12 research outputs found

    FPOA Implementation for WSN Energy Efficient Routing

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    In this paper,a soft computing technique Flower Pollination optimization Algorithm(FPOA) for WSN is proposed.The Sensor Network is heterogeneous in nature. Proposed algorithm is designed and implemented in MATLAB.In this technique some nodes send data directly to base station as local pollination and some by Multihop Routing as global pollination. A routing scheme is process which helps in minimizing the energy consumption. We implemented FPOA and compared the results with techniques that are already developed.(Low Energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH), Stable Election Protocol (SEP) and Zonal-Stable Election Protocol (Z-SEP) Simulation results show that FPOA enhance first node dead time, throughput and overall energy consumes less than existing protocols like LEACH, SEP and Z-SE

    A survey on self-organized cluster-based wireless sensor network

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    Study on Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has been expended enormously in recent years. Sensor nodes are deployed in harsh environment which is operated autonomously. Network formation of WSNs are of two types, namely flat network and cluster-based network. Cluster-based network has various advantages as compare to flat network such as, efficient topology management, energy efficiency, minimized delay, better network communication, etc. Another important feature of cluster-based network is self-organized network. Self-organized enables new nodes joining to increase the coverage of the network and existing nodes leaving the network as node have limited energy. In recent years the demand of self-organized network is tremendously increasing to overcome the problem of node joining and leaving which maintain the smooth data communication. Thus, this survey addresses latest research works regarding self-organized cluster-based network. Moreover, a unique performance matrix is also investigated in this article to measure the algorithms. Finally, open research issues are highlighted for self-organized clustering schemes that might be future line of action

    A Novel WLAN Client Puzzle against DoS Attack Based on Pattern Matching

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    Despite the popularity of 802.11 based networks, they suffer several types of DoS attack, launched by an attacker whose aim is to make an access point (AP) unavailable to legitimate users. One of the most common DoS attacks on 802.11 based networks is to deplete the resources of the AP. A serious situation like this can occur when the AP receives a burst of connection requests. This paper addresses this common DoS attack and proposes a lightweight puzzle, based on pattern-matching. Using a pattern-matching technique, this model adequately resists resource-depletion attacks in terms of both puzzle generation and solution verification. Using a sensible series of contextual comparisons, the outcomes were modelled by a simulator, and the security definition and proofs are verified, among other results

    An efficient intelligent algorithm based on WSNs of the drug control system

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    U radu se predlaže novi algoritam, ACORS-ANNDPF za WSNs (bežične senzorske mreže), u svrhu povećanja stope uporabe WSNs i produženja životnog ciklusa Iot-a (Interneta stvari). Razvijen na temelju algoritma kolonije mrava, ovaj se poboljšani algoritam može primijeniti na izbor optimalne putanje i prepoznavanje optimalnog čvora za usmjeravanje u slučaju gubljenja čvora usmjeravanja. Kako bi se smanjilo vrijeme utrošeno na premiještanje skupine mreža, algoritam neuronske mreže odabire pokazatelje u skladu s aktualnim aplikacijskim okruženjem i podešava ih u svrhu optimiziranja podataka skupine. Nakon toga, autor provodi nekoliko simulacijskih eksperimenata i uspoređuje predloženi algoritam s drugim algoritmima. Rezultati pokazuju da se predloženim algoritmom osigurava visoka učinkovitost energije i balansirana potrošnja energije. Prema tome, zaključeno je da se predloženim algoritmom može poboljšati brzina uporabe mreže i povećati prijenosna funkcija mreže.A new algorithm, ACORS-ANNDPF for WSNs, is proposed in this paper to improve the utilization rate of WSNs and prolong the life cycle of the IoT. Developed on the basis of ant colony algorithm, the improved algorithm is applicable to the selection of the optimal path and identification of the optimal routing node in the case of losing the routing node. To reduce the time spent on transferring network packets, the indices are selected by the neural network algorithm in light of the actual application environment and adjusted to optimize the fusion of packet data. After that, the author carries out several simulation experiments and compares the proposed algorithm with other algorithms. The results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm ensures high energy efficiency and balanced energy consumption. Therefore, it is concluded that the proposed algorithm can improve network utilization rate and lead to better network transmission performance

    Enhancing Energy Efficiency of Wireless Sensor Network through the Design of Energy Efficient Routing Protocol

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    Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is known to be a highly resource constrained class of network where energy consumption is one of the prime concerns. In this research, a cross layer design methodology was adopted to design an energy efficient routing protocol entitled “Position Responsive Routing Protocol” (PRRP). PRRP is designed to minimize energy consumed in each node by (1) reducing the amount of time in which a sensor node is in an idle listening state and (2) reducing the average communication distance over the network. The performance of the proposed PRRP was critically evaluated in the context of network lifetime, throughput, and energy consumption of the network per individual basis and per data packet basis. The research results were analyzed and benchmarked against the well-known LEACH and CELRP protocols. The outcomes show a significant improvement in the WSN in terms of energy efficiency and the overall performance of WSN

    A critical analysis of mobility management related issues of wireless sensor networks in cyber physical systems

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    Mobility management has been a long-standing issue in mobile wireless sensor networks and especially in the context of cyber physical systems; its implications are immense. This paper presents a critical analysis of the current approaches to mobility management by evaluating them against a set of criteria which are essentially inherent characteristics of such systems on which these approaches are expected to provide acceptable performance. We summarize these characteristics by using a quadruple set of metrics. Additionally, using this set we classify the various approaches to mobility management that are discussed in this paper. Finally, the paper concludes by reviewing the main findings and providing suggestions that will be helpful to guide future research efforts in the area

    Ant colony optimization approaches in wireless sensor network: Performance evaluation

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    Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has been widely implemented in large sectors such as military, habitat, business, industrial, health and environment. WSN is part of a distributed system where elements such as routing, load balancing, energy efficiency, node localization, time synchronization, data aggregation and security need to be addressed to improve its efficiency, robustness, extendibility, applicability and reliability. Despite multiple approaches proposed to improve all these aspects, there is still room for improvement in order to enhance the capability of WSN in terms of routing and energy efficiency. Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is one of the approaches used to extend WSN capabilities because its heuristic nature is very suitable with distributed and dynamic environments. This study covers the common WSN aspects and performance evaluation criteria in addition to the list of previous studies that have used ACO approaches in WSN

    Link Quality and Energy Aware Geographical Routing in MANETs using Fuzzy Logics, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2016, nr 3

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    In literature, varieties of topology and geographical routing protocols have been proposed for routing in the MANETs. It is widely accepted that the geographical routings are a superior decision than topological routings. Majority of geographical routing protocols assume an ideal network model and choose the route that contains minimum number of hops. However, in reality, nodes have limited battery power and wireless links are additionally unreliable, so they may highly affect the routing procedure. Thus, for reliable data transmission, condition of the network such as link quality and residual energy must be considered. This paper aims to propose a novel multi-metric geographical routing protocol that considers both links-quality and energy metric along with progress metric to choose the next optimal node. The progress is determined by utilizing greedy as well as compass routing rather than pure greedy routing schemes. To combine these metrics, fuzzy logics are used to get the optimal result. Further, the protocol deals with “hole” problem and proposes a technique to overcome it. Simulations show that the proposed scheme performs better in terms of the packet delivery ratio, throughput and residual energy than other existing protocols

    A Survey on Underwater Acoustic Sensor Network Routing Protocols

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    Underwater acoustic sensor networks (UASNs) have become more and more important in ocean exploration applications, such as ocean monitoring, pollution detection, ocean resource management, underwater device maintenance, etc. In underwater acoustic sensor networks, since the routing protocol guarantees reliable and effective data transmission from the source node to the destination node, routing protocol design is an attractive topic for researchers. There are many routing algorithms have been proposed in recent years. To present the current state of development of UASN routing protocols, we review herein the UASN routing protocol designs reported in recent years. In this paper, all the routing protocols have been classified into different groups according to their characteristics and routing algorithms, such as the non-cross-layer design routing protocol, the traditional cross-layer design routing protocol, and the intelligent algorithm based routing protocol. This is also the first paper that introduces intelligent algorithm-based UASN routing protocols. In addition, in this paper, we investigate the development trends of UASN routing protocols, which can provide researchers with clear and direct insights for further research