747 research outputs found

    Future strategic plan analysis for integrating distributed renewable generation to smart grid through wireless sensor network: Malaysia prospect

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    AbstractIntegration of Distributed Renewable Generation (DRG) to the future Smart Grid (SG) is one of the important considerations that is highly prioritized in the SG development roadmap by most of the countries including Malaysia. The plausible way of this integration is the enhancement of information and bidirectional communication infrastructure for energy monitoring and controlling facilities. However, urgency of data delivery through maintaining critical time condition is not crucial in these facilities. In this paper, we have surveyed state-of-the-art protocols for different Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) with the aim of realizing communication infrastructure for DRG in Malaysia. Based on the analytical results from surveys, data communication for DRG should be efficient, flexible, reliable, cost effective, and secured. To meet this achievement, IEEE802.15.4 supported ZigBee PRO protocol together with sensors and embedded system is shown as Wireless Sensor (WS) for DRG bidirectional network with prospect of attaining data monitoring facilities. The prospect towards utilizing ZigBee PRO protocol can be a cost effective option for full integration of intelligent DRG and small scale Building-Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV)/Feed-in-Tariff (FiT) under SG roadmap (Phase4: 2016–2017) conducted by Malaysia national utility company, Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB). Moreover, we have provided a direction to utilize the effectiveness of ZigBee-WS network with the existing optical communication backbone for data importing from the end DRG site to the TNB control center. A comparative study is carried out among developing countries on recent trends of SG progress which reveals that some common projects like smart metering and DRG integration are on priority

    Facilitating wireless coexistence research

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    Miniaturised and reconfigurable planar filters for ultra-wideband applications

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    An increasing demand for electromagnetic spectrum has resulted from the emergence of feature-rich and faster throughputs wireless applications. This necessitates the developments of dynamic reconfigurable or multifunctional systems to better exploit the existing spectrum. Future wireless devices will be expected to communicate over several bands with various other devices in order to fine tune the services they provide to the user. Each band may require a separate RF transceiver and such modern wireless multi-band multi-mode communication systems call for high performance, highly integrated compact modules. Since the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released the unlicensed frequency band 3.1-10.6 GHz for ultra-wideband (UWB) commercial communications, the development race for commercialising UWB technology has seen a dramatic increase around the world. The aim of this research is to develop reconfigurable planar microwave filters for ultrawideband applications. The project investigates some key design issues of reconfigurable filters, which are being observed constantly in the latest development and realisation of microwave filters. Both analytical and numerical methods are performed to construct a realistic and functional design. Two different types of frequency reconfigurability are investigated in this thesis: discrete (e.g. PIN diode, Optical switch) and continuous (e.g. varactor diode). Using the equivalent circuits and considering the direct coupled filter structure in most cases, several topologies with attractive features are developed for future communication systems. The proposed works may be broadly categorised into three sections as follows. The first section explores a square ring shape close loop resonator along with an opencircuited stub in the symmetry plane. To realise a reconfigurable frequency states within the same spectrum, an innovative approach is developed for this case. An optical or photoconductive switch, comprised of a silicon die activated using near infrared light is investigated as a substitute of PIN diode and performances are evaluated to compare the feasibilities. In addition, a in-band interference rejection technique via externally coupled Tshape resonator is shown. However, it is observed that both structures achieve significant size reductions by utilising the inner part of the resonators. To improve the filter selectivity, a convenient design approach generating a pair of transmission zeros between both passband edges and a single zero in the stop band for harmonic suppression is discussed in the second section. Moreover, the development of notched rejection bands are studied and several novel methods to create a single and multiple notched bands employing the square ring shape structure are proposed. On inspection, it is found that the notch structure can be implemented without deteriorating the filter performances. The discussions are supplemented with detailed design examples which are accompanied by theoretical, simulated and experimental results in order to illustrate the filter development process and showcase practical filter performance. The third section reveals a novel highly compact planar dual-mode resonator with sharp rejections characteristics for UWB applications. A bandwidth reconfiguring technique is demonstrated by splitting its even-mode resonance. Filter structure with the dual-mode resonator is shown to have a relatively wide tuning range, significantly low insertion loss and a constant selectivity along with frequency variations in comparison to similar published works. Finally, the earlier dual-mode structure are modified to realise a dual wideband behaviour. A detail analysis with comprehensive design procedures is outlined and a solution for controlling the frequency bandwidths independently according to the application interest is provided. In line with the previous section, experimental verification is presented to support and supplement the discussions

    Assessing Coexistence of IEEE 802.15.4 Networks and IEEE 802.11b/g/n Networks - A Study of Interference Effects

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    The study of the coexistence capabilities of networks based on the IEEE 802.11 and IEEE 802.15.4 standards has long been of interest to researchers owing to the individual success of these two technologies in various applications of Internet of Things (IoT). Operating in the same Industrial-Scientific-Medical (ISM) band, their coexistence does not always yield satisfactory results. The performance of a network based on IEEE 802.15.4 standard has been shown to be significantly lowered in the presence of a strong IEEE 802.11 based network (Wireless LAN) to the extent that communication based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard can be rendered impossible in certain scenarios. This work is an effort towards analyzing interference caused by the three non-overlapping channels 1, 6 and 11 of IEEE 802.11b/g/n on the usable 2.4GHz spectrum of IEEE 802.15.4 standard. Recommendations of plausible scenarios for successful coexistence of these two networking technologies have been made. Assessment of the performance of an IEEE 802.15.4 standard based network through the Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR) on various channels of operation has yielded valuable insights. The experiments carried out in real-world environment stand as datapoints in predicting and understanding the interference behavior in real-life applications

    Low-Complexity Multi-User MIMO Algorithms for mmWave WLANs

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    Very high throughput and high-efficiency wireless local area networks (WLANs) have become essential for today's significant global Internet traffic and the expected significant global increase of public WiFi hotspots. Total Internet traffic is predicted to expand 3.7-fold from 2017 to 2022. In 2017, 53% of overall Internet traffic used by WiFi networks, and that number is expected to increase to 56.8% by 2022. Furthermore, 80% of overall Internet traffic is expected to be video traffic by 2022, up from 70% in 2017. WiFi networks are also expected to move towards denser deployment scenarios, such as stadiums, large office buildings, and airports, with very high data rate applications, such as ultra-high definition video wireless streaming. Thus, in order to meet the predicted growth of wireless traffic and the number of WiFi networks in the world, an efficient Internet access solution is required for the current IEEE 802.11 standards. Millimeter wave (mmWave) communication technology is expected to play a crucial role in future wireless networks with large user populations because of the large spectrum band it can provide. To further improve spectrum efficiency over mmWave bands in WLANs with large numbers of users, the IEEE 802.11ay standard was developed from the traditional IEEE 802.11ad standard, aiming to support multi-user MIMO. Propagation challenges associated with mmWave bands necessitate the use of analog beamforming (BF) technologies that employ directional transmissions to determine the optimal sector beam between a transmitter and a receiver. However, the multi-user MIMO is not exploited, since analog BF is limited to a single-user, single-transmission. The computational complexity of achieving traditional multi-user MIMO BF methods, such as full digital BF, in the mmWave systems becomes significant due to the hardware constraints. Our research focuses on how to effectively and efficiently realize multi-user MIMO transmission to improve spectrum efficiency over the IEEE 802.11ay mmWave band system while also resolving the computational complexity challenges for achieving a multi-user MIMO in mmWave systems. This thesis focuses on MAC protocol algorithms and analysis of the IEEE 802.11ay mmWave WLANs to provide multi-user MIMO support in various scenarios to improve the spectrum efficiency and system throughput. Specifically, from a downlink single-hop scenario perspective, a VG algorithm is proposed to schedule simultaneous downlink transmission links while mitigating the multi-user interference with no additional computational complexity. From a downlink multi-hop scenario perspective, a low-complexity MHVG algorithm is conducted to realize simultaneous transmissions and improve the network performance by taking advantage of the spatial reuse in a dense network. The proposed MHVG algorithm permits simultaneous links scheduling and mitigates both the multi-user interference and co-channel interference based only on analog BF information, without the necessity for feedback overhead, such as channel state information (CSI). From an uplink scenario perspective, a low-complexity user selection algorithm, HBF-VG, incorporates user selection with the HBF algorithm to achieve simultaneous uplink transmissions for IEEE 802.11ay mmWave WLANs. With the HBF-VG algorithm, the users can be selected based on an orthogonality criterion instead of collecting CSI from all potential users. We optimize the digital BF to mitigate the residual interference among selected users. Extensive analytical and simulation evaluations are provided to validate the performance of the proposed algorithms with respect to average throughput per time slot, average network throughput, average sum-rate, energy efficiency, signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR), and spatial multiplexing gain

    The challenge of long-distance over-the-air wireless links in the ocean: a survey on water-to-water and water-to-land miot communication

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    Robust wireless communication networks are a cornerstone of the modern world, allowing data to be transferred quickly and reliably. Establishing such a network at sea, a Maritime Internet of Things (MIoT), would enhance services related to safety and security at sea, environmental protection, and research. However, given the remote and harsh nature of the sea, installing robust wireless communication networks with adequate data rates and low cost is a difficult endeavor. This paper reviews recent MIoT systems developed and deployed by researchers and engineers over the past few years. It contains an analysis of short-range and long-range over-the-air radio-frequency wireless communication protocols and the synergy between these two in the pursuit of an MIoT. The goal of this paper is to serve as a go-to guide for engineers and researchers that need to implement a wireless sensor network at sea. The selection criterion for the papers included in this review was that the implemented wireless communication networks were tested in a real-world scenario.cofunded by the project K2D: Knowledge and Data from the Deep to Space with reference POCI-01-0247-FEDER-045941, cofinanced by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through the Operational Program for Competitiveness and Internationalization (COMPETE2020), and by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the MIT Portugal Program. This work is also cofinanced by national funds through FCT–Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P., under project SONDA (PTDC/EME-SIS/1960/2020). T.M. thanks FCT for grant SFRH/BD/145070/201


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    Antenna engineering is very important in the development of communication systems and the requirements for low profile antennas that cover a wide spectrum of frequencies increase the number of researches in this field. Accordingly, scientists have focused on UWB microstrip antennas that cover the range from 3.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz but others concentrate on enhancing its performance using a special type of materials called metamaterials. The main objective of this work is to enhance frequency bandwidth, antenna gain, and radiation pattern for the UWB circular microstrip antenna by employing the Split Ring Resonator (SRR) technique, which is one type of metamaterial. Circular and square split-ring resonators are investigated as an enhancement method after studying their characteristics. Multiple techniques are also applied to these two structures prior to being implemented at the antenna’s backside including different SRR schematics such as the SRR position with respect to the ground, inner and outer ring rotation, positive and negative rotation angle, number of SRR units, SRR size, SRR design, in addition to using the complementary SRR. Furthermore, two techniques are combined together in some designs to observe how the antenna’s performance will be affected. The proposed techniques rely on the variation in capacitance and inductance which will affect the resonant frequency of the SRR unit cell. Then some SRR Schematics were implemented in the proposed circular antenna design to test the functionality within WiFi frequencies 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. The enhancement can be summarized in increasing antenna bandwidth and transmitting or rejecting specific frequency bands. The results of the study reveal an enhancement in circular antenna performance. UWB circular antenna with elliptical rings has a frequency bandwidth between 3.5 GHz to 9 GHz and a maximum gain of around 5 dB; during the enhancement process using the previously mentioned techniques, the frequency bandwidth increased to cover the range from 2.2 GHz to 9.8 GHz along with some bands rejection. It was noted that some rejected bands have shifted to higher frequencies when applying inner or outer ring rotation. To emphasize this, WiFi frequencies 2.4 GHz and 5GHz are inspected by using the suitable size of S-SRR to decide which frequency to reject or transmit depending on the communication applications. The outcomes of this work should assist in designing antennas with SRR depending on required communication applications and operating frequencies

    Enhancing Indoor Localisation: a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Beacon Placement approach

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    Indoor location-based services have become increasingly vital in various sectors, including industries, healthcare, airports, and crowded infrastructures, facilitating asset tracking and user navigation. This project addresses the critical challenge of optimising beacon placement for indoor location, employing Bluetooth technology as the communication protocol. The significance of this research lies in the effi ciency and accuracy that an optimised beacon layout can provide, enhancing the effectiveness of indoor positioning systems. The algorithm developed takes into con sideration materials attenuation, coverage and Line of Sight (LOS) conditions to optimise its layouts. Experimental validation of the algorithm’s performance was conducted by comparing two beacon layouts: one optimised by the algorithm and the other manually arranged by individuals with empirical knowledge in the field. The experiment considered three distinct positions within the schematic, allowing for a comprehensive assessment of the optimised layout’s superior performance. The results of this research offer insights into the potential of the algorithm to revolu tionise indoor location services, providing a more reliable and cost-effective solution for a multitude of applications.Os serviços de localização em ambientes internos tornaram-se cada vez mais essenciais em vários setores, incluindo indústrias, cuidados de saúde, aeroportos e infraestruturas movimentadas, facilitando o rastreamento de objetos e a navegação de utilizadores. Este projeto aborda o desafio crítico da otimização da colocação de beacons para localização em ambientes internos, utilizando a tecnologia Bluetooth como protocolo de comunicação. A importância desta pesquisa reside na eficiência e precisão que uma disposição otimizada de beacons pode proporcionar, melhorando a eficácia de sistemas de posicionamento em ambientes internos. O algoritmo desenvolvido leva em consideração a atenuação de materiais, a cobertura e as condições de visão direta para otimizar as suas disposições. A validação experimental do desempenho do algoritmo foi realizada ao comparar duas disposições de beacons: uma otimizada pelo algoritmo e outra organizada manualmente por indivíduos com conhecimento empírico na área. A experiência considerou três posições distintas no esquema, permitindo uma avaliação abrangente do desempenho superior da disposição otimizada. Os resultados desta pesquisa oferecem descobertas importantes sobre o potencial do algoritmo para revolucionar os serviços de localização em ambientes internos, proporcionando uma solução mais confiável e econômica para uma variedade de aplicações
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