2 research outputs found


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    The article presents the results of research performed in the process of designing an expert system (ES) designed to assess the threats to information security (IS) of critical information facilities (CIF). The approach to designing of expert system on the basis of syllogisms and logic of predicates, and also a method of meaningful identification of objects of knowledge base (KB) is offered. The essence of the method is that each object of the database of the projected EU, is matched by a tuple of keywords (ToK), the significance of which is determined by experts. Thus, each database object is placed in accordance with the element of the finite fuzzy topological space of the database objects. Meaningful identification takes place on the distance between the objects of the database. The approach proposed in the work, in comparison with the decisions of other authors, has a number of advantages. Namely, it allows: to model different variants of cyber threat scenarios for CIF and their consequences; determine the contribution of each of the factors or components of the architecture of the IS CIF to the overall picture of the probability of a cyber threat to the CIF; model the interaction of all IS factors and, if necessary, visualize this interaction; calculate and further rank the values of cyber threat probabilities for CIF for specific threat scenarios; automate the processes of threat modeling through the use of developed software and significantly reduce the time for audit of threats. It is shown that the use of the method of meaningful identification allows to increase the adequacy of the models of the selected subject area, as well as to prevent erroneous introduction of the same judgments of experts and goals in the EU database, in particular by combining hierarchies of goals formed by different expert groups. It is shown that the method can also be used to find the goals of the hierarchy, the exact wording of which, according to keywords, is unknown.У статті викладені результати досліджень, виконаних в процесі проектування експертної системи (ЕС), призначеної для оцінки загроз інформаційної безпеки (ІБ) критично важливих об'єктів інформатизації (КВОІ). Запропоновано підхід до проектування експертної системи на основі силогізмів і логіки предикатів, а також методу змістовної ідентифікації об’єктів бази знань (БЗ). Суть методу полягає в тому, що кожному об'єкту БЗ проектованої ЕС, ставиться у відповідність кортеж ключових слів (КС), значимість яких визначається експертним шляхом. Таким чином, кожен об'єкт БЗ ставиться у відповідність елементу кінцевого нечіткого топологічного простору об'єктів БЗ. Змістовна ідентифікація проходить по відстані між об'єктами БЗ. Запропонований в роботі підхід, в порівнянні з рішеннями інших авторів, має низку переваг. А саме дозволяє: моделювати різноваріативні сценарії реалізації кіберзагроз для КВОІ і їх наслідки; визначати внесок від кожного з факторів або компонент архітектури ІБ КВОІ на загальну картину ймовірності реалізації кіберзагрози для КВОІ; моделювати взаємодію всіх факторів ІБ і при необхідності візуалізувати цю взаємодію; розраховувати і в подальшому ранжувати значення ймовірностей кіберзагроз для КВОІ для конкретних сценаріїв реалізації загроз; автоматизувати за рахунок застосування розробленого ПО процеси моделювання загроз і значно скоротити час на аудит загроз. Показано, що використання методу змістовної ідентифікації, дозволяє підвищити адекватність моделей обраної предметної області, а також запобігти помилкове введення в БЗ ЕС однакових за змістом суджень експертів і цілей, зокрема при об'єднанні ієрархій цілей, сформованих різними експертними групами. Показано, що метод також може використовуватися для пошуку цілей ієрархії, точні формулювання яких, за ключовими словами, невідомі

    Situational awareness through IoT sensors : A smart healthcare system as a use case

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    Emerging technologies of the Internet of Things are getting increasingly significant and to some extent essential as well to the society we are living in. These technologies have shown ability over the time to be implemented in a number of different fields, for instance, Smart Home, Smart Building, Smart City, Smart Retail, Smart Supply Chain, Smart Farming, Smart Grid, Industrial Internet and many more. Incorporation of Internet of Things technologies in the healthcare sector has potential to benefit not only medical related enterprises but at the same time it can improve the overall health and well-being of individuals as well. The deployment of IoT integrated systems has to deal with fairly heterogeneous environments that consist of a large number of sensors and actuators which all can be quite different from one another in many aspects. For example, they can use different operating systems and can have different hardware architecture. Such sensors are sometimes used for situational awareness of the surrounding and for making the individuals interact better with their environment. Such variety of applications and tasks poses a problem for system designers and developers on the choice of the most suitable technology to be employed to accomplish a specific task. This thesis explores the potential of Internet of Things technologies in the medical sector. We used analytical hierarchical process to have a kind of situational awareness through IoT technologies. As an use case, a healthcare system was considered for elderly people with neurological problems who need special care – people suffering with dementia for example. At the same time we have taken into account for the proposed system that it would enable regular people track and monitor their usual activities with a focus on improving the quality of life and enhancing their overall wellbeing. It is of prime importance for the system designers and developers that they have an idea about the potential IoT technologies and applications that can help this cause. We have considered eleven different IoT technologies to select from for the proposed paradigm. The decision of selecting the most appropriate technology obviously depends upon different criteria. Every IoT technology has its pros and cons. According to the needs of the proposed healthcare system, we have constructed a multi-criteria hierarchical model to assess the potential of those eleven IoT technologies for the healthcare system and chosen the best one based on set criteria and sub criteria. A 4-tier Analytical Hierarchical model is used to compare those technologies in terms of their quality of service or effectiveness, their acceptability and from the cost perspective. These criteria are then further divided into sub-criteria and the technologies are compared with respect to these ten sub-criteria to have a more thorough and comprehensive analysis. For these comparisons, quantitative data were collected from the internet including IEEE articles, and some of the comparisons are purely subjective. The results indicate that wide-area low-power solutions show more potential for the proposed healthcare system than other IoT technologies which we used for comparison, and SigFox tops the table. Also WiFi solutions have shown significant potential. But again, every technology has its shortcomings as well. Further studies are needed to see if we can somehow make a hybrid healthcare system that utilizes multiple IoT technologies and incorporate the plus points of all of them into the system; such future system can prove to be revolutionary in the medical care