4 research outputs found

    Interferência em comunicações Device-to-Device D2D

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    A constante necessidade de aumento da capacidade de rede para atender às crescentes demandas dos assinantes, leva a indústria de telecomunicações, apoiada pela comunidade científica, a criar novos paradigmas que suportem requisitos de taxa de dados binários elevados dentro da rede de acesso sem fio existente de forma eficiente e eficaz. Para responder a este desafio, a Comunicação Device-to-Device (D2D) em redes celulares é vista como uma solução promissora. Deste modo, a presente dissertação consiste na exploração do modelo de comunicação D2D (Device-to-Device), mediante o desenvolvimento de várias rotinas de comunicação D2D dentro de uma estrutura de rede celular LTE-A, usando simuladores já existentes, nomeadamente, simuladores de sistema em JAVA e simuladores de ligação em MatLab, afim de analisar o eventual aumento de capacidade da comunicação D2D para rede celular. Tipicamente, as comunicações em D2D permitem que os utilizadores localizados na proximidade, possam comunicar diretamente sem a intervenção da estação base (BS - Base Station). Essa comunicação pode permitir ritmos binários muito elevados, baixos atrasos e poupança de energia. Nesta dissertação alterou-se o simulador de sistema celular existente para incluir as comunicações D2D e as suas interferências, sendo apresentados os resultados obtidos. Os resultados obtidos por simulação confirmaram o que se esperava, nomeadamente, aumento dos ritmos binários nas comunicações D2D e redução do atraso.The continuing need to increase network capacity to meet growing subscriber demands leads the telecommunications industry, backed by the scientific community, to create new paradigms that support high binary data rate requirements within the existing wireless access network efficiently and effectively. To meet this challenge, Device-toDevice (D2D) Communication in cellular networks is seen as a promising solution. Thus, the present dissertation consists of the exploitation of the D2D (Device-toDevice) communication model, by developing several D2D communication routines within a LTE-A cellular network structure, using existing simulators, namely, simulator of system in JAVA and simulator of link in MatLab, in order to analyze the possible increase of capacity of D2D communication for cellular network. Typically, D2D communications allow users located in close proximity to communicate directly without the intervention of the base station (BS - Base Station). This communication can allow very high binary rates, low delays and energy savings. In this dissertation, the existing cellular system simulator was modified to include D2D communications and their interference, and the results obtained were presented. Simulation results have confirmed what was expected, namely, increasing bit rate with D2D communications and lower delays

    Energy Efficiency Improvements in HetNets by Exploiting Device-to-Device Communications

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    The growth in mobile communications has resulted in a significant increase in energy consumption and carbon emissions, which could have serious economic and environmental implications. Consequently, energy consumption has become a key criterion for the design of future mobile communication systems. Device-to-device (D2D) communication has been shown to improve the spectral efficiency and also reduce the power consumption of mobile communication networks. In this paper, we propose a two-tier deployment of D2D communication within a network to reduce the overall power consumption of the network and compared it with full small-cell deployment throughout the network. In this context, we computed the backhaul power consumption of each link in the networks and derived the backhaul energy efficiency expression of the networks. Simulation results show that our proposed network deployment outperforms the network with full small-cell deployment in terms of backhaul power consumption, backhaul energy-efficiency, total power consumption of the tier 2 users and downlink power consumption, thus providing a greener alternative to small-cell deployment

    Energy efficiency improvements in HetNets by exploiting device-to-device communications

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    The growth in mobile communications has resulted in a significant increase in energy consumption and carbon emissions, which could have serious economic and environmental implications. Consequently, energy consumption has become a key criterion for the design of future mobile communication systems. Device-to-device (D2D) communication has been shown to improve the spectral efficiency and also reduce the power consumption of mobile communication networks. In this paper, we propose a two-tier deployment of D2D communication within a network to reduce the overall power consumption of the network and compared it with full small-cell deployment throughout the network. In this context, we computed the backhaul power consumption of each link in the networks and derived the backhaul energy efficiency expression of the networks. Simulation results show that our proposed network deployment outperforms the network with full small-cell deployment in terms of backhaul power consumption, backhaul energy-efficiency, total power consumption of the tier 2 users and downlink power consumption, thus providing a greener alternative to small-cell deployment

    Energy Efficiency Improvements in HetNets by Exploiting Device-to-Device Communications

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    The growth in mobile communications has resulted in a significant increase in energy consumption and carbon emissions, which could have serious economic and environmental implications. Consequently, energy consumption has become a key criterion for the design of future mobile communication systems. Device-to-device (D2D) communication has been shown to improve the spectral efficiency and also reduce the power consumption of mobile communication networks. In this paper, we propose a two-tier deployment of D2D communication within a network to reduce the overall power consumption of the network and compared it with full small-cell deployment throughout the network. In this context, we computed the backhaul power consumption of each link in the networks and derived the backhaul energy efficiency expression of the networks. Simulation results show that our proposed network deployment outperforms the network with full small-cell deployment in terms of backhaul power consumption, backhaul energy-efficiency, total power consumption of the tier 2 users and downlink power consumption, thus providing a greener alternative to small-cell deployment