1,791 research outputs found

    Endogenous games with goals : side-payments among goal-directed agents

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    Boolean games have been developed as a paradigm for modelling societies of goal-directed agents. In boolean games agents exercise control over propositional variables and strive to achieve a goal formula whose realization might require the opponents’ cooperation. The presence of agents that are goal-directed makes it difficult for an external authority to be able to remove undesirable properties that are inconsistent with agents’ goals, as shown by recent contributions in the multi-agent literature. What this paper does is to analyse the problem of regulation of goal-direct agents from within the system, i.e., what happens when agents themselves are given the chance to negotiate the strategies to be played with one another. Concretely, we introduce endogenous games with goals, obtained coupling a general model of goal-directed agents (strategic games with goals) with a general model of pre-play negotiations (endogenous games) coming from game theory. Strategic games with goals are shown to have a direct correspondence with strategic games (Proposition 1) but, when side-payments are allowed in the pre-play phase, display a striking imbalance (Proposition 4). The effect of side-payments can be fully simulated by taxation mechanisms studied in the literature (Proposition 7), yet we show sufficient conditions under which outcomes can be rationally sustained without external intervention (Proposition 5). Also, integrating taxation mechanisms and side-payments, we are able to transform our starting models in such a way that outcomes that are theoretically sustainable thanks to a pre-play phase can be actually sustained even with limited resources (Proposition 8). Finally, we show how an external authority incentivising a group of agents can be studied as a special agent of an appropriately extended endogenous game with goals (Proposition 11)

    Hard and Soft Preparation Sets in Boolean Games

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    A fundamental problem in game theory is the possibility of reaching equilibrium outcomes with undesirable properties, e.g., inefficiency. The economics literature abounds with models that attempt to modify games in order to avoid such undesirable properties, for example through the use of subsidies and taxation, or by allowing players to undergo a bargaining phase before their decision. In this paper, we consider the effect of such transformations in Boolean games with costs, where players control propositional variables that they can set to true or false, and are primarily motivated to seek the satisfaction of some goal formula, while secondarily motivated to minimise the costs of their actions. We adopt (pure) preparation sets (prep sets) as our basic solution concept. A preparation set is a set of outcomes that contains for every player at least one best response to every outcome in the set. Prep sets are well-suited to the analysis of Boolean games, because we can naturally represent prep sets as propositional formulas, which in turn allows us to refer to prep formulas. The preference structure of Boolean games with costs makes it possible to distinguish between hard and soft prep sets. The hard prep sets of a game are sets of valuations that would be prep sets in that game no matter what the cost function of the game was. The properties defined by hard prep sets typically relate to goal-seeking behaviour, and as such these properties cannot be eliminated from games by, for example, taxation or subsidies. In contrast, soft prep sets can be eliminated by an appropriate system of incentives. Besides considering what can happen in a game by unrestricted manipulation of players’ cost function, we also investigate several mechanisms that allow groups of players to form coalitions and eliminate undesirable outcomes from the game, even when taxes or subsidies are not a possibility

    Applications of Relations and Graphs to Coalition Formation

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    A stable government is by definition not dominated by any other government. However, it may happen that all governments are dominated. In graph-theoretic terms this means that the dominance graph does not possess a source. In this paper we are able to deal with this case by a clever combination of notions from different fields, such as relational algebra, graph theory, social choice and bargaining theory, and by using the computer support system RelView for computing solutions and visualizing the results. Using relational algorithms, in such a case we break all cycles in each initial strongly connected component by removing the vertices in an appropriate minimum feedback vertex set. So, we can choose an un-dominated government. To achieve unique solutions, we additionally apply social choice rules. The main parts of our procedure can be executed using the RelView tool. Its sophisticated implementation of relations allows to deal with graph sizes that are sufficient for practical applications of coalition formation.Graph Theory, RELVIEW, Relational Algebra, Dominance, Stable Government

    Equilibrium refinement through negotiation in binary voting

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    We study voting games on binary issues, where voters might hold an objective over some issues at stake, while willing to strike deals on the remaining ones, and can influence one another’s voting decision before the vote takes place. We analyse voters’ rational behaviour in the resulting two-phase game, showing under what conditions undesirable equilibria can be removed as an effect of the prevote phase

    Effects of Diversity on Multi-agent Systems: Minority Games

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    We consider a version of large population games whose agents compete for resources using strategies with adaptable preferences. The games can be used to model economic markets, ecosystems or distributed control. Diversity of initial preferences of strategies is introduced by randomly assigning biases to the strategies of different agents. We find that diversity among the agents reduces their maladaptive behavior. We find interesting scaling relations with diversity for the variance and other parameters such as the convergence time, the fraction of fickle agents, and the variance of wealth, illustrating their dynamical origin. When diversity increases, the scaling dynamics is modified by kinetic sampling and waiting effects. Analyses yield excellent agreement with simulations.Comment: 41 pages, 16 figures; minor improvements in content, added references; to be published in Physical Review

    Minority Games, Local Interactions, and Endogenous Networks

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    In this paper we study a local version of the Minority Game where agents are placed on the nodes of a directed graph. Agents care about beingin the minority of the group of agents they are currently linked to and employ myopic best-reply rules to choose their next-period state. We show that, in this benchmark case, the smaller the size of local networks, the larger long-run population-average payoffs. We then explore the collective behavior of the system when agents can: (i) assign weights to each link they hold and modify them over time in response to payoff signals; (ii) delete badly-performing links (i.e. opponents) and replace them with randomly chosen ones. Simulations suggest that, when agents are allowed to weight links but cannot delete/replace them, the system self-organizes into networked clusters which attain very high payoff values. These clustered configurations are not stable and can be easily disrupted, generating huge subsequent payoff drops. If however agents can (and are sufficiently willing to) discard badly performing connections, the system quickly converges to stable states where all agents get the highest payoff, independently of the size of the networks initially in placeMinority Games, Local Interactions, Non-Directed Graphs, Endogenous Networks, Adaptive Systems.

    Minority Games, Local Interactions, and Endogenous Networks

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    In this paper we study a local version of the Minority Game where agents are placed on the nodes of a directed graph. Agents care about being in the minority of the group of agents they are currently linked to and employ myopic best-reply rules to choose their next-period state. We show that, in this benchmark case, the smaller the size of local networks, the larger long-run population-average payoffs. We then explore the collective behavior of the system when agents can: (i) assign weights to each link they hold and modify them over time in response to payoff signals; (ii) delete badly-performing links (i.e. opponents) and replace them with randomly chosen ones. Simulations suggest that, when agents are allowed to weight links but cannot delete/replace them, the system self-organizes into networked clusters which attain very high payoff values. These clustered configurations are not stable and can be easily disrupted, generating huge subsequent payoff drops. If however agents can (and are sufficiently willing to) discard badly performing connections, the system quickly converges to stable states where all agents get the highest payoff, independently of the size of the networks initially in place.Minority Games, Local Interactions, Endogenous Networks, Adaptive Agents
