27 research outputs found

    SecciĂłn BibliogrĂĄfica

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    Usability Study of Request Functionality in Website User Interfaces at Duke University Libraries

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    This paper presents the results of a usability study on request functionality conducted using web page interface mock-ups of Duke University Libraries' website. The study focused on account logins as well as single- and multiple-item requests. In addition, participants had to select delivery locations and assess the clarity of confirmation status for the requests. Results of this study identify areas where these interfaces can be improved, particularly around account login for users who have Library Card accounts and for requesting multiple items at one time.Master of Science in Information Scienc

    The Development of Learning Regions in New Zealand: An ICT Perspective

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    The term "Learning Region" is used to identify a region which is innovative, economically successful, and inhabited by citizens who are active members of their local community. Such regions are characterised by strong links between local businesses, community groups, and education providers. Within a regional area interaction and exchange of information is easier and cheaper than in a national or international context. The success of an individual organisation is directly related to the quality of information available locally. Information technology can be an important tool in improving the flow of knowledge between the stakeholders within a region. The study examines the role that information and communication technologies (ICTs) play in the development of learning regions in New Zealand, and how they can be used to improve the quality of information flows both within the region itself, and between the region and the outside world. In particular the research considers what contribution ICTs make to organisational learning and innovation. Historical methods are used to build up a picture of the significant changes that have taken place within two contrasting regions of New Zealand between 1985 and 2005. The two selected regions are Southland and Wellington. Data was collected by searching regional newspapers, and conducting interviews with key figures in each region. A "6-I" framework of the "ideal" features of a learning region was developed from the literature review and this was used to analyse the data. The findings show a clear linear progression in terms of the development of hard ICT based networks, but a less clear pattern in terms of soft social networks where the same issues were revisited a number of times over the years. Though there was evidence of a relationship between the soft networks that existed at the regional level and the utilisation of hard ICT networks within a region it was difficult to quantify. Hard and soft networks evolve differently over time and the relationship between the two is nuanced. Both regions were successful in setting up high quality ICT networks. However, with the exception of the education sector, both regions struggled to co-ordinate their soft networks. Though good social capital existed in each region, especially in Southland, it was located in different interest groups and was not easy to bring together. This lack of co-ordination meant that the possibilities opened up by ICT infrastructure in terms of increasing innovation were not fully realised. Both regions demonstrated many of the characteristics of learning regions but neither region was able to bring all aspects together to reach their full potential. The thesis demonstrates the important role that soft social networks play in the successful utilisation of ICT networks within a regional setting

    Secrets in Common: Intellectual Foundations of the Lodge that found Billet in the Dens and Klaverns

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    Secrets in Common is an anthropological history that undertakes to explain the similarities of membership and ideology between the Freemasons and two formations of the Ku Klux Klan. The work is divided into seven sections. It was compiled from both extant, which was of principle significance, and secondary printed material. After many hours of reading and countless attempts at “understanding,” three short ethnographic narratives were compiled: they makeup the central axis of the material. The first narrative describes the Freemasons, while the second two are on the “Reconstruction Klan” and the “Klan of the ‘20’s,” henceforth referred to as Kuklux and Knights respectively. Circumstantial and anecdotal evidence allows the construction of an argument that supports the assertion that the intellectual foundations of the Freemasons were acted upon in Kuklux Dens and Knights’ Klaverns, and that in acting upon the Freemasons’ ideology both Klans became revitalization movements as defined by A.C. Wallace (1956)

    Southern Accent September 1995 - April 1996

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    Southern Adventist University\u27s newspaper, Southern Accent, for the academic year of 1995-1996.https://knowledge.e.southern.edu/southern_accent/1071/thumbnail.jp

    Winona Daily News

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    The Whitworthian 2016-2017

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    The Whitworthian student newspaper for 2016-2017 academic year.https://digitalcommons.whitworth.edu/whitworthian/1101/thumbnail.jp