non-temporal models are trained and validated on frame-level, and video-level features, respectively. In addition to the conventional centralized learning, we also implement the proposed method in a decentralized federated learning setting and study the effect of model personalization in engagement measurement. We evaluated the performance of the proposed method on the only two publicly available video engagement measurement datasets, DAiSEE and EmotiW, containing videos of students in online learning programs. Our experiments show a state-of-the-art engagement level classification accuracy of 63.3% and correctly classifying disengagement videos in the DAiSEE dataset and a regression mean squared error of 0.0673 on the EmotiW dataset. Our ablation study shows the effectiveness of incorporating affect states in engagement measurement. We interpret the findings from the experimental results based on psychology concepts in the field of engagement.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, 7 table

    Unobtrusive Assessment Of Student Engagement Levels In Online Classroom Environment Using Emotion Analysis

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    Measuring student engagement has emerged as a significant factor in the process of learning and a good indicator of the knowledge retention capacity of the student. As synchronous online classes have become more prevalent in recent years, gauging a student\u27s attention level is more critical in validating the progress of every student in an online classroom environment. This paper details the study on profiling the student attentiveness to different gradients of engagement level using multiple machine learning models. Results from the high accuracy model and the confidence score obtained from the cloud-based computer vision platform - Amazon Rekognition were then used to statistically validate any correlation between student attentiveness and emotions. This statistical analysis helps to identify the significant emotions that are essential in gauging various engagement levels. This study identified emotions like calm, happy, surprise, and fear are critical in gauging the student\u27s attention level. These findings help in the earlier detection of students with lower attention levels, consequently helping the instructors focus their support and guidance on the students in need, leading to a better online learning environment

    Systematic Approaches for Telemedicine and Data Coordination for COVID-19 in Baja California, Mexico

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    Conference proceedings info: ICICT 2023: 2023 The 6th International Conference on Information and Computer Technologies Raleigh, HI, United States, March 24-26, 2023 Pages 529-542We provide a model for systematic implementation of telemedicine within a large evaluation center for COVID-19 in the area of Baja California, Mexico. Our model is based on human-centric design factors and cross disciplinary collaborations for scalable data-driven enablement of smartphone, cellular, and video Teleconsul-tation technologies to link hospitals, clinics, and emergency medical services for point-of-care assessments of COVID testing, and for subsequent treatment and quar-antine decisions. A multidisciplinary team was rapidly created, in cooperation with different institutions, including: the Autonomous University of Baja California, the Ministry of Health, the Command, Communication and Computer Control Center of the Ministry of the State of Baja California (C4), Colleges of Medicine, and the College of Psychologists. Our objective is to provide information to the public and to evaluate COVID-19 in real time and to track, regional, municipal, and state-wide data in real time that informs supply chains and resource allocation with the anticipation of a surge in COVID-19 cases. RESUMEN Proporcionamos un modelo para la implementaci贸n sistem谩tica de la telemedicina dentro de un gran centro de evaluaci贸n de COVID-19 en el 谩rea de Baja California, M茅xico. Nuestro modelo se basa en factores de dise帽o centrados en el ser humano y colaboraciones interdisciplinarias para la habilitaci贸n escalable basada en datos de tecnolog铆as de teleconsulta de tel茅fonos inteligentes, celulares y video para vincular hospitales, cl铆nicas y servicios m茅dicos de emergencia para evaluaciones de COVID en el punto de atenci贸n. pruebas, y para el tratamiento posterior y decisiones de cuarentena. R谩pidamente se cre贸 un equipo multidisciplinario, en cooperaci贸n con diferentes instituciones, entre ellas: la Universidad Aut贸noma de Baja California, la Secretar铆a de Salud, el Centro de Comando, Comunicaciones y Control Inform谩tico. de la Secretar铆a del Estado de Baja California (C4), Facultades de Medicina y Colegio de Psic贸logos. Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar informaci贸n al p煤blico y evaluar COVID-19 en tiempo real y rastrear datos regionales, municipales y estatales en tiempo real que informan las cadenas de suministro y la asignaci贸n de recursos con la anticipaci贸n de un aumento de COVID-19. 19 casos.ICICT 2023: 2023 The 6th International Conference on Information and Computer Technologieshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-3236-