3,018 research outputs found

    Exploring Privacy-Preserving Methods via Perturbation Data Mining Employing Diverse Noise Strategies

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    Knowledge discovery from data, commonly referred to as data mining. it involves the extraction of significant information, which may be previously unknown, concealed, or relevant, from extensive data sets or databases through the utilization of statistical methodologies. With the introduction of enhanced hardware technologies, there has been a proliferation in the storage and recording of personal data pertaining to individuals. Sophisticated organizations employ data mining algorithms to uncover hidden patterns or insights within data. Data mining techniques find application in diverse fields such as marketing, medical diagnosis, forecasting system, and national security. However, in scenarios where data privacy is paramount, mining certain types of data without violating the privacy of data owners presents a formidable challenge, sparking growing concerns among privacy advocates. To address these concerns, it is imperative to advance data mining procedures that are complex to individual privacy considerations. Perturbation of data plays a pivotal role in Privacy-Preserving Data Mining (PPDM). Additive data safeguard data privacy. In contrast, multiplicative data perturbation involves a series of transformations, including rotation, translation, and the addition of noise components to the perturbed data copy

    Intrusion Detection Systems for Community Wireless Mesh Networks

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    Wireless mesh networks are being increasingly used to provide affordable network connectivity to communities where wired deployment strategies are either not possible or are prohibitively expensive. Unfortunately, computer networks (including mesh networks) are frequently being exploited by increasingly profit-driven and insidious attackers, which can affect their utility for legitimate use. In response to this, a number of countermeasures have been developed, including intrusion detection systems that aim to detect anomalous behaviour caused by attacks. We present a set of socio-technical challenges associated with developing an intrusion detection system for a community wireless mesh network. The attack space on a mesh network is particularly large; we motivate the need for and describe the challenges of adopting an asset-driven approach to managing this space. Finally, we present an initial design of a modular architecture for intrusion detection, highlighting how it addresses the identified challenges

    Conceptualising the Internet of Behaviours (IoB): A Multi-Level Perspective and Research Agenda

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    Internet of Behaviours (IoB) is an emerging phenomenon with significant business and societal impacts. This paper argues that Information Systems (IS) researchers, with their tradition of engaging with behavioural issues can play leading roles in shaping the IoB body of knowledge. Yet, there is a lag in IS research on IoB. To address this, the paper presents an exploratory content analysis of literature and webliography. This identifies several mutually complementary notions of IoB as a protocol, technology, data, system, and behaviour as well as IoB use cases and concerns. Then drawing from the Multi-Level Perspective (MLP), the paper provides an IoB conceptualisation framework and research direction. The framework makes the first attempt to offer IS researchers with conceptual facilities to explore and explain IoB, its application areas at different levels, and the tensions and struggles in IoB transitions

    A Fuzzy Logic based Privacy Preservation Clustering method for achieving K- Anonymity using EMD in dLink Model

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    Privacy preservation is the data mining technique which is to be applied on the databases without violating the privacy of individuals. The sensitive attribute can be selected from the numerical data and it can be modified by any data modification technique. After modification, the modified data can be released to any agency. If they can apply data mining techniques such as clustering, classification etc for data analysis, the modified data does not affect the result. In privacy preservation technique, the sensitive data is converted into modified data using S-shaped fuzzy membership function. K-means clustering is applied for both original and modified data to get the clusters. t-closeness requires that the distribution of sensitive attribute in any equivalence class is close to the distribution of the attribute in the overall table. Earth Mover Distance (EMD) is used to measure the distance between the two distributions should be no more than a threshold t. Hence privacy is preserved and accuracy of the data is maintained


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    The privacy preserving data mining is playing crucial role act as rising technology to perform various data mining operations on private data and to pass on data in a secured way to protect sensitive data. Many types of technique such as randomization, secured sum algorithms and k-anonymity have been suggested in order to execute privacy preserving data mining. In this survey paper, on current researches made on privacy preserving data mining technique with fuzzy logic, neural network learning, secured sum and various encryption algorithm is presented. This will enable to grasp the various challenges faced in privacy preserving data mining and also help us to find best suitable technique for various data environment