32 research outputs found

    Towards Zero-Shot Frame Semantic Parsing for Domain Scaling

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    State-of-the-art slot filling models for goal-oriented human/machine conversational language understanding systems rely on deep learning methods. While multi-task training of such models alleviates the need for large in-domain annotated datasets, bootstrapping a semantic parsing model for a new domain using only the semantic frame, such as the back-end API or knowledge graph schema, is still one of the holy grail tasks of language understanding for dialogue systems. This paper proposes a deep learning based approach that can utilize only the slot description in context without the need for any labeled or unlabeled in-domain examples, to quickly bootstrap a new domain. The main idea of this paper is to leverage the encoding of the slot names and descriptions within a multi-task deep learned slot filling model, to implicitly align slots across domains. The proposed approach is promising for solving the domain scaling problem and eliminating the need for any manually annotated data or explicit schema alignment. Furthermore, our experiments on multiple domains show that this approach results in significantly better slot-filling performance when compared to using only in-domain data, especially in the low data regime.Comment: 4 pages + 1 reference

    Dialogue history integration into end-to-end signal-to-concept spoken language understanding systems

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    This work investigates the embeddings for representing dialog history in spoken language understanding (SLU) systems. We focus on the scenario when the semantic information is extracted directly from the speech signal by means of a single end-to-end neural network model. We proposed to integrate dialogue history into an end-to-end signal-to-concept SLU system. The dialog history is represented in the form of dialog history embedding vectors (so-called h-vectors) and is provided as an additional information to end-to-end SLU models in order to improve the system performance. Three following types of h-vectors are proposed and experimentally evaluated in this paper: (1) supervised-all embeddings predicting bag-of-concepts expected in the answer of the user from the last dialog system response; (2) supervised-freq embeddings focusing on predicting only a selected set of semantic concept (corresponding to the most frequent errors in our experiments); and (3) unsupervised embeddings. Experiments on the MEDIA corpus for the semantic slot filling task demonstrate that the proposed h-vectors improve the model performance.Comment: Accepted for ICASSP 2020 (Submitted: October 21, 2019

    Sequential Dialogue Context Modeling for Spoken Language Understanding

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    Spoken Language Understanding (SLU) is a key component of goal oriented dialogue systems that would parse user utterances into semantic frame representations. Traditionally SLU does not utilize the dialogue history beyond the previous system turn and contextual ambiguities are resolved by the downstream components. In this paper, we explore novel approaches for modeling dialogue context in a recurrent neural network (RNN) based language understanding system. We propose the Sequential Dialogue Encoder Network, that allows encoding context from the dialogue history in chronological order. We compare the performance of our proposed architecture with two context models, one that uses just the previous turn context and another that encodes dialogue context in a memory network, but loses the order of utterances in the dialogue history. Experiments with a multi-domain dialogue dataset demonstrate that the proposed architecture results in reduced semantic frame error rates.Comment: 8 + 2 pages, Updated 10/17: Updated typos in abstract, Updated 07/07: Updated Title, abstract and few minor change