5 research outputs found

    A hardware mechanism to reduce the energy consumption of the register file of in-order architectures

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    This paper introduces an efficient hardware approach to reduce the register file energy consumption by turning unused registers into a low power state. Bypassing the register fields of the fetch instruction to the decode stage allows the identification of registers required by the current instruction (instruction predecode) and allows the control logic to turn them back on. They are put into the low-power state after the instruction use. This technique achieves an 85% energy reduction with no performance penalty

    Optimal Loop-Unrolling Mechanisms and Architectural Extensions for an Energy-Efficient Design of Shared Register Files in MPSoCs

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    In this paper we introduce a new hardware/software approach to reduce the energy of the shared register file in upcoming embedded architectures with several VLIW processors. This work includes a set of architectural extensions and special loop unrolling techniques for the compilers of MPSoC platforms. This complete hardware/software support enables reducing the energy consumed in the register file of MPSoC architectures up to a 60% without introducing performance penalties

    Energy-Aware Compilation and Hardware Design for VLIW Embedded Systems

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    Tomorrow's embedded devices need to run multimedia applications demanding high computational power with low energy consumption constraints. In this context, the register file is a key source of power consumption and its inappropriate design and management severely affects system power. In this paper, we present a new approach to reduce the energy of shared register files in forthcoming embedded VLIW processors running real-life applications up to 60% without performance penalty. This approach relies on limited hardware extensions and a compiler-based energy-aware register assignment algorithm to deactivate at run-time parts of the register file (i.e., sub-banks) in an independent way

    Energy Efficient Register Renaming 1

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    Abstract. Modern microprocessor designs implement register renaming using register alias tables (RATs), which maintain the mapping between architectural and physical registers. Because of the non–trivial power that is dissipated in a disproportionately small area, the power density in the RAT is significantly higher than in some other datapath components. In this paper, we propose mechanisms to reduce the RAT power and the power density by exploiting the fundamental observation that most of the generated register values are used by the instructions in close proximity to the instruction producing a value. Our first technique disables the RAT lookup for a source register if that register is a destination of an earlier instruction dispatched in the same cycle. The second technique eliminates some of the remaining RAT read accesses even if the source register value is produced by an instruction dispatched in an earlier cycle. This is done by buffering a small number of recent register address translations in a set of external latches and satisfying some RAT lookup requests from these latches. The net result of applying both techniques is a 30 % reduction in the RAT energy with no performance penalty, little additional complexity and no cycle time degradation.