1,272 research outputs found

    Quality of Experience (QoE)-Aware Fast Coding Unit Size Selection for HEVC Intra-prediction

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    The exorbitant increase in the computational complexity of modern video coding standards, such as High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC), is a compelling challenge for resource-constrained consumer electronic devices. For instance, the brute force evaluation of all possible combinations of available coding modes and quadtree-based coding structure in HEVC to determine the optimum set of coding parameters for a given content demand a substantial amount of computational and energy resources. Thus, the resource requirements for real time operation of HEVC has become a contributing factor towards the Quality of Experience (QoE) of the end users of emerging multimedia and future internet applications. In this context, this paper proposes a content-adaptive Coding Unit (CU) size selection algorithm for HEVC intra-prediction. The proposed algorithm builds content-specific weighted Support Vector Machine (SVM) models in real time during the encoding process, to provide an early estimate of CU size for a given content, avoiding the brute force evaluation of all possible coding mode combinations in HEVC. The experimental results demonstrate an average encoding time reduction of 52.38%, with an average Bjøntegaard Delta Bit Rate (BDBR) increase of 1.19% compared to the HM16.1 reference encoder. Furthermore, the perceptual visual quality assessments conducted through Video Quality Metric (VQM) show minimal visual quality impact on the reconstructed videos of the proposed algorithm compared to state-of-the-art approaches

    Alogorithms for fast implementation of high efficiency video coding

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    Recently, there is higher demand for video content in multimedia communication, which leads to increased requirements for storage and bandwidth posed to internet service providers. Due to this, it became necessary for the telecommunication standardization sector of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU-T) to launch a new video compression standard that would address the twin challenges of lowering both digital file sizes in storage media and transmission bandwidths in networks. The High Efficiency Video Compression (HEVC) also known as H.265 standard was launched in November 2013 to address these challenges. This new standard was able to cut down, by 50%, on existing media file sizes and bandwidths but its computational complexity leads to about 400% delay in HEVC video encoding. This study proposes a solution to the above problem based on three key areas of the HEVC. Firstly, two fast motion estimation algorithms are proposed based on triangle and pentagon structures to implement motion estimation and compensation in a shorter time. Secondly, an enhanced and optimized inter-prediction mode selection is proposed. Thirdly, an enhanced intra-prediction mode scheme with reduced latency is suggested. Based on the test model of the HEVC reference software, each individual algorithm manages to reduce the encoding time across all video classes by an average of 20-30%, with a best reduction of 70%, at a negligible loss in coding efficiency and video quality degradation. In practice, these algorithms would be able to enhance the performance of the HEVC compression standard, and enable higher resolution and higher frame rate video encoding as compared to the stateof- the-art technique

    Overview of MV-HEVC prediction structures for light field video

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    Light field video is a promising technology for delivering the required six-degrees-of-freedom for natural content in virtual reality. Already existing multi-view coding (MVC) and multi-view plus depth (MVD) formats, such as MV-HEVC and 3D-HEVC, are the most conventional light field video coding solutions since they can compress video sequences captured simultaneously from multiple camera angles. 3D-HEVC treats a single view as a video sequence and the other sub-aperture views as gray-scale disparity (depth) maps. On the other hand, MV-HEVC treats each view as a separate video sequence, which allows the use of motion compensated algorithms similar to HEVC. While MV-HEVC and 3D-HEVC provide similar results, MV-HEVC does not require any disparity maps to be readily available, and it has a more straightforward implementation since it only uses syntax elements rather than additional prediction tools for inter-view prediction. However, there are many degrees of freedom in choosing an appropriate structure and it is currently still unknown which one is optimal for a given set of application requirements. In this work, various prediction structures for MV-HEVC are implemented and tested. The findings reveal the trade-off between compression gains, distortion and random access capabilities in MVHEVC light field video coding. The results give an overview of the most optimal solutions developed in the context of this work, and prediction structure algorithms proposed in state-of-the-art literature. This overview provides a useful benchmark for future development of light field video coding solutions

    Reducing the complexity of a multiview H.264/AVC and HEVC hybrid architecture

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    With the advent of 3D displays, an efficient encoder is required to compress the video information needed by them. Moreover, for gradual market acceptance of this new technology, it is advisable to offer backward compatibility with existing devices. Thus, a multiview H.264/Advance Video Coding (AVC) and High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) hybrid architecture was proposed in the standardization process of HEVC. However, it requires long encoding times due to the use of HEVC. With the aim of tackling this problem, this paper presents an algorithm that reduces the complexity of this hybrid architecture by reducing the encoding complexity of the HEVC views. By using Na < ve-Bayes classifiers, the proposed technique exploits the information gathered in the encoding of the H.264/AVC view to make decisions on the splitting of coding units in HEVC side views. Given the novelty of the proposal, the only similar work found in the literature is an unoptimized version of the algorithm presented here. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can achieve a good tradeoff between coding efficiency and complexity

    Multi-loop quality scalability based on high efficiency video coding

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    Scalable video coding performance largely depends on the underlying single layer coding efficiency. In this paper, the quality scalability capabilities are evaluated on a base of the new High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard under development. To enable the evaluation, a multi-loop codec has been designed using HEVC. Adaptive inter-layer prediction is realized by including the lower layer in the reference list of the enhancement layer. As a result, adaptive scalability on frame level and on prediction unit level is accomplished. Compared to single layer coding, 19.4% Bjontegaard Delta bitrate increase is measured over approximately a 30dB to 40dB PSNR range. When compared to simulcast, 20.6% bitrate reduction can be achieved. Under equivalent conditions, the presented technique achieves 43.8% bitrate reduction over Coarse Grain Scalability of the SVC - H.264/AVC-based standard