11 research outputs found

    An empirical assessment of Quasi-permanently vacant channels in mobile communication bands for cognitive radio

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    Radio spectrum is a scarce source and very significant to measure and monitor. The present spectrum must be exploited efficiently since every new application must be allocated to spectrum. With purpose of using the spectrum efficiently, there are worldwide research efforts on dynamic spectrum access. Among these methods, cognitive radio mostly draws attention. In order to carry out dynamic spectrum access studies successfully, available spectrum must be meticulously analyzed. In this paper, spectrum occupancy measurements between 25-3000 MHz frequency bands were made in three different regions (Selçuklu, Karatay, Meram) of Konya, Turkey in outdoors during six months. Obtained data is presented with graphics. The occupancy ratios are %5.12, %4.46 and %4.19 for Selçuklu, Karatay and Meram, respectively

    Ecosystem-Driven Design of In-Home Terminals Based on Open Platform for the

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    Abstract—In-home healthcare services based on the Internet-of-Things (IoT) have great business potentials. To turn it into reality, a business ecosystem should be established first. Technical solutions should therefore aim for a cooperative ecosystem by meeting the interoperability, security, and system integration requirements. In this paper, we propose an ecosystem-driven design strategy and apply it in the design of an open-platform-based in-home healthcare terminal. A cooperative business ecosystem is formulated by merging the traditiona

    “Estudio espectral para la aplicación del estándar 802.22 (WRAN) mediante el uso de USRP para zonas rurales del cantón Ambato.”

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    La proliferación de dispositivos y servicios inalámbricos para usos tales como las comunicaciones móviles, la seguridad pública, WiFi y televisión sirven como el ejemplo más indiscutible de cuánto la sociedad moderna se ha vuelto dependiente de espectro radioeléctrico. Mientras que la tierra y la energía constituye el más preciado recurso de creación de riqueza durante las eras agrícola e industrial, respectivamente, el espectro radioeléctrico se ha convertido en el recurso más valioso de la era moderna.(FC Commission. (2006), n.d.). En nuestro país y en el mundo existen zonas rurales que inevitablemente por su ubicación geográfica irregular y su reducido número de habitantes se convierten en zonas de difícil acceso y poco rentables para las compañías que ofrecen servicios de telecomunicaciones, un ejemplo claro es el servicio de banda ancha Inalámbrico por lo que el desafío de las empresas es llevar servicios de accesos a la información como el internet a zonas que por años se han encontrado alejadas y sus habitantes no han tenido la oportunidad de acceder al mismo. De ahí han apareciendo diferentes tecnologías que permiten el acceso a los servicios mencionados, una de ellas son las que utilizan técnicas de Radio Cognitiva, o bien llamadas Tecnologías Emergentes, este es el Estándar 802.22 WRAN (Wireless Regional Area Network), que no es más que un método de acceso punto a multipunto que funciona en la banda de Televisión VHF y UHF, rango que cubre frecuencias entre 54 MHz y 686 MHz, convirtiéndose en una norma útil para servir a las zonas rurales donde los canales de televisión abierta llegan con baja potencia y su espectro asignado sub utilizado, consecuentemente se puede utilizar estos espacios para brindar servicios de comunicaciones inalámbricas(FC Commission. (2006), n.d.)

    A Probabilistic Model of Spectrum Occupancy, User Activity, and System Throughput for OFDMA based Cognitive Radio Systems

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    With advances in communications technologies, there is a constant need for higher data rates. One possible solution to overcome this need is to allocate additional bandwidth. However, due to spectrum scarcity this is no longer feasible. In addition, the results of spectrum measurement campaigns discovered the fact that the available spectrum is under-utilized. One of the most significant solutions to solve the under- utilization of radio-frequency (RF) spectrum is the cognitive radio (CR) concept. A valid mathematical model that can be applied for most practical scenarios and also captures the random fluctuations of the spectrum is necessary. This model provides a significant insight and also a better quantitative understanding of such systems and this is the topic of this dissertation. Compact mathematical formulations that describe the realistic spectrum usage would improve the recent theoretical work to a large extent. The data generated for such models, provide a mean for a more realistic evaluation of the performance of CR systems. However, measurement based models require a large amount of data and are subject to measurement errors. They are also likely to be subject to the measurement time, location, and methodology. In the first part of this dissertation, we introduce cognitive radio networks and their role on solving the problem of under-utilized spectrum. In the second part of this dissertation, we target the random variable which accounts for the fraction of available subcarriers for the secondary users in an OFDMA based CR system. The time and location dependency of the traffic is taken into account by a non-homogenous Poisson Point Process (PPP). In the third part, we propose a comprehensive statistical model for user activity, spectrum occupancy, and system throughput in the presence of mutual interference in an OFDMA-based CR network which accounts for the sensing procedure of spectrum sensor, spectrum demand-model and spatial density of primary users, system objective for user satisfaction which is to support as many users as possible, and environment-dependent conditions such as propagation path loss, shadowing, and channel fading. In the last part of this dissertation, unlike the second and the third parts that the modeling is theoretical and based on limiting assumptions, the spectrum usage modeling is based on real data collected from an extensive measurement

    Physical Layer Security in Wireless Networks: Design and Enhancement.

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    PhDSecurity and privacy have become increasingly significant concerns in wireless communication networks, due to the open nature of the wireless medium which makes the wireless transmission vulnerable to eavesdropping and inimical attacking. The emergence and development of decentralized and ad-hoc wireless networks pose great challenges to the implementation of higher-layer key distribution and management in practice. Against this background, physical layer security has emerged as an attractive approach for performing secure transmission in a low complexity manner. This thesis concentrates on physical layer security design and enhancement in wireless networks. First, this thesis presents a new unifying framework to analyze the average secrecy capacity and secrecy outage probability. Besides the exact average secrecy capacity and secrecy outage probability, a new approach for analyzing the asymptotic behavior is proposed to compute key performance parameters such as high signal-to-noise ratio slope, power offset, secrecy diversity order, and secrecy array gain. Typical fading environments such as two-wave with diffuse power and Nakagami-m are taken into account. Second, an analytical framework of using antenna selection schemes to achieve secrecy is provided. In particular, transmit antenna selection and generalized selection combining are considered including its special cases of selection combining and maximal-ratio combining. Third, the fundamental questions surrounding the joint impact of power constraints on the cognitive wiretap channel are addressed. Important design insights are revealed regarding the interplay between two power constraints, namely the maximum transmit at the secondary network and the peak interference power at the primary network. Fourth, secure single carrier transmission is considered in the two-hop decode-andi forward relay networks. A two-stage relay and destination selection is proposed to minimize the eavesdropping and maximize the signal power of the link between the relay and the destination. In two-hop amplify-and-forward untrusted relay networks, secrecy may not be guaranteed even in the absence of external eavesdroppers. As such, cooperative jamming with optimal power allocation is proposed to achieve non-zero secrecy rate. Fifth and last, physical layer security in large-scale wireless sensor networks is introduced. A stochastic geometry approach is adopted to model the positions of sensors, access points, sinks, and eavesdroppers. Two scenarios are considered: i) the active sensors transmit their sensing data to the access points, and ii) the active access points forward the data to the sinks. Important insights are concluded

    Towards realisation of spectrum sharing of cognitive radio networks

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    Cognitive radio networks (CRN) have emerged as a promising solution to spectrum shortcoming, thanks to Professor Mitola who coined Cognitive Radios. To enable efficient communications, CRNs need to avoid interference to both Primary (licensee) Users (PUs), and among themselves (called self-coexistence). In this thesis, we focus on self-coexistence issues. Very briefly, the problems are categorised into intentional and unintentional interference. Firstly, unintentional interference includes: 1) CRNs administration; 2) Overcrowded CRNs Situation; 3) Missed spectrum detection; 4) Inter-cell Interference (ICI); and 5) Inability to model Secondary Users’ (SUs) activity. In intentional interference there is Primary User Emulation Attack (PUEA). To administer CRN operations (Prob. 1), in our first contribution, we proposed CogMnet, which aims to manage the spectrum sharing of centralised networks. CogMnet divides the country into locations. It then dedicates a real-time database for each location to record CRNs’ utilisations in real time, where each database includes three storage units: Networks locations storage unit; Real-time storage unit; and Historical storage unit. To tackle Prob. 2, our second contribution is CRNAC, a network admission control algorithm that aims to calculate the maximum number of CRNs allowed in any location. CRNAC has been tested and evaluated using MATLAB. To prevent research problems 3, 4, and to tackle research problem (5), our third contribution is RCNC, a new design for an infrastructure-based CRN core. The architecture of RCNC consists of two engines: Monitor and Coordinator Engine (MNCE) and Modified Cognitive Engine (MCE). Comprehensive simulation scenarios using ICS Designer (by ATDI) have validated some of RCNC’s components. In the last contribution, to deter PUEA (the intentional interference type), we developed a PUEA Deterrent (PUED) algorithm capable of detecting PUEAs commission details. PUED must be implemented by a PUEA Identifier Component in the MNCE in RCNC after every spectrum handing off. Therefore, PUED works like a CCTV system. According to criminology, robust CCTV systems have shown a significant prevention of clear visible theft, reducing crime rates by 80%. Therefore, we believe that our algorithm will do the same. Extensive simulations using a Vienna simulator showed the effectiveness of the PUED algorithm in terms of improving CRNs’ performance