2 research outputs found

    Effects of government subsidies on production and emissions reduction decisions under carbon tax regulation and consumer low‐carbon awareness

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    To promote low-carbon production, the government simultaneously provides some subsidies under carbon tax regulations. Two government subsidies are widely adopted: one is based on emissions reduction quantity and the other is based on emissions reduction investment cost. Additionally, consumer low-carbon awareness has also been enhanced. Considering the aforementioned circumstances, this paper investigates the effects of different government subsidies on production and emissions reduction decisions under a carbon tax regulation by formulating three decision-making optimization models. The results show that (1) although the carbon tax regulation cannot guarantee further improvement of emissions reduction levels, government subsidies could make the corresponding conditions of improving emissions reduction investments wider; (2) a heavy carbon tax or stronger consumer low-carbon awareness would make the positive effect of government subsidies more apparent; and (3) subsidy policies may also be selected by the government from different perspectives, such as manufacturer development, consumer surplus, environmental damage and social welfare. Especially, from the perspective of maximizing social welfare, investment cost (IC) subsidy is not always advantageous, while emissions reduction (ER) subsidy can always bring higher social welfare compared with the case under no government subsidy

    Business attributes for engergy service companies in Colombia

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    An energy services company (ESCO) offers its services to private companies, service companies and industries, defining energy efficiency standards. With this idea in mind, the present research aims to propose a set of business attributes of energy service companies applicable to the Colombian market. Methodologically, the project follows a documentary investigation, having carried out a literature review on certain companies in the countries defined by the author in order to be the object of study, considering their policies, models, efficiency, innovation and development. For this particular case, emphasis was placed on the United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, and China. Attributes were also defined in light of energy supply contracts, energy performance contracts, integrated energy contracts, Chauffage contracts, and facility management. Information was consolidated regarding the alternatives that each country has according to its market under a possible business strategy using strengths and weaknesses. Finally, this final work is expected to serve as an object of discussion for new energy growth alternatives in Colombia.Una empresa de servicios energéticos (ESCO) ofrece sus servicios a empresas particulares, de servicio y a industrias, definiendo estándares de eficiencia energética. Con esta idea, la presente investigación tiene como propósito proponer un conjunto de atributos de negocio de compañías de servicios energéticos aplicables al mercado colombiano. Metodológicamente, el proyecto se ajusta a una investigación documental, habiendo realizado una revisión de literatura sobre ciertas empresas de los países definidos por el autor a fin de ser objeto de estudio, considerando sus políticas, sus modelos, la eficiencia, la innovación y el desarrollo. Para este caso en particular, se hizo énfasis en Estados Unidos, Reino Unido, Francia, Alemania y China. Asimismo, se definieron los atributos a la luz de los contratos de suministro energético, contratos de desempeño energético, contratos de energía integrada, contratos Chauffage y gestión de instalación. Se consolidó información con respecto a las alternativas que cada país tiene de acuerdo con su mercado bajo una posible estrategia de negocio usando fortalezas y debilidades. Finalmente, se presentan los atributos que sirven para dar aproximaciones a los modelos de negocio que pueden ser aplicables al sector energético colombiano.Maestrí