10 research outputs found

    Hardware Accelerator for HMM Based Speech Recognition using Approximate Computing Techniques

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    This thesis presents a hardware design for recognizing speech using phoneme-level Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) and proposes two alternative designs using approximate computing techniques for area and energy optimizations. An initial hardware design is proposed to model a speech recognition system using the log-Viterbi algorithm approach. Two more hardware designs using various approximate computing techniques and modifications to the log-Viterbi algorithm are also proposed, that are shown to consume lesser area and power. The work also presents the performance analysis in terms of recognition accuracy and hardware evaluations in terms of area, switching and leakage power and energy dissipation of all three designs. The results prove that the usage of approximate computing helps reduce area and power, with a minor compromise on accuracy. The design using approximate computing is also capable of running at a higher frequency with quicker execution time and lesser energy consumption. For applications where accuracy is vital, the thesis also proposes an adaptive system which can operate in two modes – one at a higher frequency, with slightly lesser accuracy and another at a lower frequency, with better accuracy and capable of dynamically switching from one mode to another

    Low energy HEVC and VVC video compression hardware

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    Video compression standards compress a digital video by reducing and removing redundancy in the digital video using computationally complex algorithms. As spatial and temporal resolutions of videos increase, compression efficiencies of video compression algorithms are also increasing. However, increased compression efficiency comes with increased computational complexity. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce computational complexities of video compression algorithms without reducing their visual quality in order to reduce area and energy consumption of their hardware implementations. In this thesis, we propose a novel technique for reducing amount of computations performed by HEVC intra prediction algorithm. We designed low energy, reconfigurable HEVC intra prediction hardware using the proposed technique. We also designed a low energy FPGA implementation of HEVC intra prediction algorithm using the proposed technique and DSP blocks. We propose a reconfigurable VVC intra prediction hardware architecture. We also propose an efficient VVC intra prediction hardware architecture using DSP blocks. We designed low energy VVC fractional interpolation hardware. We propose a novel approximate absolute difference technique. We designed low energy approximate absolute difference hardware using the proposed technique. We propose a novel approximate constant multiplication technique. We designed approximate constant multiplication hardware using the proposed technique. We quantified computation reductions achieved by the proposed techniques and video quality loss caused by the proposed approximation techniques. The proposed approximate absolute difference technique and approximate constant multiplication technique cause very small PSNR loss. The other proposed techniques cause no PSNR loss. We implemented the proposed hardware architectures in Verilog HDL. We mapped the Verilog RTL codes to Xilinx Virtex 6 or Xilinx Virtex 7 FPGAs and estimated their power consumptions using Xilinx XPower Analyzer tool. The proposed techniques significantly reduced power and energy consumptions of these FPGA implementation

    Energy-efficient embedded machine learning algorithms for smart sensing systems

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    Embedded autonomous electronic systems are required in numerous application domains such as Internet of Things (IoT), wearable devices, and biomedical systems. Embedded electronic systems usually host sensors, and each sensor hosts multiple input channels (e.g., tactile, vision), tightly coupled to the electronic computing unit (ECU). The ECU extracts information by often employing sophisticated methods, e.g., Machine Learning. However, embedding Machine Learning algorithms poses essential challenges in terms of hardware resources and energy consumption because of: 1) the high amount of data to be processed; 2) computationally demanding methods. Leveraging on the trade-off between quality requirements versus computational complexity and time latency could reduce the system complexity without affecting the performance. The objectives of the thesis are to develop: 1) energy-efficient arithmetic circuits outperforming state of the art solutions for embedded machine learning algorithms, 2) an energy-efficient embedded electronic system for the \u201celectronic-skin\u201d (e-skin) application. As such, this thesis exploits two main approaches: Approximate Computing: In recent years, the approximate computing paradigm became a significant major field of research since it is able to enhance the energy efficiency and performance of digital systems. \u201cApproximate Computing\u201d(AC) turned out to be a practical approach to trade accuracy for better power, latency, and size . AC targets error-resilient applications and offers promising benefits by conserving some resources. Usually, approximate results are acceptable for many applications, e.g., tactile data processing,image processing , and data mining ; thus, it is highly recommended to take advantage of energy reduction with minimal variation in performance . In our work, we developed two approximate multipliers: 1) the first one is called \u201cMETA\u201d multiplier and is based on the Error Tolerant Adder (ETA), 2) the second one is called \u201cApproximate Baugh-Wooley(BW)\u201d multiplier where the approximations are implemented in the generation of the partial products. We showed that the proposed approximate arithmetic circuits could achieve a relevant reduction in power consumption and time delay around 80.4% and 24%, respectively, with respect to the exact BW multiplier. Next, to prove the feasibility of AC in real world applications, we explored the approximate multipliers on a case study as the e-skin application. The e-skin application is defined as multiple sensing components, including 1) structural materials, 2) signal processing, 3) data acquisition, and 4) data processing. Particularly, processing the originated data from the e-skin into low or high-level information is the main problem to be addressed by the embedded electronic system. Many studies have shown that Machine Learning is a promising approach in processing tactile data when classifying input touch modalities. In our work, we proposed a methodology for evaluating the behavior of the system when introducing approximate arithmetic circuits in the main stages (i.e., signal and data processing stages) of the system. Based on the proposed methodology, we first implemented the approximate multipliers on the low-pass Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter in the signal processing stage of the application. We noticed that the FIR filter based on (Approx-BW) outperforms state of the art solutions, while respecting the tradeoff between accuracy and power consumption, with an SNR degradation of 1.39dB. Second, we implemented approximate adders and multipliers respectively into the Coordinate Rotational Digital Computer (CORDIC) and the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) circuits; since CORDIC and SVD take a significant part of the computationally expensive Machine Learning algorithms employed in tactile data processing. We showed benefits of up to 21% and 19% in power reduction at the cost of less than 5% accuracy loss for CORDIC and SVD circuits when scaling the number of approximated bits. 2) Parallel Computing Platforms (PCP): Exploiting parallel architectures for near-threshold computing based on multi-core clusters is a promising approach to improve the performance of smart sensing systems. In our work, we exploited a novel computing platform embedding a Parallel Ultra Low Power processor (PULP), called \u201cMr. Wolf,\u201d for the implementation of Machine Learning (ML) algorithms for touch modalities classification. First, we tested the ML algorithms at the software level; for RGB images as a case study and tactile dataset, we achieved accuracy respectively equal to 97% and 83.5%. After validating the effectiveness of the ML algorithm at the software level, we performed the on-board classification of two touch modalities, demonstrating the promising use of Mr. Wolf for smart sensing systems. Moreover, we proposed a memory management strategy for storing the needed amount of trained tensors (i.e., 50 trained tensors for each class) in the on-chip memory. We evaluated the execution cycles for Mr. Wolf using a single core, 2 cores, and 3 cores, taking advantage of the benefits of the parallelization. We presented a comparison with the popular low power ARM Cortex-M4F microcontroller employed, usually for battery-operated devices. We showed that the ML algorithm on the proposed platform runs 3.7 times faster than ARM Cortex M4F (STM32F40), consuming only 28 mW. The proposed platform achieves 15 7 better energy efficiency than the classification done on the STM32F40, consuming 81mJ per classification and 150 pJ per operation

    Energy Efficient Spiking Neuromorphic Architectures for Pattern Recognition

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    There is a growing concern over reliability, power consumption, and performance of traditional Von Neumann machines, especially when dealing with complex tasks like pattern recognition. In contrast, the human brain can address such problems with great ease. Brain-inspired neuromorphic computing has attracted much research interest, as it provides an appealing architectural solution to difficult tasks due to its energy efficiency, built-in parallelism, and potential scalability. Meanwhile, the inherent error resilience in neuro-computing allows promising opportunities for leveraging approximate computing for additional energy and silicon area benefits. This thesis focuses on energy efficient neuromorphic architectures which exploit parallel processing and approximate computing for pattern recognition. Firstly, two parallel spiking neural architectures are presented. The first architecture is based on spiking neural network with global inhibition (SNNGI), which integrates digital leaky integrate-and-fire spiking neurons to mimic their biological counterparts and the corresponding on-chip learning circuits for implementing the spiking timing dependent plasticity rules. In order to achieve efficient parallelization, this work addresses a number of critical issues pertaining to memory organization, parallel processing, hardware reuse for different operating modes, as well as the tradeoffs between throughput, area, and power overheads for different configurations. For the application of handwritten digit recognition, a promising training speedup of 13.5x and a recognition speedup of 25.8x over the serial SNNGI architecture are achieved. In spite of the 120MHz operating frequency, the 32-way parallel hardware design demonstrates a 59.4x training speedup over a 2.2GHz general-purpose CPU. Besides the SNNGI, we also propose another architecture based on the liquid state machine (LSM), a recurrent spiking neural network. The LSM architecture is fully parallelized and consists of randomly connected digital neurons in a reservoir and a readout stage, the latter of which is tuned by a bio-inspired learning rule. When evaluated using the TI46 speech benchmark, the FPGA LSM system demonstrates a runtime speedup of 88x over a 2.3GHz AMD CPU. In addition, approximate computing contributes significantly to the overall energy reduction of the proposed architectures. In particular, addition computations occupy a considerable portion of power and area in the neuromorphic systems, especially in the LSM. By exploiting the built-in resilience of neuro-computing, we propose a real-time reconfigurable approximate adder for FPGA implementation to reduce the energy consumption substantially. Although there exist many mature approximate adders, these designs lose their advantages in terms of area, power, and delay on the FPGA platform. Therefore, a novel approximate adder dedicated to the FPGA is necessary. The proposed adder is based on a carry skip model which reduces carry propagation delay and power, and the resulting errors are controlled by a proposed error analysis method. Also, a real-time adjustable precision mechanism is integrated to further reduce dynamic power consumption. Implemented on the Virtex-6 FPGA, it is shown that the proposed adder consumes 18.7% and 32.6% less power than the built-in Xilinx adder in two precision modes, respectively, and that the approximate adder in both modes is 1.32x faster and requires fewer FPGA resources. Besides the adders, the firing-activity based power gating for silent neurons and booth approximate multipliers are also introduced. These three proposed schemes have been applied to our neuromorphic systems. The approximate errors incurred by these schemes have been shown to be negligible, but energy reductions of up to 20% and 30.1% over the exact training computation are achieved for the SNNGI and LSM systems, respectively

    Appropriateness of Imperfect CNFET Based Circuits for Error Resilient Computing Systems

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    With superior device performance consistently reported in extremely scaled dimensions, low dimensional materials (LDMs), including Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistor (CNFET) based technology, have shown the potential to outperform silicon for future transistors in advanced technology nodes. Studies have also demonstrated orders of magnitude improvement in energy efficiency possible with LDMs, in comparison to silicon at competing technology nodes. However, the current fabrication processes for these materials suffer from process imperfections and still appear to be inadequate to compete with silicon for the mainstream high volume manufacturing. Among the LDMs, CNFETs are the most widely studied and closest to high volume manufacturing. Recent works have shown a significant increase in the complexity of CNFET based systems, including demonstration of a 16-bit microprocessor. However, the design of such systems has involved significantly wider-than-usual transistors and avoidance of certain logic combinations. The resulting complexity of several thousand transistors in such systems is still far from the requirements of high-performance general-purpose computing systems having billions of transistors. With the current progress of the process to fabricate CNFETs, their introduction in mainstream manufacturing is expected to take several more years. For an earlier technology adoption, CNFETs appear to be suited for error-resilient computing systems where errors during computation can be tolerated to a certain degree. Such systems relax the need for precise circuits and a perfect process while leveraging the potential energy benefits of CNFET technology in comparison to conventional Si technology. In this thesis, we explore the potential applications using an imperfect CNFET process for error-resilient computing systems, including the impact of the process imperfections at the system level and methods to improve it. The current most widely adopted fabrication process for CNFETs (separation and placement of solution-based CNTs) still suffers from process imperfections, mainly from open CNTs due to missing of CNTs (in trenches connecting source and drain of CNFET). A fair evaluation of the performance of CNFET based circuits should thus take into consideration the effect of open CNTs, resulting in reduced drive currents. At the circuit level, this leads to failures in meeting 1) the minimum frequency requirement (due to an increase in critical path delay), and 2) the noise suppression requirement. We present a methodology to accurately capture the effect of open CNT imperfection in the state-of-the-art CNFET model, for circuit-level performance evaluation (both delay and glitch vulnerability) of CNFET based circuits using SPICE. A Monte Carlo simulation framework is also provided to investigate the statistical effect of open CNT imperfection on circuit-level performance. We introduce essential metrics to evaluate glitch vulnerability and also provide an effective link between glitch vulnerability and circuit topology. The past few years have observed significant growth of interest in approximate computing for a wide range of applications, including signal processing, data mining, machine learning, image, video processing, etc. In such applications, the result quality is not compromised appreciably, even in the presence of few errors during computation. The ability to tolerate few errors during computation relaxes the need to have precise circuits. Thus the approximate circuits can be designed, with lesser nodes, reduced stages, and reduced capacitance at few nodes. Consequently, the approximate circuits could reduce critical path delays and enhanced noise suppression in comparison to precise circuits. We present a systematic methodology utilizing Reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (ROBDD) for generating approximate circuits by taking an example of 16-bit parallel prefix CNFET adder. The approximate adder generated using the proposed algorithm has ~ 5x reduction in the average number of nodes failing glitch criteria (along paths to primary output) and 43.4% lesser Energy Delay Product (EDP) even at high open CNT imperfection, in comparison to the ideal case of no open CNT imperfection, at a mean relative error of 3.3%. The recent boom of deep learning has been made possible by VLSI technology advancement resulting in hardware systems, which can support deep learning algorithms. These hardware systems intend to satisfy the high-energy efficiency requirement of such algorithms. The hardware supporting such algorithms adopts neuromorphic-computing architectures with significantly less energy compared to traditional Von Neumann architectures. Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) belonging to deep learning domain find its use in a wide range of applications such as image classification, speech recognition, etc. Recent hardware systems have demonstrated the implementation of complex neural networks at significantly less power. However, the complexity of applications and depths of DNNs are expected to drastically increase in the future, imposing a demanding requirement in terms of scalability and energy efficiency of hardware technology. CNFET technology can be an excellent alternative to meet the aggressive energy efficiency requirement for future DNNs. However, degradation in circuit-level performance due to open CNT imperfection can result in timing failure, thus distorting the shape of non-linear activation function, leading to a significant degradation in classification accuracy. We present a framework to obtain sigmoid activation function considering the effect of open CNT imperfection. A digital neuron is explored to generate the sigmoid activation function, which deviates from the ideal case under imperfect process and reduced time period (increased clock frequency). The inherent error resilience of DNNs, on the other hand, can be utilized to mitigate the impact of imperfect process and maintain the shape of the activation function. We use pruning of synaptic weights, which, combined with the proposed approximate neuron, significantly reduces the chance of timing failures and helps to maintain the activation function shape even at high process imperfection and higher clock frequencies. We also provide a framework to obtain classification accuracy of Deep Belief Networks (class of DNNs based on unsupervised learning) using the activation functions obtained from SPICE simulations. By using both approximate neurons and pruning of synaptic weights, we achieve excellent system accuracy (only < 0.5% accuracy drop) with 25% improvement in speed, significant EDP advantage (56.7% less) even at high process imperfection, in comparison to a base configuration of the precise neuron and no pruning with the ideal process, at no area penalty. In conclusion, this thesis provides directions for the potential applicability of CNFET based technology for error-resilient computing systems. For this purpose, we present methodologies, which provide approaches to assess and design CNFET based circuits, considering process imperfections. We accomplish a DBN framework for digit recognition, considering activation functions from SPICE simulations incorporating process imperfections. We demonstrate the effectiveness of using approximate neuron and synaptic weight pruning to mitigate the impact of high process imperfection on system accuracy