12 research outputs found

    A burst and congestion-aware routing metric for RPL protocol in IoT network

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    The packet loss and power consumption are the main issues considered once congestion occurs in any network, such as the Internet of Things (IoT) with a huge number of sensors and applications. Since IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) is not initially designed for high stream traffic load, this restricts the application domain of RPL in several IoT scenarios such as burst traffic scenarios. The performance of RPL suffers in a network with burst traffic load, which leads to reducing the lifetime of the network and causing traffic congestion among the neighbour nodes. Therefore, to address this issue, we proposed a Burst and Congestion-Aware Metric for RPL called BCA-RPL, which calculates the rank, considering the number of packets. Also, the proposed mechanism includes congestion avoiding and load balancing techniques by switching the best parent selection to avoid the congested area. Our scheme is built and compared to the original RPL routing protocol for low power and lossy network with OF0 (OF0-RPL). Simulation results based on Cooja simulator shows BCA-RPL performs better than the original RPL-OF0 routing protocol in terms of packet loss, power consumption and packet delivery ratio (PDR) under burst traffic load. The BCA-RPL significantly improves the network where it decreases the packet loss around 50% and power consumption to an acceptable level with an improvement on the PDR of the IoT network

    The RPL load balancing in IoT network with burst traffic scenarios

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    In Low Power and Lossy Networks (LLNs) sensor nodes are deployed in various traffic load conditions such as, regular and heavy traffic load. The adoption of Internet-of-Things enabled devices in the form of wearables and ubiquitous sensors and actuators has demanded LLNs to handle burst traffic load, which is an event required by myriad IoT devices in a shared LLN. In the large events, burst traffic load requires a new radical approach of load balancing, this scenario causes congestion increases and packet drops relatively when frequent traffic burst load rises in comparison with regular and heavy loads. In this paper, we introduced a new efficient load balance mechanism for traffic congestion in IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low Power and Lossy Network (RPL). To measure the communication quality and optimize the lifetime of the network, we have chosen packet delivery ratio (PDR) and power consumption (PC) as our metrics. We proposed a traffic-aware metric that utilizes ETX and parent count metrics (ETXPC), where communication quality for LLNs with RPL routing protocol are playing an important role in traffic engineering. In addition, we provided analytical results to quantify the impact of Minimum Rank with Hysteresis Objective on Function (MRHOF) and Objective Function zero (OF0) to the packet delivery, reliability and power consumption in LLNs. The simulation results pragmatically show that the proposed load balancing approach has increased packet delivery ratio with less power consumption

    Performance Evaluation of Communication Technologies and Network Structure for Smart Grid Applications

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    The design of an effective and reliable communication network supporting smart grid applications requires the selection of appropriate communication technologies and protocols. The objective of this study is to study and quantify the capabilities of an advanced metring infrastructure (AMI) to support the simultaneous operation of major smart grid functions. These include smart metring, price-induced controls, distribution automation, demand response, and electric vehicle charging/discharging applications in terms of throughput and latency. OPNET is used to simulate the performance of selected communication technologies and protocols. Research findings indicate that smart grid applications can operate simultaneously by piggybacking on an existing AMI infrastructure and still achieve their latency requirements

    A prediction-based model for consistent adaptive routing in back-bone networks at extreme situations

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    To reduce congestion, numerous routing solutions have been proposed for backbone networks, but how to select paths that stay consistently optimal for a long time in extremely congested situations, avoiding the unnecessary path reroutings, has not yet been investigated much. To solve that issue, a model that can measure the consistency of path latency difference is needed. In this paper, we make a humble step towards a consistent differential path latency model and by predicting base on that model, a metric Path Swap Indicator (PSI) is proposed. By learning the history latency of all optional paths, PSI is able to predict the onset of an obvious and steady channel deterioration and make the decision to switch paths. The effect of PSI is evaluated from the following aspects: (1) the consistency of the path selected, by measuring the time interval between PSI changes; (2) the accuracy of the channel congestion situation prediction; and (3) the improvement of the congestion situation. Experiments were carried out on a testbed using real-life Abilene traffic datasets collected at different times and locations. Results show that the proposed PSI can stay consistent for over 1000 s on average, and more than 3000 s at the longest in our experiment, while at the same time achieving a congestion situation improvement of more than 300% on average, and more than 200% at the least. It is evident that the proposed PSI metric is able to provide a consistent channel congestion prediction with satisfiable channel improvement at the same time. The results also demonstrate how different parameter values impact the result, both in terms of prediction consistency and the congestion improvement

    Energy efficient multi channel packet forwarding mechanism for wireless sensor networks in smart grid applications

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    Multichannel Wireless Sensor Networks (MWSNs) paradigm provides an opportunity for the Power Grid (PG) to be upgraded into an intelligent power grid known as the Smart Grid (SG) for efficiently managing the continuously growing energy demand of the 21st century. However, the nature of the intelligent grid environments is affected by the equipment noise, electromagnetic interference, and multipath effects, which pose significant challenges in existing schemes to find optimal vacant channels for MWSNs-based SG applications. This research proposed three schemes to address these issues. The first scheme was an Energy Efficient Routing (ERM) scheme to select the best-optimized route to increase the network performance between the source and the sink in the MWSNs. Secondly, an Efficient Channel Detection (ECD) scheme to detect vacant channels for the Primary Users (PUs) with improved channel detection probability and low probability of missed detection and false alarms in the MWSNs. Finally, a Dynamic Channel Assignment (DCA) scheme that dealt with channel scarcities by dynamically switching between different channels that provided higher data rate channels with longer idle probability to Secondary Users (SUs) at extremely low interference in the MWSNs. These three schemes were integrated as the Energy Efficient Multichannel Packet Forwarding Mechanism (CARP) for Wireless Sensor Networks in Smart Grid Applications. The extensive simulation studies were carried through an EstiNet software version 9.0. The obtained experimental simulation facts exhibited that the proposed schemes in the CARP mechanism achieved improved network performance in terms of packets delivery ratio (26%), congestion management (15%), throughput (23%), probability of channel detection (21%), reduces packet error rate (22%), end-to-end delay (25%), probability of channel missed-detection (25%), probability of false alarms (23.3%), and energy consumption (17%); as compared to the relevant schemes in both EQSHC and G-RPL mechanisms. To conclude, the proposed mechanism significantly improves the Quality of Service (QoS) data delivery performance for MWSNs in SG

    Application of software and hardware-based technologies in leaks and burst detection in water pipe networks: a literature review

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    With the rise of smart water cities, water resource management has become increasingly important. The increase in the use of intelligent leak detection technologies in the water, gas, oil, and chemical industries has led to a significant improvement in safety, customer, and environmental results, and management costs. The aim of this review article is to provide a comprehensive overview of the application of software and hardware-based technologies in leak detection and bursts in water pipeline networks. This review aims to investigate the existing literature on the subject and to analyse the key leak detection systems in the water industry. The novelty of this review is the comprehensive analysis of the literature on software and hardware-based technologies for leak and burst detection in water pipe networks. Overall, this review article contributes to understanding the latest developments and challenges in the application of software- and hardware-based technologies for leak and burst detection in water pipe networks, and serves as a valuable resource for researchers, engineers, and practitioners working in the field of water distribution systems

    Routing and Reliability Improvements in WM-Bus protocol for smart cities

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    In a smart city, accounting information such as gas and electricity usage is gathered by meter nodes and sent to the collector node. A trade-off between the location of meters and the best quality communication signal is often needed and difficult to achieve for urban constraints and other communication signals. Meters can have limited resources such as memories and CPU. The thesis presents two routing extensions of the WM- Bus which is an open standard protocol for smart metering systems for improved performance and routing in a dense mesh utility network. The former extension is called NARUN: Noise Adaptive Routing in Utility Net- works. In NARUN, the collector calculates the path with the least noise to reach the destination meter. A weighted network graph that shows the connections among me- ters is used, where an edge weight defines the link failure index. No control messages are used to keep the weights updated. Meters report link failure index back to the collector by means of ordinary reading messages. The latter extension is NARUN-PC: NARUN with path cache. NARUN-PC ex- tends NARUN by introducing a caching strategy in the collector node. This thesis presents models and simulations of these two extensions. Performances have been evaluated in a real-life topology where a subset of the edges is affected by different levels of noise. Results show that NARUN has the lowest failure rate and traffic compared to the DSR protocol when the noise power is higher than -73 dBm. NARUN-PC decreases the traffic load and failure rate with respect to NARUN when the noise power is higher than -73 dBm

    Diseño de una red de distribución eléctrica en media, baja tensión y sistema de alumbrado público para la Cabecera Parroquial de San José de Guayusa en el cantón Francisco de Orellana

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    El siguiente trabajo enmarca el diseño de distribución eléctrica en media y baja tensión, empleando normas y guías señaladas por la empresa distribuidora local del sitio, además de incluir en este el sistema de alumbrado público manejando parámetros de eficiencia energética y cálculos de caídas de tensión enfocadas a las redes proyectadas pertenecientes a la cabecera parroquial de San José de Guayusa en el cantón Francisco de Orellana. Los planos realizados en el software AutoCAD contienen el seccionamiento y extensión de la red de todo el poblado con sus respectivas estructuras, sistema de iluminación pública y proyección de líneas de tensión basadas en las normas de diseño de la distribuidora local. Las normas de diseño aceptadas por la distribuidora contienen la simbología empleada en este tipo de proyectos, además de tablas, guías y directrices seguidas para la proyección; de igual manera la normativa a seguir enfocada en alumbrado público y la forma de determinar la demanda proyectada para un grupo determinado. Se expondrá los conceptos empleados para el estudio regidos por las normas explicadas anteriormente para garantizar la confiabilidad y calidad del servicio, procurando así maximizar la electrificación en la amazonía ecuatoriana y fomentar su desarrollo, brindando mejores oportunidades al sector.This project develops the electrical distribution design in medium and low voltage network, using standards and guides indicated by the local distribution company, also including the public lighting system by employing energy efficiency parameters and voltage drop calculations focused on projected networks belonging to the parish seat of San José de Guayusa in the Francisco de Orellana canton. Plans made in AutoCAD software contain the sectioning and extension of the network of the entire village with their respective structures, public lighting system and projection of voltage lines based on the design standards of the local distributor. The design standards accepted by the distributor contain the symbology used in this type of projects, as well as tables, guides and guidelines followed for the projection; equally, the normative to be followed are focused on public lighting and how to determine the projected demand for a given group. Will be expound the concepts employed for the study governed by the standards explained above to ensure reliability and quality of service, procuring to maximize electrification in the Ecuadorian Amazon and promote its development, providing better opportunities for the sector