4 research outputs found

    Energy conservation for the Euler equations on T2×R+\mathbb{T}^2\times \mathbb{R}_+ for weak solutions defined without reference to the pressure

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    We study weak solutions of the incompressible Euler equations on T2×R+\mathbb{T}^2\times \mathbb{R}_+; we use test functions that are divergence free and have zero normal component, thereby obtaining a definition that does not involve the pressure. We prove energy conservation under the assumptions that uL3(0,T;L3(T2×R+))u\in L^3(0,T;L^3(\mathbb{T}^2\times \mathbb{R}_+)), limy01y0TT2x3>yu(x+y)u(x)3dxdt=0, \lim_{|y|\to 0}\frac{1}{|y|}\int^T_0\int_{\mathbb{T}^2}\int^\infty_{x_3>|y|} |u(x+y)-u(x)|^3\mathrm{d} x\, \mathrm{d} t=0, and an additional continuity condition near the boundary: for some δ>0\delta>0 we require uL3(0,T;C0(T2×[0,δ])))u\in L^3(0,T;C^0(\mathbb{T}^2\times [0,\delta]))). We note that all our conditions are satisfied whenever u(x,t)Cαu(x,t)\in C^\alpha, for some α>1/3\alpha>1/3, with H\"older constant C(x,t)L3(T2×R+×(0,T))C(x,t)\in L^3(\mathbb{T}^2\times\mathbb{R}^+\times(0,T)).Comment: 21 page

    Energy conservation for the Euler equations on T2 x R+ for weak solutions defined without reference to the pressure

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    We study weak solutions of the incompressible Euler equations on T2×R+; we use test functions that are divergence free and have zero normal component, thereby obtaining a definition that does not involve the pressure. We prove energy conservation under the assumptions that u∈L3(0,T;L3(T2×R+)), lim|y|→01|y|∫0T∫T2∫x3>|y|∞|u(x+y)−u(x)|3dxdt=0, and an additional continuity condition near the boundary: for some δ>0 we require u∈L3(0,T;C0(T2×[0,δ])). We note that all our conditions are satisfied whenever u(x,t)∈Cα, for some α>1/3, with Hölder constant C(x,t)∈L3(T2×R+×(0,T))

    On Double H\"older Regularity of the Hydrodynamic Pressure in Bounded Domains

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    We prove that the hydrodynamic pressure pp associated to the velocity uCθ(Ω)u\in C^\theta(\Omega), θ(0,1)\theta\in(0,1), of an inviscid incompressible fluid in a bounded and simply connected domain ΩRd\Omega\subset \mathbb R^d with C2+C^{2+} boundary satisfies pCθ(Ω)p\in C^{\theta}(\Omega) for θ12\theta \leq \frac12 and pC1,2θ1(Ω)p\in C^{1,2\theta-1}(\Omega) for θ>12\theta>\frac12. Moreover, when ΩC3+\partial \Omega\in C^{3+}, we prove that an almost double H\"older regularity pC2θ(Ω)p\in C^{2\theta-}(\Omega) holds even for θ<12\theta<\frac12. This extends and improves the recent result of Bardos and Titi obtained in the planar case to every dimension d2d\ge2 and it also doubles the pressure regularity. Differently from Bardos and Titi, we do not introduce a new boundary condition for the pressure, but instead work with the natural one. In the boundary-free case of the dd-dimensional torus, we show that the double regularity of the pressure can be actually achieved under the weaker assumption that the divergence of the velocity is sufficiently regular, thus not necessarily zero.Comment: Improved version after referee comments. Version accepted in Calc Var & PDE

    Full double H\"older regularity of the pressure in bounded domains

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    We consider H\"older continuous weak solutions uCγ(Ω)u\in C^\gamma(\Omega), unΩ=0u\cdot n|_{\partial \Omega}=0, of the incompressible Euler equations on a bounded and simply connected domain ΩRd\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^d. If Ω\Omega is of class C2,1C^{2,1} then the corresponding pressure satisfies pC2γ(Ω)p\in C^{2\gamma}_*(\Omega) in the case γ(0,12]\gamma\in (0,\frac{1}{2}], where C2γC^{2\gamma}_* is the H\"older-Zygmund space, which coincides with the usual H\"older space for γ<12\gamma<\frac12. This result, together with our previous one in [11] covering the case γ(12,1)\gamma\in(\frac12,1), yields the full double regularity of the pressure on bounded and sufficiently regular domains. The interior regularity comes from the corresponding C2γC^{2\gamma}_* estimate for the pressure on the whole space Rd\mathbb{R}^d, which in particular extends and improves the known double regularity results (in the absence of a boundary) in the borderline case γ=12\gamma=\frac{1}{2}. The boundary regularity features the use of local normal geodesic coordinates, pseudodifferential calculus and a fine Littlewood-Paley analysis of the modified equation in the new coordinate system. We also discuss the relation between different notions of weak solutions, a step which plays a major role in our approach.Comment: Extended version published on IMRN. Section 2.1 and Section 6.1 have been added, some minor mistakes have been corrected after the referee report