3,140 research outputs found

    System of Terrain Analysis, Energy Estimation and Path Planning for Planetary Exploration by Robot Teams

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    NASA’s long term plans involve a return to manned moon missions, and eventually sending humans to mars. The focus of this project is the use of autonomous mobile robotics to enhance these endeavors. This research details the creation of a system of terrain classification, energy of traversal estimation and low cost path planning for teams of inexpensive and potentially expendable robots. The first stage of this project was the creation of a model which estimates the energy requirements of the traversal of varying terrain types for a six wheel rocker-bogie rover. The wheel/soil interaction model uses Shibly’s modified Bekker equations and incorporates a new simplified rocker-bogie model for estimating wheel loads. In all but a single trial the relative energy requirements for each soil type were correctly predicted by the model. A path planner for complete coverage intended to minimize energy consumption was designed and tested. It accepts as input terrain maps detailing the energy consumption required to move to each adjacent location. Exploration is performed via a cost function which determines the robot’s next move. This system was successfully tested for multiple robots by means of a shared exploration map. At peak efficiency, the energy consumed by our path planner was only 56% that used by the best case back and forth coverage pattern. After performing a sensitivity analysis of Shibly’s equations to determine which soil parameters most affected energy consumption, a neural network terrain classifier was designed and tested. The terrain classifier defines all traversable terrain as one of three soil types and then assigns an assumed set of soil parameters. The classifier performed well over all, but had some difficulty distinguishing large rocks from sand. This work presents a system which successfully classifies terrain imagery into one of three soil types, assesses the energy requirements of terrain traversal for these soil types and plans efficient paths of complete coverage for the imaged area. While there are further efforts that can be made in all areas, the work achieves its stated goals

    Scouting algorithms for field robots using triangular mesh maps

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    Labor shortage has prompted researchers to develop robot platforms for agriculture field scouting tasks. Sensor-based automatic topographic mapping and scouting algorithms for rough and large unstructured environments were presented. It involves moving an image sensor to collect terrain and other information and concomitantly construct a terrain map in the working field. In this work, a triangular mesh map was first used to represent the rough field surface and plan exploring strategies. A 3D image sensor model was used to simulate collection of field elevation information.A two-stage exploring policy was used to plan the next best viewpoint by considering both the distance and elevation change in the cost function. A greedy exploration algorithm based on the energy cost function was developed; the energy cost function not only considers the traveling distance, but also includes energy required to change elevation and the rolling resistance of the terrain. An information-based exploration policy was developed to choose the next best viewpoint to maximise the information gain and minimize the energy consumption. In a partially known environment, the information gain was estimated by applying the ray tracing algorithm. The two-part scouting algorithm was developed to address the field sampling problem; the coverage algorithm identifies a reasonable coverage path to traverse sampling points, while the dynamic path planning algorithm determines an optimal path between two adjacent sampling points.The developed algorithms were validated in two agricultural fields and three virtual fields by simulation. Greedy exploration policy, based on energy consumption outperformed other pattern methods in energy, time, and travel distance in the first 80% of the exploration task. The exploration strategy, which incorporated the energy consumption and the information gain with a ray tracing algorithm using a coarse map, showed an advantage over other policies in terms of the total energy consumption and the path length by at least 6%. For scouting algorithms, line sweeping methods require less energy and a shorter distance than the potential function method

    Intelligent Behavior of Autonomous Vehicles in Outdoor Environment

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    The objective of this PhD-project has been to develop and enhance the operational behaviour of autonomous or automated conventional machines under out-door conditions. This has included developing high-level planning measures for the maximisation of machine productivity as an important element in the continued efforts of planning and controlling resource inputs in both arable and high value crops farming. The methods developed generate the optimized coverage path for any field regardless of its complexity on 2D or 3D terrains without any human intervention and in a manner that minimizes operational time, skipped and overlapped areas, and fuel consumption. By applying the developed approaches, a reduction of more than 20% in consumed fossil fuel together with a corresponding reduction in the emissions of CO2 and other greenhouses is achievable.In this work, a software package for the autonomous navigation of field robotics over 2D and 3D field terrains and the optimization of field operations and machinery systems have been developed. A web-based version of the developed software package is currently under progress

    Computing fast search heuristics for physics-based mobile robot motion planning

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    Mobile robots are increasingly being employed to assist responders in search and rescue missions. Robots have to navigate in dangerous areas such as collapsed buildings and hazardous sites, which can be inaccessible to humans. Tele-operating the robots can be stressing for the human operators, which are also overloaded with mission tasks and coordination overhead, so it is important to provide the robot with some degree of autonomy, to lighten up the task for the human operator and also to ensure robot safety. Moving robots around requires reasoning, including interpretation of the environment, spatial reasoning, planning of actions (motion), and execution. This is particularly challenging when the environment is unstructured, and the terrain is \textit{harsh}, i.e. not flat and cluttered with obstacles. Approaches reducing the problem to a 2D path planning problem fall short, and many of those who reason about the problem in 3D don't do it in a complete and exhaustive manner. The approach proposed in this thesis is to use rigid body simulation to obtain a more truthful model of the reality, i.e. of the interaction between the robot and the environment. Such a simulation obeys the laws of physics, takes into account the geometry of the environment, the geometry of the robot, and any dynamic constraints that may be in place. The physics-based motion planning approach by itself is also highly intractable due to the computational load required to perform state propagation combined with the exponential blowup of planning; additionally, there are more technical limitations that disallow us to use things such as state sampling or state steering, which are known to be effective in solving the problem in simpler domains. The proposed solution to this problem is to compute heuristics that can bias the search towards the goal, so as to quickly converge towards the solution. With such a model, the search space is a rich space, which can only contain states which are physically reachable by the robot, and also tells us enough information about the safety of the robot itself. The overall result is that by using this framework the robot engineer has a simpler job of encoding the \textit{domain knowledge} which now consists only of providing the robot geometric model plus any constraints

    4CNet: A Confidence-Aware, Contrastive, Conditional, Consistency Model for Robot Map Prediction in Multi-Robot Environments

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    Mobile robots in unknown cluttered environments with irregularly shaped obstacles often face sensing, energy, and communication challenges which directly affect their ability to explore these environments. In this paper, we introduce a novel deep learning method, Confidence-Aware Contrastive Conditional Consistency Model (4CNet), for mobile robot map prediction during resource-limited exploration in multi-robot environments. 4CNet uniquely incorporates: 1) a conditional consistency model for map prediction in irregularly shaped unknown regions, 2) a contrastive map-trajectory pretraining framework for a trajectory encoder that extracts spatial information from the trajectories of nearby robots during map prediction, and 3) a confidence network to measure the uncertainty of map prediction for effective exploration under resource constraints. We incorporate 4CNet within our proposed robot exploration with map prediction architecture, 4CNet-E. We then conduct extensive comparison studies with 4CNet-E and state-of-the-art heuristic and learning methods to investigate both map prediction and exploration performance in environments consisting of uneven terrain and irregularly shaped obstacles. Results showed that 4CNet-E obtained statistically significant higher prediction accuracy and area coverage with varying environment sizes, number of robots, energy budgets, and communication limitations. Real-world mobile robot experiments were performed and validated the feasibility and generalizability of 4CNet-E for mobile robot map prediction and exploration.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure
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