4 research outputs found

    Coordinated Energy Management of the Electric Railway Traction System: Croatian Railways Case Study

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    A railway energy management system based on hierarchical coordination of electric traction substation energy flows and on-route trains energy consumption is presented in the paper. The railway system is divided into energy-efficient individual trains energy consumption management as a lower level, and the energy-cost-efficient electric traction substation energy flows management as a higher level. The levels are coordinated through parametric hierarchical model predictive control with the main goal of additionally decreasing the operational costs of the overall system. Through interactions with the power grid at the higher level, the system can provide ancillary services and respond to various grid requests. At the same time, lower level trains driving profiles are adjusted to attain the minimum cost of system operation with timetables and on-route constraints respected. The developed algorithm is verified against a detailed real case study scenario with the presented results showing significant cost and energy consumption reduction

    A novel method for determining fixed running time in operating electric train tracking optimal speed profile

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    Tracking the optimal speed profile in electric train operation has been proposed as a potential solution for reducing energy consumption in electric train operation, at no cost to improve infrastructure of existing Metro lines as well. However, the optimal speed profile needs to meet fixed running time. Therefore, this paper focuses on a new method for determining the fixed running time complied with the scheduled timetable when trains track the optimal speed profile. The novel method to ensure the fixed running time is the numerical-analytical one. Calculating accelerating time ta, coasting time tc, braking time tb via values of holding speed vh, braking speed vb of optimal speed profile with the constraint condition: the running time equal to the demand time. The other hands, vh and vb are determined by solving nonlinear equations with constraint conditions. Additionally, changing running time suit for each operation stage of metro lines or lines starting to conduct schedules by the numerical-analytical method is quite easy. Simulation results obtained for two scenarios with data collected from electrified trains of Cat Linh-Ha Dong metro line, Vietnam show that running time complied with scheduled timetables, energy saving by tracking optimal speed profile for the entire route is up to 8.7%, if the running time is one second longer than original time, energy saving is about 11.96%

    Speed profile optimization of an electrified train in Cat Linh-Ha Dong metro line based on pontryagin's maximum principle

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    An urban railway is a complex technical system that consumes large amounts of energy, but this means of transportation still has been obtained more and more popularity in densely populated cities because of its features of high-capacity transportation capability, high speed, security, punctuality, lower emission, reduction of traffic congestion. The improved energy consumption and environment are two of the main objectives for future transportation. Electrified trains can meet these objectives by the recuperation and reuse of regenerative braking energy and by the energy - efficient operation. Two methods are to enhance energy efficiency: one is to improve technology (e.g., using energy storage system, reversible or active substations to recuperate regenerative braking energy, replacing traction electric motorsĀ  by energy-efficient traction system as permanent magnet electrical motors; train's mass reduction by lightweight material mass...); the other is to improve operational procedures (e.g. energy efficient driving including: eco-driving; speed profile optimization; Driving Advice System (DAS); Automatic Train Operation (ATO); traffic management optimization...). Among a lot of above solutions for saving energy, which one is suitable for current conditions of metro lines in Vietnam. The paper proposes the optimization method based on Pontryagin's Maximum Principle (PMP) to find the optimal speed profile for electrified train of Cat Linh-Ha Dong metro line, Vietnam in an effort to minimize the train operation energy consumption