5 research outputs found

    Planeación y despliegue de la red de sensores inalámbricos requerida para la medición inteligente de energía eléctrica usando restricciones de capacidad y cobertura

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    The electrical energy measurement (EEM), seeks to provide quality services without neglecting the reliability of the system. Therefore, a quality service must be closely linked to the wireless communication technologies, to technify the EEM, not only reading, but also cuts, reconnections, and other additional services that the intelligent measurement infrastructure provides through wireless technologies Such as cell or WiFi, increasingly common because of the reliability they provide in real-time data transmission. Wireless infrastructures allow us to provide coverage to the fixed terminals, determined by the electric meter, and in turn manage and plan the optimal deployment of wireless sensors (SI) in finite areas, whether urban, rural or suburban. This article proposes an optimal model for planning and deploying SI for the EEM in order to guarantee reliable wireless communication links at the lowest implementation cost. Therefore, the proposed algorithm gives global solutions within a finite scenario, making this a scalable model in time able to manage the use of available links. The SIs for the EEM are inserted into the Neighborhood Area Networks (NANs) covered by the mobile communications network.La medición de energía eléctrica (MEE), busca proporcionar servicios de calidad sin descuidar la confiabilidad del sistema. Por lo tanto, un servicio de calidad debe ir estrechamente ligada a las tecnologías de comunicación inalámbrica, para tecnificar la MEE, no solo lectura, sino también cortes, reconexiones, y otros servicios adicionales que la infraestructura de medición inteligente provee a través de tecnologías inalámbricas como celular o WiFi, cada vez más comunes debido a la confiabilidad que estas brindan en la transmisión de datos en tiempo real [1]. Las infraestructuras inalámbricas nos permiten brindar cobertura a los terminales fijos, determinados por el medidor eléctrico, y a su vez gestionar y planificar el óptimo despliegue de sensores inalámbricos (SI) en áreas finitas, ya sean, urbanas, rurales o suburbanas. Este artículo propone un modelo óptimo de planeación y despliegue de SI para la MEE con la finalidad de garantizar enlaces de comunicación inalámbricos confiables al menor costo de implementación. Por lo tanto, el algoritmo propuesto da soluciones globales dentro de un escenario finito, haciendo de este un modelo escalable en el tiempo capaz de gestionar el uso de enlaces disponibles. Los SI para la MEE, son insertados en las Redes de Área Vecindaria (NAN) cubiertas por la red de comunicaciones móviles

    Optimized congestion aware energy efficient traffic load balancing scheme for routing in wireless sensor networks

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    Load imbalance among hot spot nodes causes network congestion and earliest energy depletion of nodes in wireless sensor networks. This increases the probability of disconnecting or partitioning the network and premature death of entire network. The inefficiency in the WSN is more attributed to load imbalance or unbiased traffic. In this paper, an optimized congestion aware (OCAEE-LB) energy efficient traffic load balancing scheme for routing in WSN is proposed. The scheme utilizes the neglected information during route discovery process and considers a composite routing metric to determine congested status of a node and to enforce the traffic load balancing. The proposed scheme is simulated using ns-2 and the results demonstrate that the proposed mechanism performs better than the existing AODV-LB algorithm of various performance metrics such as, packet delivery ratio, throughput, routing overhead, end-to-end delay, load distribution and energy consumption

    Routing Optimization for Delay Tolerant Networks in Rural Applications Using a Distributed Algorithm

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    Internet access can improve people’s life quality by helping them to reduce and overcome the poverty and educational gaps. However, most rural communities in the world, specially in underdeveloped countries, do not have access to the Internet. Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking (DTN) is a recent low-cost technology now being used to provide connectivity to rural towns were some transportation means periodically arrive. DTNs can be implemented to connect communities to Internet, since this technology takes advantage of the existing people’s transportation infrastructure using it to move packets and messages to and from Internet. This paper proposes a DTN mathematical optimization model that maximizes the availability probabilities of the paths from sources to destinations. We also present an opportunistic forwarding algorithm that takes into account the availability probability of a node’s neighbors to decide if a node should forward a message or store the message until a node with a higher availability probability contacts it. This algorithm was tested in five different scenarios and in all of them it found a path to the destination

    An Energy-Efficient Multi-Cloud Service Broker for Green Cloud Computing Environment

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    The heavy demands on cloud computing resources have led to a substantial growth in energy consumption of the data transferred between cloud computing parties (i.e., providers, datacentres, users, and services) and in datacentre’s services due to the increasing loads on these services. From one hand, routing and transferring large amounts of data into a datacentre located far from the user’s geographical location consume more energy than just processing and storing the same data on the cloud datacentre. On the other hand, when a cloud user submits a job (in the form of a set of functional and non-functional requirements) to a cloud service provider (aka, datacentre) via a cloud services broker; the broker becomes responsible to find the best-fit service to the user request based mainly on the user’s requirements and Quality of Service (QoS) (i.e., response time, latency). Hence, it becomes a high necessity to locate the lowest energy consumption route between the user and the designated datacentre; and the minimum possible number of most energy efficient services that satisfy the user request. In fact, finding the most energy-efficient route to the datacentre, and most energy efficient service(s) to the user are the biggest challenges of multi-cloud broker’s environment. This thesis presents and evaluates a novel multi-cloud broker solution that contains three innovative models and their associated algorithms. The first one is aimed at finding the most energy efficient route, among multiple possible routes, between the user and cloud datacentre. The second model is to find and provide the lowest possible number of most energy efficient services in order to minimise data exchange based on a bin-packing approach. The third model creates an energy-aware composition plan by integrating the most energy efficient services, in order to fulfil user requirements. The results demonstrated a favourable performance of these models in terms of selecting the most energy efficient route and reaching the least possible number of services for an optimum and energy efficient composition