2 research outputs found

    A Processor Extension for Cycle-Accurate Real-Time Software

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    Certain hard real-time tasks demand precise timing of events, but the usual software solution of periodic interrupts driving a scheduler only provides precision in the millisecond range. NOP-insertion can provide higher precision, but is tedious to do manually, requires predictable instruction timing, and works best with simple algorithms. To achieve high-precision timing in software, we propose instruction-level access to cycle-accurate timers. We add an instruction that waits for a timer to expire then reloads it synchronously. Among other things, this provides a way to exactly specify the period of a loop. To validate our approach, we implemented a simple RISC processor with our extension on an FPGA and programmed it to behave like a video controller and an asynchronous serial receiver. Both applications were much easier to write and debug than their hardware counterparts, which took roughly four times as many lines in VHDL. Simple processors with our extension brings software-style development to a class of applications that were once only possible with hardware

    Enforcing Safety of Real-Time Schedules on Contemporary Processors using a Virtual Simple Architecture (VISA

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    Determining safe and tight upper bounds on the worst-case execution time (WCET) of hard real-time tasks running on contemporary microarchitectures is a difficult problem. Current trends in microarchitecture design have created a complexity wall: By enhancing performance through ever more complex architectural features, systems have become increasingly hard to analyze. This paper extends a framework, introduced previously as Virtual Simple Architecture (VISA), to multi-tasking real-time systems. The objective of VISA is to obviate the need to statically analyze complex processors by instead shifting the burden of guaranteeing deadlines – in part – onto the hardware. The VISA framework exploits a complex processor that ordinarily operates with all of its advanced features enabled, called the complex mode, but which can also be downgraded to a simple mode by gating off the advance