4 research outputs found

    Cyber Threat Intelligence Model: An Evaluation of Taxonomies, Sharing Standards, and Ontologies within Cyber Threat Intelligence

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    Cyber threat intelligence is the provision of evidence-based knowledge about existing or emerging threats. Benefits of threat intelligence include increased situational awareness and efficiency in security operations and improved prevention, detection, and response capabilities. To process, analyze, and correlate vast amounts of threat information and derive highly contextual intelligence that can be shared and consumed in meaningful times requires utilizing machine-understandable knowledge representation formats that embed the industry-required expressivity and are unambiguous. To a large extend, this is achieved by technologies like ontologies, interoperability schemas, and taxonomies. This research evaluates existing cyber-threat-intelligence-relevant ontologies, sharing standards, and taxonomies for the purpose of measuring their high-level conceptual expressivity with regards to the who, what, why, where, when, and how elements of an adversarial attack in addition to courses of action and technical indicators. The results confirmed that little emphasis has been given to developing a comprehensive cyber threat intelligence ontology with existing efforts not being thoroughly designed, non-interoperable and ambiguous, and lacking semantic reasoning capability

    Cyberattack ontology: a knowledge representation for cyber supply chain security

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    Cyberattacks on cyber supply chain (CSC) systems and the cascading impacts have brought many challenges and different threat levels with unpredictable consequences. The embedded networks nodes have various loopholes that could be exploited by the threat actors leading to various attacks, risks, and the threat of cascading attacks on the various systems. Key factors such as lack of common ontology vocabulary and semantic interoperability of cyberattack information, inadequate conceptualized ontology learning and hierarchical approach to representing the relationships in the CSC security domain has led to explicit knowledge representation. This paper explores cyberattack ontology learning to describe security concepts, properties and the relationships required to model security goal. Cyberattack ontology provides a semantic mapping between different organizational and vendor security goals has been inherently challenging. The contributions of this paper are threefold. First, we consider CSC security modelling such as goal, actor, attack, TTP, and requirements using semantic rules for logical representation. Secondly, we model a cyberattack ontology for semantic mapping and knowledge representation. Finally, we discuss concepts for threat intelligence and knowledge reuse. The results show that the cyberattack ontology concepts could be used to improve CSC security

    Supporting the Discovery, Reuse, and Validation of Cybersecurity Requirements at the Early Stages of the Software Development Lifecycle

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    The focus of this research is to develop an approach that enhances the elicitation and specification of reusable cybersecurity requirements. Cybersecurity has become a global concern as cyber-attacks are projected to cost damages totaling more than $10.5 trillion dollars by 2025. Cybersecurity requirements are more challenging to elicit than other requirements because they are nonfunctional requirements that requires cybersecurity expertise and knowledge of the proposed system. The goal of this research is to generate cybersecurity requirements based on knowledge acquired from requirements elicitation and analysis activities, to provide cybersecurity specifications without requiring the specialized knowledge of a cybersecurity expert, and to generate reusable cybersecurity requirements. The proposed approach can be an effective way to implement cybersecurity requirements at the earliest stages of the system development life cycle because the approach facilitates the identification of cybersecurity requirements throughout the requirements gathering stage. This is accomplished through the development of the Secure Development Ontology that maps cybersecurity features and the functional features descriptions in order to train a classification machine-learning model to return the suggested security requirements. The SD-SRE requirements engineering portal was created to support the application of this research by providing a platform to submit use case scenarios and requirements and suggest security requirements for the given system. The efficacy of this approach was tested with students in a graduate requirements engineering course. The students were presented with a system description and tasked with creating use case scenarios using the SD-SRE portal. The entered models were automatically analyzed by the SD-SRE system to suggest the security requirements. The results showed that the approach can be an effective approach to assist in the identification of security requirements